Let’s be crystal clear here regarding fault. Liberal judges, bail bond hearings, state policies have failed to do their job. We don’t know the exact count, but a wild ass guess would put the number of outstanding warrants for those who jumped bail and failed to show up for court at over a million. That brings us back to the time when you committed a crime, you did the time. Not today.
Police who try to do their job are stifled at every turn. Many times they do what had to be done at their own risk. Individual who torment police into hair trigger situations that provoke a adverse reaction are the ones at fault. Training can try to replicate a real life situation, however, in the heat of battle, nerves on end, adrenaline through the roof, situations arise where law enforcement officer have to make a decision on the spot or instantaneously react to one. For those who second guess these actions have never been there. They do not understand a life and death situation. WE DO.