Tag Archives: Liberals


Speech is free only if you are a liberal progressive says Sol Stern.  On many college campuses the (click for the Stern’s opinion published in the WSJ) 2nd Amendment does not apply to those who seek the truth. As the majority of Americans  know that the definition of a liberal is one who forces their agenda on the rest of us.

That is not the true definition of a liberal when our freedom is abrogated.  Freedom to discuss differences between individuals is suppressed by liberal progressives when the facts don’t support the progressive autocratic agenda.  One example stands out; wearing a T shirt with the Old Glory printed on it is strictly forbidden in some schools because it might insult illegal aliens. This was affirmed by the wacko 9th Circuit Court in California.

The trouble dates back to May 5th 2010 (Cinco de Mayo) when officials at Live Oak High -a school with a predominant Mexican-American student body — forced the students to remove their American flag-festooned shirts. Administrators called the shirts “incendiary” and worried that fighting would break out between white and Latino students if Latino students noticed the shirts. So, assistant principal Miguel Rodriguez told the students to turn their shirts inside out or leave school. 

Think for a moment, a large percentage of Caucasian Americans party of May 5th in celebration. This holiday is but a trifle on the Mexican calendar, hardly celebrated or remembered by most Mexicans.


President Obama’s ratings have sunk to 40% and are heading south faster than an imploding Russian satellite. Keep in mind that the President was highly recommended by the American people, once in 2008 and again in 2012. However, on his way to transforming America he found many road blocks on the proverbial path to messiahville. Of course this has been the case with all presidents, but Obama became discouraged; not in his DNA to compromise Obama has resorted to executive edict, dictating by fiat punctuated by a multitude of lies while trying to make hay with out a bailer.

His point man, Harry Reid, no more a road block than his lackey counter part Nancy Pelosi are the water boys and girls of Obama’s transformation team. Compromise is not in fashion, but obstructionism is; Harry Reid has failed to allow bipartisan legislation to be advanced.  Over the past, almost six years, nothing of any magnitude has been accomplished. In fact a law suit brought by the Republicans question Obama’s disobeying the laws as written; “faithfully execute” as Obama promised. From immigration, IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare, the tabloids and lame stream media have spilled gallons of ink covering Obama’s many transgressions.

With all of that being said we question how POTUS still has a 40% (doing a good job) rating. Looking behind the scenes though gives us a clear picture of who the 40% are. And we are not shocked by this. Click here for the poll results. As illustrated below – 40% are of the Democrat ideology, this is what we expected all along.

Strong Democrat ………………………………………… 20
Not very strong Democrat ……………………………. 11
Independent/lean Democrat…………………………. 9
Strictly Independent ……………………………………. 16
Independent/lean Republican ………………………. 15
Not very strong Republican ………………………….. 10
Strong Republican ……………………………………… 12
Other (VOL) ………………………………………………. 4
Not sure ………………………………………………….. 3