It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. “NOTHING” is the best way to describe them. First of all they are against anything and anyone who is a Patriot; they despise them. If that is the case get the “flying f.ck out of here.” Why stay here if you can’t stomach America. Why get shit thrown into your face daily? Why put up with this? We know why, you are crazy, suffering from Trump derangement syndrome. Tell you what, America will send you a one way ticket anywhere in the world, plus we will fill your pocket with $100,000. We know that you won”t take this offer because you are so sick that you will not leave until you get killed by an illegal immigrant.

All kidding aside, most of you are sick in mind, too bad the fentanyl you are on didn’t vaporize your brain. We would suggest taking the easy way out by drinking some acetone. Not only will you get high but the results would be so humiliating that your funeral will be attended by only the funeral director and his cohorts, “hazmat suits “ mandated. And of course your burial site will be off limits for decades due to it being recognized as a toxic area.