The second riches man, Jeff Bezos, has given Biden a tongue lashing. The reason being that Biden’s lying PR team tweeted a bunch of lies; fake news de jour.
As America knows that WaPo is an ultra liberal rag of sorts, printing all the Fake New that is fit to print. But when you get the owner, yes Jeff Bezos, lambasting Biden for lies, you wonder if the “TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING.” 
The White House is facing backlash after it falsely claimed in a tweet this week that “there was no vaccine available” for COVID-19 when Joe Biden took office last year, but Twitter, along with the White House, remain silent on why the that claim remains on the platform with no “misinformation” warning label.
On Thursday, the official White House Twitter account stated, “When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available.”