They tried it in countless countries, Germany, Zimbabwe, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba and the rest of the banana republics. Chiquita bananas in a storeIt just doesn’t work. The ending is always the same. Some may take longer than others, but the final result is will come sooner or later. Yes, we are talking about the printing press. Wallpaper became the most economical use in Germany’s Weimar Republic. Biden has ramped up the presses at ‘WARP SPEED‘ which is akin to blowing a lid off the proverbial pressure cooker.

The yearly raise to social security will be known next week as September’s YOY number will be released. We don’t have a crystal ball, but can see through the clouds into the future. Look for a 5% boost in SS next year. 

Warren Buffett to CNBC: 'Never Heard' of German Hyperinflation Book Until Report He's 'Recommending' It

This week’s news was like a kick in the ass to Joe Biden.

In September, 5.0 million persons reported that they had been unable to work because their employer
closed or lost business due to the pandemic—that is, they did not work at all or worked fewer hours at
some point in the last 4 weeks due to the pandemic. This measure is down from 5.6 million in August.
Among those who reported in September that they were unable to work because of pandemic-related
closures or lost business, 15.5 percent received at least some pay from their employer for the hours
not worked, little changed from the prior month.

Biden battered by crises as president’s approval plunges

From the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to an influx of migrants at the southern border, Biden has suffered major setbacks

Just over eight months into office, President Biden is drowning in crises.

From immigration, to foreign policy, to the economy, to the coronavirus pandemic, the president’s problems appear to be mounting.


Arguably the biggest crisis Biden is facing right now stems from his troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, during which 13 American service members were killed in Kabul.

Biden was quick to blame others for the botched operation that saw the Taliban swiftly take over the country as Afghan security forces crumbled and U.S. weapons and equipment were seized.

The Taliban flag flew over the former U.S. embassy in Kabul as Americans struggled to leave the country, while the Biden administration insisted it would be able to get every American citizen out.


The August jobs numbers have economists worried. Here’s why