Four United States Marines were slaughtered in cold blood by an Islamic terrorist. This has got to stop, but with Obama’s failure to address the extreme nature of his religion (yes he is a Muslim) nothing will change. POTUS has never called the Fort Hood killer an Islamic terrorist, but referred to the killings as workplace violence. Politically correctness is what killed thirteen brave Marines. Still, the killer, has not put to death for this heinous crime.
This was not work place violence; it must be called for what it is, Islamic terrorism perpetuated by a violent Jihadist. Keep in mind that Obama has now traded peace for a nuclear Middle East – war will be the result. Saudi Arabia will not sit idly by, but move quickly to counter the Iran threat. Saudi’s are Sunni, Iranians are Shia.
The days ahead will provide more proof of our leaders cowardness. Do not expect them to address the Jihadist threat that we face on a daily basis. Without a leader willing to defend us, the future in the United States is bleak.