Apparently not on the radar yet, but obviously it should be. This is a hot button issue. Like the 9-11 bombers who took flying lessons, but spared the landing part. And who in their right mind would ever think that a plane could fly into the Pentagon – our military nerve center. Of course most civilians thought it to be heavily guarded and the periphery rimmed with the appropriate missile defense. So it is easy to see how much we thought would be, but turned out it didn’t. This brings us to the demise of Western Civilization. Liberalism, the worst poison known to man is the main culprit.
Not likely to be thought of on a daily basis, but our culture is based on the influences of the civilizations of Classical Greece and Rome as well as Ancient Israel and early Christendom are considered seminal periods in Western history; cultural contributions also emerged from the pagan peoples of pre-Christian Europe.
Thus, the great ancient capitals were linked – cities such as: Athens, home to Athenian democracy, and the Greek philosophers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates; the city of Jerusalem, the Jewish capital, where Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed around AD 30; and the city of Rome, which gave rise to the Roman Empirewhich encompassed much of Europe and the Mediterranean. Knowledge of Greek, Roman and Judeo-Christian influence on the development of Western civilization is well documented because it attached to literate cultures, however, Western history was also strongly influenced by less literate groups such as the Germanic, Scandinavian and Celtic peoples who lived in Western and Northern Europe beyond the borders of the Roman world. Nevertheless, the Mediterranean was the centre of power and creativity in the development of ancient Western civilisation. Around 1500 BC, metallurgists learned to smelt iron ore, and by around 800BC, iron tools and weapons were common along the Aegean Sea, representing a major advance for warfare, agriculture and crafts in Greece.
As the centuries passed and the stargazers wondered, the 21st century arrived; and in its arrival Western influence has been challenged as never before. Not because of its strength but its weakness. Embracing all cultures became the lynch pin of their demise. In England, France, and to some extent Germany the walls of nationalism were slowly torn down by socialists.
The European Union broke down borders allowing for dilution of once hemogenous societies. Strange peoples migrated to the European states, Muslims from far off lands, culturally at odds with Western Values. Liberalism was the key that opened the door to the destruction of once monolithic states. Now government had to deal with a segment of society who did not fit in. That was a problem on two fronts, they demanded welfare, housing and food, but the major problem arose when they demanded Western Society conform to their ways instead of them assimilating to their home country. Sorry to say that the problem is not going away.
Click here for a list of the Muslim killings in the heartland; the United States during the past forty years has not been immune from attack from these terrorists, our mortal enemies. America must realize that Christianity itself is the target of Islam. Proof is no farther than the ISIS purge of Christians in the caliphate. Christians have been leaving the Middle East of the past fifty years; they are targeted just as Jews are targeted by propaganda and bullets. It is no different in Nigeria and the Philippines.
Free loving peoples need to understand the indoctrination that pervades these societies. The Koran is not a book of peace, it is a book of holy war. Muslims use local laws to advance their political ideology and at the same time increase their say in local affairs. Three hundred million, twenty five percent are fervent terrorists who will stop at nothing; the other seventy five percent are believers, but remain silent as the killings continue.
Syria is the most recent example, almost hundred fifty thousand dead, all Muslims and who cares? That’s right, only the U.S., the Muslims don’t relish the killing for it advances the agenda; that is the price to be paid. Civilian deaths are collateral damage on the way to world domination. Wake up World Christians before it is you that will be between Mohammad’s sword and the Islamic killer who wields it.
One other note of importance that we must bring to your attention. For sake of argument why would the Pope entertain the thought of inviting Muslims to the Vatican. For what? A prayer service; that is the most ridiculous thing we ever heard. He does not understand what the Muslim political propaganda campaign has gotten to him too. Before long he will be bowing to them and washing their feet.
We live in a pluralistic society and we think that most Americans would agree that freedom of religion is a good thing. The most important thing we can take from this information is that as long as any group (even a group that we do not agree with) can be tolerant of other groups that that group has a right and a place within the United States. As Voltaire once said, I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it… However, if a group begins to dictate how others should live…well that’s a different kettle of fish! Unfortunately the tolerance track record of Islamic countries towards other religions is not very encouraging as most if not all Muslim countries have strict laws forbidding the practice of other religions. For example in Saudi Arabia the practice of proselytizing by other religions is illegal and to convert to another religion carries the death penalty and this is not at all unusual for Muslim countries.
Muslims have taken over several towns in Britain already and also in America (Dearborn, MI is one). In twenty years Muslims will be able to elect the next president in the United States. We don’t know what the answer is to this problem but something must be done NOW in order to stop this from happening. Important to click Your suggestions are encouraged.
One thing we must point out, Muslims and their religion (political agenda) is not compatible with Western Values. A glaring statistic: in America in 1970 there were over 1,000 Muslims in America, today there are over 9 million. They are multiplying faster than rabbits.
So if anyone doesn’t think we are in trouble, think twice. America is a decade behind France and England, but we are in serious trouble never the less. Can we be overcome by the Islam insurgency, yes, but we can fight political correctness tooth and nail. It must be done or the world we will leave to our children will not be the one built by and characterized as Western Civilization. Believe us when we tell you that the hijab and niqab will be as common as the blue jeans in the next decade.