We have the Blame Game, the infighting, the spats, the down and dirty mud slinging, but in the end it doesn’t truly matter. The Democrats were outed, yes outed, as being the Party of the Pervs. America rejected their vision of America where boys become girls, girls become men, where binaries exist, where it is alright to rape, murder and kill, do drugs to your hearts content.
Harris -Biden had four years to clean this up, but to the dismay of the American public, he doubled down on the plethora of anomalies. On November 5, she was punished, given a beating like you never seen before.
What we saw on that infamous day, Democrat version, was a clean-out of the Trans Toilet, better known as the Senate and House. A virtual “whack” of the Pelosi-Schumer Cabal which sent a virulent message to these amoebas; America had enough of your Perv Agenda. Perhaps, the people of Frisco and the Big Apple will tolerate it but it will come a day where they too will go on the warpath and clean up the garbage.
In the end, “We the People” sent a message to the Perv Community. So, when the Saints go marching in, we want to be in that number. Thank you America for voting for President Trump