Politicizing the Supreme Court is not to be taken lightly. Democrats go for the political agenda types, when Republicans go for the Constitutionalists. There is no sense whatever to obey the Constitution if a Liberal Perv sitting on the Bench is going to rule in your favor and against the Constitution as Written.

Let us remind THEM that those who wrote this Sacred Document were not dummies. In fact they were the smartest and most qualified gentlemen on earth. Their words had meaning; they meant what they said and said what they meant.

Now we have another flagrant violator of the law whose many decisions have been overturned by the Supreme Court. In other words, we have the most Flagrant Violator who has ever sat on the bench. 

If they want to play with fire in this highly prized political environment, they will face the wrath of those who despise their philosophy.  But BEWARE, the time is fast approaching where your kind (not personal, but philosophical) is turned into the ashes that you came from.