There have been Trans people around from the beginning of time. They have been accepted as human beings. They are artists, dancers, poets, writer, playwrights, mayors, judges, representatives, senators and more. However, when they as a group demand special privileges that far surpass those of the population as a whole, we become upset. Having a Tran use a girls shower is way beyond the pale. What are they thinking of? On the other hand, having a Tran girl using a boys bathroom can be upsetting to Jocks. Do you see what we mean here?
There are many instances where the gene pool becomes tangled. The causation then becomes a virtual nightmare for those suffering this dilemma. Those who lament their true being are in a way, confused on who they are. We suffer along with them. But moving forward, we are as much as upset as them, when the education industry plays psychological warfare in their own minds, confusing them. This is not right, confusing those in the development stage when they are most sensitive, but beyond that, convinced that they are something they are not.