Biden’s excuse mongers spill the verbal diatribe that “top secret” documents found in Biden’s home were planted by “???”, Republicans of course. Biden is so stupid that he did not realize that paper training his dog, Major, would be a cause of concern. Secret service leaks point to dog urine stains on the evidence. There is nothing to this story says Jaypal, another looney-toon, who doesn’t know squat.
But the truth here is more sinister than meets the eye. Hunter Biden, the coke addict son of Mr. Big Man, that is coke in Cocaine,
the Peruvian Princess to the uninitiated, stole them from the Big Man’s desk because they disclosed the incestuous relationship between them and the Chinese.
Like his laptop, these papers are very incriminating – in fact, the Big Guy might have to lawyer-up. A call to “lock her up” was made for help in this very matter. They discussed how to bleach-bit the papers before the Secret Service got a hold of them, but to no avail, it was too late. They were snatched before they could pour more urine on them. It was all family business says the coke-head.