Thank you Mr. Powell for delivering the guilty parties. And what are we talking about. Powell, 16th Chair of the Federal Reserve, who, because of his own veracity has delivered the greatest POT OF GOLD to savers, creditors and pensioners. How, you may ask?
One year ago, interest rates were near zero, CD’s hanging around 1-2%, today, CD’s are climbing toward the 5% range. What does this mean? For people without debt, but have money in savings accounts, they are reaping the benefit of Powell’s fight to tame the inflation bull. An individual with say $1mm large now will be capturing interest of $50thou, vs say $15thou a year ago. This is a mega moment, $35,000 more in their pocket, to spend on goods, vacations and grandkids.
The losers in this new environment are debtors or prospective debtors, For instance potential home buyers will be paying 6% plus for mortgages, variable mortgages are now being reset, the government will have to pay more interest to sell treasury bills, corporations are in the same boat. So there are losers and winners as the tables have been turned in favor of the saver vs the spender.
Looking back, there really was no need to lower interest rates down to zero, as they have done. This increased the national debt by $20 trillion, yes twenty large to get the economy going. The correct path was to keep rates or raise rates to 5%. What would the outcome been -a normalized economy, but something else. Total estimated $$$’s in savings accounts, bank accounts and money markets are somewhere in $30-40 Trillion dollars. At 5% interest, those savers would be receiving up to $2,000,000,000,000 in interest. This would go into the economy, one way or another. Over the past dozen years, then, the economy would have grown by, at a minimum, 4 times through the multiplier effect, or at the least $90 trillion added to the economy. There was no need to run up budget deficits.
Getting back to why this happened is easy enough. The largesse enabled POLITICIANS to pick and choose where the money will go, and that was to their patrons. Affectively they bought votes.
Now we will see millions more individuals in the retirement range to retire because they will be receiving their just interest, thereby supporting their lifestyle without having to delve into their principal savings. Hallelujah to them. The downside here is two fold, inflation won’t be tamed anytime soon, the government is one step away from Bankruptcy, Can this be held off a while longer? We don’t know, but what we do know is that the dollar is losing its reserve currency status. This means that precious metal, gold for instance will be your best bet as the dollar starts a downward trek.
How high will interest rates go? We predict, wild guess type, most likely up to 8-9%. Really, possibly, but time will tell Can the inflation beast be tames before the house of cards, the greatest Ponzi scheme be busted.