Ergodan’s party suffers a humiliating defeat. The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was on track to take more than 12 percent of the vote, according to CNN Turk. The prospect of it clearing the threshold to enter parliament for the first time triggered celebrations in the mostly Kurdish southeast.
The diminutive Turkish dictator with a Napoleon complex. 
With legislative elections fast approaching in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at foreign media on Saturday, calling on the Guardian to be aware of its limits and accusing the New York Times of being represented by “Jewish capital,” according to AFP.
Erdogan has repeatedly – in the shadow of pending elections – criticized foreign media outlets which expressed concern over the corrosion of freedom of expression in Turkey.
The Guardian criticized his rule in an article highlighting the threat of “Growing autocracy” in “a crucial country;” The New York Times followed suit, writing about “dark clouds” looming over Turkey, and satirizing the Turkish leader with the comical tweet: “Which leader has a 1,150-room palace more than 30x the size of the White House?”
At a political rally in Ardahan Province, Erdogan called the Guardian “impertinent,” and told them to “know their limits”.
He then accused the New York Times of campaigning against Turkey’s leader since the final days of the Ottoman Empire, and accused “Jewish capital” of being patrons to the publication.
Elections in the Middle Eastern nation are set to take place on Sunday.
Erdogan, the diminutive dictator of Turkey is in a fit of rage; basically telling the anti Israel biased NY Times to shut up. Wow, when you get pissed off at the corporate inksters, who in most cases take your position, then you know times are tough. Erdogan is on the way out according to the Times, his ratings are down going into this weeks election. Although Erdogan’s AKP party is expected to remain in power its majority is eroding quickly due to the weak economy. This will prevent him from pushing through dictatorial measures which will give the president a leg up on the Prime Minister.