Russia, Iran, Turkey, China and North Korea (egging us on) are all front and center. How did we get here? Politicians succumbing to diplomacy. Ask Harry Truman about diplomacy and he will tell you that the only diplomacy that counts is Little Boy; the code name for the atomic bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945 during World War II.
They say it can’t be done, but it must be done. We are on the Eve of Destruction. The world of trouble makers only know one thing, death. For world peace to survive all adversaries must be neutralized by the most powerful weapon known to man. It will come sooner rather than later. Within the next five years one of the above countries will be targeted. It may not be by the United States, others, such as Israel, have a nuclear arsenal. Don’t discount any country or people, the reality of a dirty bomb emanating from the Middle East is a probability. No matter where it comes from it will come.
With the 2018 election season approaching and their jobs at stake, House Republicans were in no mood to WALK THE TALK. The effort to replace Obamacare was filled with so many loopholes causing the Conservative Caucus to walk out. We don’t blame them. As President Trump said, Obamacare will fall on its own knife. Premiums will lift skyward this year forcing many to abandon the welfare ship. More will be without insurance than ever before; then and only then will they clamor for repeal. Keep in mind that these RINOs, who ran on the shibboleth, “repeal Obamacare” were all talk but no action. When push came to shove they fell in with the Democrats. Not wanting to take possession of the repeal with a bill filled with so many entitlements that it was difficult for the Conservative Caucus to swallow.
The Republicans do not realize that they are in a war. The Democrats do not compromise on any issue. Take Neil Gorsuch for example. He should slide right through, but no, Schumer, the idiot that he is, demands 60 votes.
Go Nuclear guys, go Nuclear on every bill this session. Change the rules. 
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire