All American Patriots have been energized by Branden; they have been called to Duty on November 8. The will of the people will prevail, which is kicking out the squatters who have decimated our once great country. The American people have been waiting for this day, which has not come fast enough, to clean the house with dispatch. 

What has transpired over the past 24 months is inflation at forty year highs, unparalleled divisions of Americans brought about by an agenda that pits Americans against Americans, but favors illegals, many of them criminals in their own right. Border communities and cities trampled to death thanks to those who believe in anarchy. 

Judges and prosecutors of the liberal stripe have no sympathy for the victim, but allow murderers to roam the streets to kill again with vengeance. Gang violence, drug importation, rampant killings hitting our inner cities, the result of the liberal street who think it best to defund the police. Enforcing existing laws that they don’t agree with is anathema to their creed. 

Elite politicians threaten our Supreme Court Justices in addition to the President of the United States, “I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.” Including, “I will go and take out Trump tonight.” These threats are not to be taken lightly; they are Code Words for Violence by their left wing phalanx. 

We are witnessing a country where educators are telling parents how to bring up their children, how they are taught and that they have a choice in their being. That is not all, the Attorney General has deemed parents terrorists if they question the motives of the education industry. 

We ask the American voter, are you better off today than you were twenty four months ago?