Tag Archives: Cheryl Mills



“Us” is all of us who believe in the Constitution, liberty, freedom of the press and limited government; them is the Republican/Democrat collusion machine with a “maintain bureaucratic agenda.” The point being that Republicans controlled Congress for eight years and did nothing but salute President Obama, giving him everything he wished for.

Yes there were some critics, however Boehner and McConnell rubber stamped the Obama agenda. Keep in mind that everyone Congressman and Senator has a stake in Big Government, for they continue to suck it dry enabling the parasite to live a life of leisure.

As corrupt as government is, we now find it to be a criminal enterprise. The Clinton-Lynch-Comey triad is a case in point. The world knows that Hillary Clinton broke one law after another, lying to interrogators throughout the investigation, which by the way cost the American taxpayer over $100 million. Cheryl Mills, her assistant at State was allowed to sit in on interviews by the FBI, claiming she was Clinton’s attorney. Wrong! At the time she was a government employee and there was no “attorney-client privilege. In the movie “Gotti”, Gotti’s attorney was not allowed to represent him because he was also a witness. In Clinton’s case the same case can be made.

The free pass given to Hillary, the Liar, Clinton, destroyer of evidence and killer to boot, has created a ground swell of criticism by career FBI agents. The decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook for mishandling classified information has roiled the (click here and read the Fox News report- this will irate you to no end) FBI and Department of Justicewith one person closely involved in the year-long probe telling FoxNews.com that career agents and attorneys on the case unanimously believed the Democratic presidential nominee should have been charged. “They believe the decision not to prosecute came from The White House.”

Add in the IRS-Lois Lerner-Koskinen cabal to the mix and no outside observer will ever believe that the government is fair and square. For instance, Obama bad mouthed Justice Alito during the State of the Union.  But the most egregious outrage is that of Justice Bader-Ginsburg who went off on Donald Trump. For political attacks by the President and to top it off having a Supreme Court justice weighing in on politics are subjects that in the past have been off kept personal. But not the case here.

And as we have seen, two debates have cemented our opinion and that of the nation, that the press is biased, commentators are biased and moderators are pro-Hillary. The second debate has provided prima facie evidence of such. Click here for the Raddatz review and analysis.


Those who scream the loudest are in most cases the ones guilty of a crime. The bank robber always returns to the scene. Pointing fingers at others is their only hope in taking the focus off their crimes. This is the Obama/Clinton/Comey/Lynch game plan; blame Trump for crimes that they committed.

Why the concern? Trump is withering the liberal-progressive attack by the left wing fourth estate. This is to be expected from the alt-left bombardment.  Cry babies are pretty much used to getting their own way. Spoiled brats rattling in their cribs for more attention, find that making their case is several  degrees harder than yelling at the top of their lungs. But what troubles us is the free pass that Hillary (jail the bird) Clinton got from FBI director James Comey. Something just does not sit right when a situation calls for an investigation and arrest, but because of ineptitude or just plain old politics the criminals go off scot free. This is akin to Alphonse Capone getting a free pass from his buddies at the IRS. Bottom line: “The FBI has politicized itself, and its reputation will suffer for a long time due to Comey.

Loretta Lynch and the crew that gave immunity from prosecution to a half dozen witnesses. By the way all of the evidence they possessed has been sanitized.  And speaking of crimes committed and lies to the American people, Obama  is the one whose truth was a BIG LIE.  Remember, “you can keep your PLAN, YOU CAN KEEP YOU DOCTOR” and on top of that each family will save $2500 per year. Please correct us if were wrong here! And slick Willie, “I did not have sex with that women.”  Pleasantries aside, but we must go after BIG GOVERNMENT because it is stacked with the progressive wing of a chronological criminal organization. TRUMP’S JUSTICE DEPARTMENT must bring these criminals to justice once and for all. He can do this by instructing his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to level charges against the following;  HILLARY CLINTON, JAMES COMEY, LORETTA LYNCH, SUSAN RICE, CHERYL MILLS etc.

Sessions must question the five so-called immunity agreements granted to Clinton’s State Department aides and IT experts. Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff, along with two other State Department staffers, John Bentel and Heather Samuelson, were afforded immunity agreements, as was Bryan Pagliano, Clinton’s former IT aide, and Paul Combetta, an employee at Platte River networks, the firm hired to manage her server after she left the State Department.


The HRC Cold case file has been ICED since November 8, 2016. But don’t expect it be on ice much longer. The Spring thaw is coming with a vengeance and all eyes will be on the Server located in Chappaqua, New York, the home of Hillary Clinton. 

Do not think for one moment that the damsel in distress will walk. Investigators working the case are now free to pursue justice since Loretta Lynch has been axed. This case was sand bagged from the beginning; the icing on the cake came when Slippery Bill exchanged spit with Lynch while on the tarmac in Arizona. A breach of professional conduct no doubt, but more than that this was a high-jack in broad daylight.

Clinton and her cadre of complicitors must be held to the same standard that all of us are. These criminal believe that the law will not catch up with them. Wrong! Hillary can’t protect them now. Comey is a lame duck, soon to be a rubber duck. Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, (click here to get the story of collusion and deceit, double dealing and theft of government records)  Heather Samuelson and the rest of the co-conspirators must face the full arm of the law.

This was a cover-up from Day One. Hillary knew it, lied about it, lied again and again. It is now up to the the Trump Justice Department to bring these criminals to justice. America will not remain silent until the Bird is jailed!


Worse than “El Chapo” , Hillary Clintonstonewall is about to face the music; we can’t wait till the whole cell block sings the Jail House Rock.

Let’s rock, everybody, let’s rock
Everybody on the whole cell block
They was dancing to the jailhouse rock

The recently released State Department inspector general report, which found Hillary Clinton broke government rules with her personal email use, increases “the likelihood and pressure” for the Justice Department to pursue criminal charges, an intelligence source familiar with the FBI investigation told Fox News.

The ongoing FBI criminal probe — investigating Clinton’s emails practices as secretary of state — is focused on whether the more than 2,100 classified emails discovered on her server constitute a violation of federal code, including the Espionage Act’s 18 USC 793, known as the “gross negligence” statute. FBI Director James Comey plans to make a recommendation based on the evidence, and if the findings merit criminal charges, the decision to prosecute ultimately rests with Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Click here for the story from FOX NEWS


Hillary Clintstonewall’s lap dog, Cheryl Mills, was being interviewed by the FBI the other day; she didn’t like the questions asked by the agent because they were off limits, she temporarily got up and walked out. Now why would a government employee with nothing to hide do that? Why would anything be off limits? Well, the only thing that comes to mind is that she is guilty of sin. Answer the question, we don’d care if it is off limits. In the first place nothing should have been agreed upon in advance relating to what questions would be off limits.CHAPPAQUA

First he had the criminal Lois Lerner who targeted the Tea Party who clammed up, then her boss, the head of the IRS who shut the door in Congress’s face, then Hillary Clintstonewall who continues to call the investigation a security affair. We don’t know about you, but to us, when the government is no longer responsible to the people it is time to revolt and overthrow it. And they wonder why Donald Trump is leading the pack as we march into November.