General Electric, an iconic Connecticut company, located in Fairfield has thrown the switch, literally given Connecticut the electric chair; to add insult to injury they are moving to the state once known as Taxachusetts. Connecticut is one of only three states that has seen a decrease in population during the past decade,things can only get worse. Connecticut is shocked by the decision.
To top it off the Constitution State (another joke) has an approximately 100 billion dollar pension and health care liability. Before the door closes expect the population to decrease by at least 400-500 million. The reason being the onerous tax system which will force those remaining to pay up for the union controlled state where an employee can retire with a pension exceeding their last year salary in some cases by 50% or more.
But as the Democrats, who by the way control the state legislature and governorship find more ways to spend the peoples money. Our advice, head south where you are welcomed by not only the weather, but the government too.