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All posts by thenewbostonteaparty
Many of us despise Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader. However, we have to swallow hard to vote for him as his challenger Alison Grimes is a 100% Obama lackey. McConnell is vulnerable according to the latest polls, leading by 2.5%. Democrats are all in on this one. McConnell is sweating bullets to put it mildly.
Executive Produced by John Sullivan who co-directed America and 2016: Obama’s America , he is releasing a new film playing in 674 theaters Tuesday night ONLY, 7 PM.
Title: UnFair: Exposing the IRS
UnFair takes audiences on a tour across the country to explore the alleged cover-ups and abuses of power at the Internal Revenue Service. Additionally, this one night event will not only allow you to hear from the experts, but give you the chance to sit in on a panel discussion, hosted by Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
This is an amazing film. Very well done with top talent behind-the-scenes. Gov. Huckabee interviewed the producer Craig Bergman on his Saturday, 11 Oct Fox News Channel program ->
You can buy tickets in advance here:
Main site:
Tuesday, 14 Oct, 7:00 PM
CT Theaters
Digiplex Bloomfield 8, Buy |
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Connecticut Post 14 with IMAX, Buy |
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Democrats have carried the water for Obama this past six years, time now to hold them responsible; they are Obama in disguise – there is no getting away from it.
On November 4th Americans must stop the socialist gestapo from doing more damage to our Country. Vote them out before America implodes for good. Click here for the Conservative Campaign Committee chaired by Lloyd Marcus. Click here for more.
Michael Oberndorf tells it like it is.
Felonious Government
We, the People of the United States of America, no longer control our government. While we appear to still have free elections, we have little, if any, say in who the candidates are. Big money interests of all stripes control that, not the grassroots. And election fraud on a grand scale has become common and nearly impossible to prosecute. The Constitution has, for all intents and purposes, become a meaningless piece of paper. Lawlessness rules.
“President” and “Commander-in-Chief” Barack Barry Soetoro Hussein Obama and his co-conspirators Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, and Jeh Johnson have refused to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, leaving our border wide open to criminals, terrorists, and disease-carriers. They have publicly and repeatedly lied, claiming the borders “have never been more secure”. So secure that the boss of the Mexican Gulf Cartel, Juan Francisco Tamez Saens, aka, Comandante 103 or Comandante Panochitas, was able to cross into Texas where he managed to get himself arrested last Thursday night ( Moreover, it’s a well known fact that OTMs, Other Than Mexicans, regularly cross the border by the thousands every year, and that Islamic prayer rugs, Qurans, literature and diaries written in Arabic are often found. Add to this the growing suspicion that the source of enterovirus that is attacking America’s children is the massive influx of illegal aliens in recent months, and you have, like Benghazi, a clear case of the administration trying to cover up gross negligence and dereliction of duty. And as if this were not enough, intelligence analysts say it is very likely that ISIS will send Ebola infected terrorists across our “never been more secure” borders, adding exponentially to the already spreading plague that Obama has let in.
To add grievous injury to insult, Obama’s vaunted “strategy” to “destroy” and “eradicate” ISIS is failing, monumentally. Kobani is falling with estimates of 160,000 civilians in grave and imminent danger of being massacred. Bagdad is likely to suffer the same fate very soon. ISIS and the al-Qaeda Obama bragged was defeated appear to be about to join forces. This is what happens when hard leftists in government dictate to the military. We’ve watched it growing for years now, in Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, but if things aren’t radically changed, we won’t have to watch much longer.
However, not confident that his ISIS “strategy”, when combined with his “gay” policies, rules of engagement, and budget cuts, will be enough to destroy what’s left of morale in the military, Obama has – on his own – dictated that 4,000 troops be sent to the heart of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. These are not medical personnel or social workers. They have no specialized training, virtually guaranteeing that some, if not all of them will contract Ebola. Again, a virtual guarantee that they will infect other soldiers and that it will be brought back to the States or spread to our overseas bases. This amounts to treason and pre-meditated, cold-blooded, murder, with malice aforethought, and a blatant and barbaric attack on America and her people by the executive branch of our own government.
