Tag Archives: islamic terrorists


Vlad is one bad dude, a bully machine throwback to the 1900’s; mentored by Uncle Joe. First it was Crimea, next Ukraine, now he is sending defensive missiles to Iran.Vlad has his eye on the Baltics too.  Hey, you got to hand to him, with the likes of Obama mired in quick sand, thugs are given free rein; this is the new reality.

On the cusp of an Iranian deal  and the Ayatollah has Obama eating out of hands;  Vlad the bad warns the United States to take that, a virtual thumb in the eye by selling the missiles to the rug merchants. Vlad is not through with his aggressive rhetoric, he warns Israel not to sell weapons to Ukraine. Covering all the bases while Obama wets his pants.

And then Vladimir intones that the missile deal to Iran is of a defensive nature. Well, ho ho ho to that! Defensive means that any violation of the pending nuclear deal will prevent the destruction of Iran’s nuclear facilities. Throwing that in the face of Obama before the Iranian deal is inked is one more shot across the bow. Squeezing Iran more by increasing the sanctions is the correct approach, not eliminating sanctions. In time Iran will beg on their knees for relief. And then again by squeezing them there is a possibility of a green revolution over throwing the Iranian trouble makers.

Soon, very soon Israel will have to make a move if the United States likes it or not. Israel has been put into this awkward position by the weakness of Obama. Make no mistake about it the evil ventures of Muslim terrorists, be they the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Boko Haram, al Qaeda or the Taliban, it is Obama who has given them the go ahead.

Case in point, China and Russia have large Muslim populations, but very little terrorist attacks. The common denominator is a tyrant government with muscle and when necessary they are not afraid to use it. This has not happened in the Middle East and Africa where government have fallen because they failed to act when the first terrorist attack hit.

There is only one way to neutralize the threat from these Islamic killers; carpet bomb them to death by blowing them to kingdom come.


Ever since President Obama entered the White House the United States has gone down hill. America’s guilt trip, the lame stream media are to blame. What sets the Obama presidency apart from all of the other Presidents is a simple notion, Obama is out to destroy America. That is correct; everything he has done before and after acquiring the throne has been to debase our culture, country and standing in the world.

Case in point number one was his belonging to the Church of Reverend Wright. Obama has taken this with him from day one. And who can forget the Reverend Wright “God Damn America”  video. To be honest here Wright makes a point, we did  not so glorious a past regarding the treatment of individual groups -Indians, slaves, Japanese – but we confronted these challenges  and change has occurred. However, Reverend Wright continues to blame White Americans for the problems in his community when in fact he should be blaming them. Add in the Reverend’s church which continues to lash out at the Jews and Israel. Again these are all lies that continue to spread falsehoods that people of ignorance believe resulting in anti-Semitic diatribe.

Moving forward from day one we began to see his strategy. First off was the kowtow to Russia’s Putin by not implementing the Bush plan of building a defensive missile systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. This new posture emboldened Russia and Iran. They saw Obama as weak; facts on the ground have not only proved this, but have put America at risk of nuclear war. Once again, ongoing talks with Iran concerning their quest to build a nuclear weapon have gone nowhere. However, Obama warns Congress that to penalize Iran with more sanctions if talks fail will only irritate the Islamists who by their very nature will not only build a bomb, but try to use it against Israel. That is their plan all along. We don’t have to interpret what Obama is doing, we can see it with our very own eyes.

Immigration is one more avenue utilized by Obama to subvert the Constitution. Deferring the expulsion of 5 million invaders into this country is an impeachable offense. Many of them are from countries at war with the United States. Islamic Suicide bombers presenting themselves as Latinos. That is not all, Obama has given hundreds of thousands more from the Middle East permanent residency cards. Don’t take our word for it, take Obama’s word, he calls the Fort Hood killing of 13 of our finest, “workplace-violence.” In what might be termed the audacity of nope, the government has declined to call this al Qaeda–inspired mass murder an act of terrorism because to do so would be “unfair to the victims.” The official reasoning is that it would jeopardize the case because, as stated in a Pentagon memo, “defense counsel will argue that Major Hasan cannot receive a fair trial because a branch of government has indirectly declared that Major Hasan is a terrorist—that he is criminally culpable.”

Let’s add to the recent Paris attacks the Obama line was not Islamic-terrorism, but plain old terrorism. The president himself, before the United Nations, revealed his own appeasement of Islamic terrorists and hoodlums when he declared in September 2012:“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  The first comments came from Josh Earnest, the White House spokesman, who refused to even call the massacre an act of terrorism, but made sure to add the now typical non-sequitor  which now routinely follows Islamic terrorist attacks,  that “Islam is a religion of peace” and therefore no one should associate this with the “extremists” in Paris with Islam.

How many more examples do we need, how many more deaths will be the result of these Islamist terrorist, how many more politically correct defenders of Islam will continue to be seduced by Islams who tout brotherhood?  Within hours Of the Paris shooting Obama gave the militant Jihadists being held at Guantanamo the key; off they went to join their fellow Islamic terrorists in a welcome home party. If anyone does not believe we are in a war with Islam, they soon will when these same Jihadists come back to America with a missile on their back crying Allahu Akbar.