Lloyd Marcus, a Tea Party favorite does not hold back any punches when it comes to being politically correct. Marcus tells it like it is, something the canned talk politicians fail to grasp.
Posted by Lloyd Marcus
So this is how the game is played. Leftist operatives in the courts (supreme and state) create unconstitutional laws to further their anti-God agenda. Then leftists say those who disobey their lawless laws are not behaving like Christians and good Americans. Many on our side fall for it.
The SCOTUS’ ruling on Obamacare and homosexual marriage means the Constitution will now say whatever leftists want it to say. Folks, do you realize that based on this new precedent, the left can make anything they want a law? Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and so on?
Before you call me crazy, leftists are already clamoring for the normalization of these sins. Have you heard of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association)?
Suppose our kangaroo Supreme Court decreed that ending slavery was unconstitutional. All blacks must report to government for their slavery assignments. How many idiots on our side would comply because Christians and good Americans must obey the law?
Meanwhile, it goes without saying that Obama is the most lawless president in U.S. history, refusing to obey laws he dislikes. Sanctuary cities run by Democrats defiantly disobey federal immigration law at the cost of endangering and even killing American citizens. It is insane to allow these conniving vipers to claim the moral high ground over us, lecturing us about obeying the law.
Click here for more by Lloyd Marcus.

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