Meanwhile, Russia continues on its happy and carefree way down the daisy-lined path of empire rebuilding and nuclear rearmament, busily placing tactical nukes in Crimea. And guess what the reaction of our know-it-all, Marxist “Commander-in-Chief” and his bright red State Department is? To pursue informal talks on reducing America’s strategic nukes even further. I guess their thinking is that we won’t need a nuclear capability, since the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is in the process of undercutting the dollar, rendering it worthless and leaving us unable to pay for bus fare, much less national defense (
As usual, space limits the growing list of scandals and disasters perpetrated by Obama, his co-conspirators, his aiders and abettors on Capitol Hill and the “mainstream” media, and his bosses in the upper echelons of the banking and financial world. What has been mentioned here is just the tip of a monstrous iceberg, and America, guided by the above mentioned felons, is like the Titanic bearing down on it, full speed ahead.
The coming election, flawed though it may be, is crucial to our future as a free and independent, constitutional, capitalist republic. We will not survive another two years of Democrat dictatorship. Period. As distasteful as some of the Republican candidates for the Senate and the House are, they are exponentially better that any of the Marxists, fascists, globalists, and Islamists disguised as Democrats. We need to vote in record numbers, and for Republicans. We need a solid majority in both houses to begin the major clean-up and repair – firing the incompetent and treasonous, repealing the unconstitutional (e.g., Obamacare!) that must be done if we are to stay afloat. And we need to let OUR government know that if they do not listen to us and do as we say, there will be consequences. Period.
London has uncovered an ISIS plot, the first of many to come. By the way London, now known as Londonistan, has over 1,000,000, that is correct one million Muslims.
The Europeans has it right so far, rejecting Turkey’s entrance into the European Union (EU). What sets Europe apart from Turkey is their Islamic identity while Europe on the whole is Christian. And don’t forget that Turkey, mainly consisting of an Asian people, was an invading country under the Ottamans; Greece, Bosnia and Spain fell in their wake. That brings us to Turkey today. A NATO member under the iron hand of Islamist Erdogan who has no trouble stirring the pot of racism, blaming others for his faults.
Case in point, the Kurds who have been clamoring for their own country without success. Turkey is adamant that the Kurds are Turks and not minorities, therefore by acquiescing to their demand would open the floodgates for others. That is a self serving argument. And with ISIS one mile from the Turkish border on the ready to massacre the Kurds in Kobane, Syria, Erdogan says let them die, we will not help with their defense.
Regarding the recent Israeli pummeling of Hamas in Gaza (a Turkey benefactor), Turkey and its Siamese twins of Bashar Assad’s Syria, Iran and Qatar; countries aligned with the calaphate of ISIS faced off against Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan and the Emerites. And so the West waits, not patiently, to see if President, chicken little, Obama will have the moral, physical and mental courage to do what is right. Will Chuck Hagel listen to our commanders who say that boots on the ground are needed to do the job.
Bottom line, Europe has it right. Turkey is run by an Islamic Fascist; there is no room for this dictator in a free world. NATO must give him the boot he deserves, back to the stone age.
All of a sudden the CDC is on the Ebola seat. “We need to consider the possibility that there could be additional cases, particularly among the health care workers who cared for” Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, he said, adding: “We’re concerned that there could be other infections in the coming days.”
UPDATE: Texas healthcare worker at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital has tested positive with the Ebola virus. As state earlier, the number of people who came in contact with Mr. Duncan is unknown, the risks that more will test positive is high. Do not trust what the government is telling you, they are in the dark too. Ebola was first diagnosed in 1976 in Zaire, hundreds of people succumbed to the disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been charged with curtailing and eradicating diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. They have done a good job in that respect, but Ebola is far more deadly. Without educating the areas that are most at risk, the disease will go viral. This is the major concern of the free world.
With unchecked invaders crossing our borders the risk of the Ebola virus spreading is a given. Mr. Duncan, the Liberian who landed in Dallas was infected,treated and released, then hospitalized, dying a short two weeks later. We still don’t know how many individuals he came in contact with will come down with the disease.
The Center for Disease Control aka CDC is a reactive rather than proactive agency. But with threats of the disease matastasizing several airports are set to do temperature screening. New York’s Kennedy Airport is one of the first to screen patients. Brits though are preparing for the worst. We know that Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are ground zero. It is without question that our borders must be closed for visitors to our country from Africa.
