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Is a Hillary Indictment Coming?

  • Jan 7, 2016
  • Source: AAN
  • by: AAN Staff

Hillary Clinton could be criminally indicted for mishandling classified information, and within the next 60 days, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova.

“They have reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff,” DiGenova told radio host Laura Ingraham. “And, it’s going to come to a head, I would suggest, in the next 60 days.”…

“I believe that the evidence that the FBI is compiling will be so compelling that, unless [Lynch] agrees to the charges, there will be a massive revolt inside the FBI, which she will not be able to survive as an attorney general. It will be like Watergate. It will be unbelievable,” DiGenova said.

“The evidence against the Clinton staff and the secretary is so overwhelming at this point that if, in fact, she chooses not to charge Hillary, they will never be able to charge another federal employee with the negligent handling of classified information,” he added. “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if she refuses to bring charges.”

Others say not so fast, pointing out that decision would rest with Obama’s loyal Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.

– See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/is-a-hillary-indictment-coming#sthash.I02xaiWb.dpuf