We have seen the enemy. During and subsequent to the Trump MSG rally, MSNBC broadcast a 1939 MSG rally at MSG side by side with Trump supporters. The object was to manifest Trump supporters as Nazis. One problem, Trump supporters are diverse across the spectrum – Whites, Latinos, Blacks, Asians, LBGTQIA and others.
Trump has been campaigning for about eighteen months. Remember that he had to win the Republican primary, a valiant effort, indeed; don’t forget the the drag out fight with Niki Haley. But Kamala didn’t have a primary because Obama. Pelosi and Schumer executed a putsch. Poor Joe didn’t see that coming. Effectively, Kamala has only been campaigning since August. She is weak, her campaign is filled with hot air.
Trump is 79, Harris is going to be turning 60. We know that Trump has the vigor to be the next president of the United States. But we don’t know if Kamala is up to the task. Who do you want to steer the Ship of State? An unknown or a veteran who has done it before.
And by the way, Kamala’s deck hands are Obama and crew, the same dudes who have divided the country like we have never seen before. Don’t believe what Harris says, when she says we will bring this country together. That is just plain old bullshit. She (Obama) is looking for an outright civil war. Kamala is a Kamaleon of the highest rank.

Vote Trump next Tuesday. Get your friends, relatives and neighbors to do the same. He will Drain the Swamp, Harris will drain your wallet. Thank you from President Trump, the next President of the United States.