Ebola is a deadly, fatal to 50% of those who get it. Presently there is no cure for the virus. Previous outbreaks have been limited due to the sequestration of the afflicted. However, today’s outbreak is most serious because of the ease of global travel and the lack of any controls.
For now, according to the experts, the disease is passed by those who come in contact with body fluids, but that has not been always the case. Therefore, it is most prudent to take a proactive approach by limiting visitors to our country. Once the disease spreads there is no telling where and how many will die. And this is a cause of grave concern to world economies.
The Racism of Open Borders
Democrats, “progressives”, liberals, communists, and fascists have all declared, albeit in rather shrill and hysterical tones, that we can’t close our borders, and to try is clearly racist. Does it seem odd to anyone else that every other country in the world, without exception, has restricted borders but us? Hmmm…food for thought, indeed. As to the ridiculous charge that a closed border is racist, let me say, “Poppycock! Balderdash!” and “Another of the usual leftist lies put out by the ‘mainstream’ media as truth!”
Point 1: A large proportion, if not the majority, of the travelers from West Africa, the area currently most effected by Ebola, are black.
Point 2: Most of these travelers, like Thomas Duncan, the Liberian Ebola victim who died in Dallas, have destinations in primarily black areas of our cities.
Point 3: Ergo, it is black people who are most likely to come in contact with Ebola carriers from West Africa; it is black people who are most likely to contract Ebola from these carriers; it is black people – not rich, white Democrats, “progressives”, liberals, communists, and fascists – who are most likely to die from Ebola brought into America by unrestricted travelers from foreign countries.
Point 4: The truth is that to allow open borders and unrestricted travel from West Africa will clearly be significantly more harmful to blacks than whites.
To draw the above conclusion doesn’t take massive brainwork. Thus, even the leftist politicians and media “pundits” squealing to keep the flow of disease carriers unimpeded are aware of who will take the main hit here. And it is also unmistakably obvious who the racists are in all this. Every last one of them.
Over the years since the mid-1960s, when the white left discovered how easy it was to convince black supremacists (e.g., the Black Panthers) that they should not integrate, but self-segregate into Black Student Unions, Black Business Leaders Associations, the Black Community, etc., black people have been cynically manipulated into believing and embracing all sorts of negative, disastrously damaging things about themselves. First and worst is the idea that they cannot possibly succeed in life, due to the racism of white people, without the massive intervention and help of…get ready…are you sitting down?…here goes…WHITE liberal Democrats! They managed to convince the vast majority of black people that all whites hate them and spend a large part of their time scheming and coming up with ways to keep black people down. The frightening thing is that just a cursory look around America makes this idea about as ludicrous a notion as you could possibly come up with. Yet black people have bought into it, big time. They have also let the White Left convince them that welfare is not only acceptable, but that they are somehow entitled to it to make up for the way white people have kept them from succeeding.
Far too many, too, have been conned into believing that the high unemployment rate among black people is due to racism. However, the welfare mentality manipulation aside, if you look at the number of illegal alien invaders in America and compare that to the number of unemployed black people, it becomes obvious that a large percentage of the jobs black people used to have – especially the higher paying ones – have been taken by the invaders. And as long as the borders remain open, and the demands from the foreign criminals and their fascist sponsors for amnesty are continued to be taken seriously, black people looking for decent jobs are, and will continue to be, SOL. Again, the simple truth is that those pushing open borders are undeniably and cynically racist.
However, all one needs to do is look around at the growing number of black conservatives to realize that the Fortress of Liberal Racism is developing serious cracks in its once impenetrable walls. Inspired by true patriotic American leaders like Clarance Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Lt. Col. Allen West, Alan Keyes, Herman Caine, Niger Innis, Larry Elder, Lloyd Marcus, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, and many others, black people are more and more rejecting the lies and psychological manipulation techniques used by the totalitarian American left – the Democrats, the “progressives”, the liberals, the communists, and the fascists. They are returning to their American roots, where education and hard work were all you needed to raise yourself up, where it was not the color of your skin that mattered, but the content of your character.
The Hope and Change of Obama and his felonious co-conspirators is based on seperating groups along racial lines, pitting one group against another, stirring up racial hatred in the hope of fomenting violence, dividing and conquering. The great fear of the White Left back in the 1960s was that black people would realize that their self-interests were the same those of white people’s. Let’s do everything possible to make those fears continue to come true. Close the borders!
