So, Obama sets a Red Line.

Remember his Red Line on Syria, turned into a Pink Line, then a White Line. Listen to this POS. He says voters didn’t believe Democracy was a priority. What an idiot, they voted, you jerk. That is Democracy. Your idea of Democracy is to have it your way only. but that is autorcracy.
Then he talks about Pluralism. We know what he is seeking, he complains that White People don’t embrace people who are different than them. In other words, Obama, can’t accept the thought that White People at large, incuding those of Color, Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, and Asians who agree with White People and their vision of America. The bottom line here is that Obama can’t accept a country built on the Judeo-Christian ethic. He wants to tear it down, like his Bros in the Hood have torn down city after city. Obama will not be satisfied unless a Mosque is built on every corner.
Former President Obama declared that if “one side” attempts to cement “a permanent grip on power” through “suppressing votes,” “politicizing” the military or weaponizing the judiciary and criminal justice system to target opponents, “a line has been crossed.”

His comments came even as many Americans believe that President-elect Trump has been unfairly targeted in unwarranted politically motivated cases.
Obama made the comments during a speech on Thursday during the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum.
The speech marked his first public remarks following the 2024 election.
“Suppressing votes” the greatest fabrication of all time. Where are those voters whose votes were suppressed? They dont exist. Obama is fanning the flames. Doesn’t talk about illegals voting.”
Politicizing the military. We know all about that. Ask Austin!
Weaponizing the Judiciary. Another conodrumn. No one has ever politicized the judiciary more than Obama and Biden.
Using the Criminal Justice system to targ3et opponents. Something that Obama knows all about. Ask Trump!
All of the above are actions which Obama and Biden have taken during their 12 years in power.
Imagine the balls this guy has, spewing out one lie after another to arouse his commrades to riot.