As our LOGO depicts, the FED, DEMOCRATS, ENTITLEMENTS, BIG GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC UNIONS being thrown overboard, we stand today on the threshold of seeing these events happening. Thanks to President Donald J. Trump, our vision is now close at hand. Patriots, we worked hard to reach this goal, one where we will have a President who tells the truth, does not pander to Politica Correctness and stands up to dictators.

Back in June 2015 we supported “The Don” on his quest to the presidency. Below is our post from that date.
Republicans have been blindsided by “The Donald“, coming out of the bush, mounting a serious challenge to the Republican dogs who are licking their wounds. What does this tell you? It tells the Republican “also rans” that America is sick and tired of their day in and day out bull…t. Capturing both houses in 2014 they have not put on the gloves, but have bowed to the anointed one.
Committee meetings, TV appearances are all for show, newspaper interviews, all a bunch hogwash. Lois Lerner has not been arrested, Hillary Clinton, a congenital liar, dishes out a verbal contamination of pure unadulterated s…. And “We the People” have had it. Every single day there is another news story about corruption, money missing, emails erased; it goes on and on.
Who the hell are these people working for anyway? As we said before, we need a President who does not pander to the crowds, does not lick the tail of foreign dictators, who stands with friends, who will jail the guilty and see to it that government works for the people instead of the people working for the government. Donald Trump is our man.
Adding insult to injury, ten Republicans voted for Loretta Lynch as attorney general, they are Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Mark Kirk, Rob Portman, Thad Cochran, Susan Collins, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch and Mitch McConnell. That in itself is prima facie evidence of a corrupt government, one that needs to be dissolved before it can do more damage.