Any sensible person, Democrats excluded because they are not sensible, will agree that POTUS has fallen down on the job more than once.  He does not tilt at windmills, he walks straight into their spinning blades, failing to see the long term effects before acting.

But not only that, Joe doesn’t know how to execute with dispatch. Although he has endured politically for 48 years, his record, certainly not etched in stone, never will be, gives credence to the diagnosis of a “low IQ individual, in the midst of a mental breakdown. There will be no “bots” to bail this “beat ‘m like a drum” lackey.

The facts speak for themselves; Joe is punch drunk, took too many beatings from fellow pugilists while gearing up for the main event. We can envision Howard Cosell now repeating, “down goes Biden, down goes Biden.” We don’t need the iconic announcer to tell us that, we see it on a daily basis. Smelling salts won’t help out this incompetent. Bring it on please. We can’t wait for the final knockdown in November 2023.