In all campaigns surrogates tout their candidate of choice. They describe what they will do to help their plight and why a vote for them is the right thing to do, Additionally, they bring to the table the positivity of their charge which will be beneficial in governing and specific policies they will enact helping those who need convincing on why they should vote for their candidate of choice.


“We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all corners of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama began.

“Now, I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers. So if you don’t mind — just for a second, I’ve got to speak to y’all and say that when you have a choice that is this clean: When on the one hand, you have somebody who grew up like you, went to college with you understands the struggles [and the] pain and joy that comes from those experiences…”


Obama was not only slippery but a very slick dude indeed, he knew how to work the crowd, but his most enduring quality, which was and still is, is his ability to speak out of three sides of his mouth at the same time. Remembering the Trayvon Martin comments? “The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner.” That comment was a prelude to the next comment, “The prosecution and the defense made their arguments.  The juries were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict.  And once the jury has spoken, that’s how our system works.” Reading into this Obama casts doubt on the Verdict. He also added, that is how our system works. Another take on this would read, Obama doesn’t agree with the verdict, but highlights the fact that the Jury (biased in his mind) rendered a verdict. Of course one that he didn’t like.

Then the grease was poured on the fire. “You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son.  Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. (Obama says, “this could have been my son.” Does this mean that your son would have been a two bit punk looking for trouble?) And when you think about why, in the African American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, (this evokes memories of the Deep South – Obama is bringing back the days of segregation, he infers that it is still here) I think it’s important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.” But we add, the African community has not cleaned up their act, their leaders are responsible for this. Why the big deal about Martin (may he rest in peace), when 750 Chicago Blacks met their maker last year, many of them children. No word about that coming from Obama’s lips.

We look at these disingenuous comments because first of all the George Zimmerman was gaslighted by the liberal press. Guilty as charged, another KKK killing by a White guy. The fact is that his mother was born in Peru. His father was of German extraction. The point to remember here is that George considered himself Hispanic. That has been lost on the public at large solely because of the propaganda campaign of the “FAKE NEWS” fourth estate.