There is no stopping Big Government from their sins. They continue to print and borrow at warp speed; like a speeding bullet, ready, willing and able to separate the citizenry from their wealth. If they can’t do it by inflation, they do it by theft, eminent domain or regulation. The current situation is perilous; all governments are broke, dead broke. There is no savior except the gold standard. This will prevent the largesse – that is why the politicians hate it. FDR confiscated American’s gold and RMN closed the gold window once and for all.
The stated reason for FDR’s order was that hard times had caused “hoarding” of gold, stalling economic growth and making the depression worse. The main rationale behind the order was to remove the constraint on the Federal Reserve which prevented it from increasing the money supply during the depression; the Federal Reserve Act required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve Notes issued.
The long forgotten story of the great depression was how the stock price of gold miners reacted to FDR’s action. History provides a picture of the the implosion of the stock market and the price of miners during the 1929 crash going forward. The Crash saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average dive from the upper $300 range to $41 in four short years. A financial catastrophe if there was ever one. But one standout were the gold stocks. Taken from It is meaningful to note that in late 1929 the value of Homestake Mining was about $80 per share. Moreover, during the next six years Homestake Mining paid out a total of $128 in cash dividends. In fact the 1935 dividend alone reached $56 per share. That’s almost a 70% dividend yield payout (basis 1929) in only one year! Indeed, hard asset investments (gold mining shares) were islands of economic refuge during the grueling years of the Great Depression. From the market high in 1973 to its low in 1974 the DJIA and the S&P 500 lost almost half their value – while the previously high-flying technology stocks plummeted more than 60%. Enough to cause heart-failure to the credulous believers of this time it’s different. Even the relatively “safe” utilities were decimated – as they dropped more than 50% from their 1973 high to their nadir in 1974. H-O-W-E-V-E-R, students of financial history took profitable refuge in gold metal stocks.
The Gold Mining Index, composed of ASA, Campbell Red Lake and Dome Mining, appreciated more than 260% from its 1973 low (40) to its 1974 high (147). This merits being redundant. During the severe 1973/74 bear market, stocks lost half their value – while gold mining companies almost quadrupled. If this is the case why did my gold mining shares sell off the last week while gold was moving higher. This is due to index ETF and mutual fund sales by retail holders. The gold index comprises a large portion of the TSX index so when a redemption hits, the individual components must be sold. Once all the index holders have liquidated we should see a sharp and violent move higher on most gold mining shares to reflect higher gold prices.
So what does all this mean? Today we stand at the precipice of a great depression, one worse than anything seen before. The reason being we have more than the ones that came before to lose. Rome was sunk by inflation, Germany played the same tune at Weimar and today Chavistas are in the same boat. There are no safe harbors, governments are broke with no alternative but to inflate the money supply; not doing so will unleash the public protest where they are sure to salivate their animal instincts. This is not a good thing for politicians. They will be the first in the line of fire.
Many of the top economists fail to see the darkness in the light nor the forest from the trees. QE has been tried over and over again; from Japan – 30 years and still going – to the Greek meltdown, to the EU, to Argentina, to Brazil, to Venezuela, to Russia and the elephant in the room, the United States. And where are we, a fugari bird without sight, traveling the road into darkness brings unwanted consequences. But what are those consequences? Very few see them, and few acknowledge them because of the devastation that lies ahead, financial and physical destruction. The dead end has been reached, a GIS can’t help at this point; paper will no longer be the savior to Big Government.
Most if not all countries are dead broke, a socialist delight; Greece has scraped the bottom of the barrel, bailed out for a few years by its gullible neighbors. How stupid were they, throwing good money after bad – Germany was the sucker on this one. Most are one step away from the restructuring that has brought many others to their knees. When people are scared, frightened, nervous about the future they begin to question their government. Words from the President will not suffice to quell the uneasy feeling. The odds that a financial pandemic will occur are great this time around; paper will not be worth the paper it is printed on. One shining light is Switzerland which will be voting November 30th on a referendum requiring the Swiss to have 20% of their currency backed by gold. Does Switzerland no something? We shall soon find out.