Never in the history of the United States has any president done more harm to the United States than this brain dead president. Because of the Fake news delinquents, all liberal scum, from CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc. and their correspondents who distributed, altered, propagandized, faked, made up rumors, created stories out of thin air who distributed their wares through talk shows, nightly news, instagram, tweets, facebook, and google among others.
In other words, THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. Not a sane person who knew the Truth would have voted for the “DISASTER” that stole the election with the help of the likes of Soros and Fake News Organizations.
America has seen Biden at work, or as in known in academic circles, a mentally deranged idiot. He is drunk on kool-aid injections jabbed by the Suicide squad bombers. America knows who they are. It is obvious that their ultimate goal is not only chaos, but the total destruction of America.
But what America must know is that Trump, an outsider, took hold of the government from Day One, on that January day in 2017. Without any government experience he was, as they say, a quick learner. And he was, running the government beyond anyone’s expectations.
The moronic and impudent who sits in the White House today who has 47 years of experience can be compared to the mentally challenged idiot who was not socially promoted but left behind for 47 straight years.