On his way out since January 2021, Biden’s crew has kept it a secret regarding his mental decline. Put it this way, he lost his marbles many decades ago. The progressive wing of the D party hoisted him up because they were in trouble. And so it was that the election was stolen in many ways, the least of which was the Fake News Media, who dismissed the Hunter laptop as Russian Disinformmation.

Now it comes to pass that this POS got his ass whipped by Obama and the other invalid, Peloshit. They staged a coup. Harris was not their man but Biden appointed her top dog. She turned out to be a dog, failed to win any of the seven swing states. The voters new a mongrel when they saw one.

Now, on his way out to the proverbial dog pound, Biden has declared that 625 million acres in federal waters off limits for oil and gas exploration. He did this to prevent Trump from “drill, baby, drill.” What a stinker this MF is.