States better wake up! We are one step away from the Bifurcation phase, in education, in culture, in our attitudes and in our daily lives. Class dividers want it that way; they are looking to pit different elements of society, those who they say deserve life on a sliver platter because it was stolen from them by the White Man, with those who have the sliver platter.

Wake up people, understand what is happening all around you. It is right under your noses.  Check out what is being taught in school, sex education in third grade, Critical Race theory starting in first grade and the 1619 agenda from kindergarten.

What we are leading into here is the attempted takeover by people who claim that the United States was born on racism; until they admit it, we will wage war on them. And you know who Them isYou.

To defend against the Woke, it will be necessary to bifurcate the Education system. Those who want freedom, liberty and justice for all will have their schools, those who believe that they are entitled to your wealth will have theirs. By the way, our teachers will be non- unionized, theirs will be left wing radicals. Our teachers will be stellar, theirs will be Socialist Nothings but the losers in life. See what we are getting at here? Their philosophy is socialism. Ours is Capitalism; American as apple pie.

Check below to understand the Animals who have escaped from their cages.