If only he really were as naïve, as stupid or as insane as the public persona he presents, Hussein Obama would be much easier to deal with. He could be collected up like last week’s foul, rotting trash fermenting in the midday sun and taken to an appropriate disposal facility, like an asylum or more deservingly, a mental ward inside a penitentiary.
Unfortunately, Obama is not the blithering foreign and domestic policy incompetent he projects. Every bit of the destruction he’s inflicting on this nation is calculated, premeditated and deliberate. It’s also always conducted with a cover story that permits just enough deniability to keep him protected from American justice, particularly at the hands of our feckless cowards in Congress.
Obama instills a level of confidence not unlike that inspired by The Three Stooges as plumbers or doctors, announcing, almost as if he’s setting up a joke for which he is the punch line, “Today the American people can be proud.”
Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Unless we wake up in the morning to headlines that he’s been arrested and charged with treason, we aren’t likely to be proud of anything that happens in the sewer of Washington DC, at least not for another year or so. The emotions we’re feeling run more along the lines of rage, disgust and mortification at what he’s doing to our country and the pathetic excuses for Congressmen who refuse to stand up to him.
It is the greatest absurdity that he conflates the twin threats we face, both brought to our shores by this communist America-hater, though both started long before he “took” office. The threat of Islamic terrorism has increased decisively during the Obama nightmare, as has the threat to our representative government by the globalist cabal pushing a UN climate government.
Ever desperate to be recognized by someone, somewhere, anywhere as a great leader, the pathetic Obama is once again called into selfie-mode, to heap praise upon himself where nobody else will. He labels his disgorging of the national treasury in the interest of private enrichment by his own interests and those of his cronies as a reason for national pride.
Such emotions might be seen if we were to awaken in the morning to a headline that Obama is in federal custody. Otherwise, there’s not much on the horizon that looks like it’s going to come anywhere near national pride. Fear for our nation has a good chance of being the emotion that tops the list today, as it does every day.
That fear just become more palpable with the release of the CONJOB21 Climate Summit “agreement.” There is no agreement, it’s a mandate, predetermined, from the globalists who run this country th…. It’s a document release for us to comply with by decree, only. It is the latest progression down the road that started in 1992 with the Rio Earth Summit. It’s the federal government officially embracing the UN government and being advanced by the communist America-haters, Obama and Kerry. That’s hardly a cause for celebration, but it is one for action.
The sack of anti-American excrement brags as if it is an accomplishment to have transformed the United States into the leader in naïve, idiotic, self-destruction. For him, it surely is but he’s not going to find many thinking Americans willing to share that evaluation. Destroying the greatest nation on earth in the supposed pursuit of non-realistic, impractical, heavily subsidized phony “green energy” gives him great pride. He’s doing his best to bring us to our knees.
He boasted “In the past seven years we’ve transformed the United States into the global leader in fighting climate change.” What he’s saying, translated into non-bullcrapese, is we’ve thrown away more precious assets into the fairy tale than anyone else. Every other nation either didn’t have the means to waste their fortunes or they were led by people who actually wanted them to survive. The United States was unique in our situation as the most wasteful, the most reckless or the most foolish.
In fortifying his non-existent leadership credentials, the Marxist Obama takes credit for record levels of waste on solar and wind and fabricates an implied net positive in employment, describing a “new and steady stream of middle class jobs.” He fails to mention that “steady” stream came at the expense of heavy taxpayer subsidies and the draining of a reservoir and a river of employment in order to do it. But his cronies made money, and America was weakened so that’s what matters. His piece of the pie is surely there, hidden from public view or coming once he’s safely out of office.
Hussein Selflove Obama once again nauseatingly describes himself as being evidence of strong, principled American leadership, somehow making the transition to the statement “That’s the world that we’ll leave to our children. A world that is safer and more secure, more prosperous and more free. And that is our most important mission in our short time here on this Earth.
There it is; he finally got around to it; the punch line to the joke he was setting us up for earlier. “Name four things Obama didn’t leave to the American people and their children.” The joke’s on us and it’s not very funny, Obama.