Tag Archives: Ferguson. Blacks


One Black man killed by a white man, either it be a Cop or white racist, brings out the rent a riot Sharpton crew and to put the topping on the cake, a ludicrous comment by POTUS. But when a race war ensues, or shall we say a gang war, the CRIPS vs the BLOODS;  43 Baltimore Blacks were killed in July and the blood is flowing into August; not a sound is heard from the provocateurs. In total, the city has recorded 192 homicides so far this year, according to The Baltimore Sun. By contrast, 208 murders were committed in all of 2014. The three-month total of 116 homicides for May, June, and July is the highest since at least 1970.

Keep in mind the Freddy Gray, Zimmerman and Ferguson affairs where the Sharpton’s of the world fanned the flames of racism; What happened? anarchy reigned in the streets; this is Yemen-Syria-Iraq stuff, gang v gang, tribe v tribe – yeah here in America. Is it surprising that stuff like this does not go on in Beverly Hills!