Don’t be fooled by the criminals running today’s media. For instance CNN, better known now since Trump called them out as CFNN, the Cable Fake News Network. It is more than remarkable that the criminals running the Democrat party, including the DNC were given a free pass by the media. Better yet, Hillary Clinton, a criminal by any other word, has Slick Willie put the gun to Loretta Lynch who then tells Comey to call it a matter. Hillary is a criminal, there are no two ways about it. And what happened to her cabal? Nothing!
Criminals all of them including Podesta, Hillary Clinton (don’t forget the $100,000 commodity scam), Mills, Rice, Samuelson, Rich, Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, and Slick Willie lawyer up, lie, forget and blame others for their crimes. So what else is new? They went after the Stevens in Alaska (APPEALED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY), McDonnell in Virginia (APPEALED AND FOUND NOT GUILTY) like hungry wildebeests, but Corzine of MS Global (NEVER INDICTED) went scot free. Folks remember WE are BELOW THE LAW, these narcissists know no law.
These tyrants need to be locked up; put a way for good, JAIL THE BIRDS for ever. JAIL HOUSE ROCK.
CLICK HERE and watch liberal news anchors shocked by female Black woman giving them a lesson in stereotyping.
The Democrats will never live it down that HILLARY, lock her up, Clinton, suffered the Mother of all defeats on election eve. Now they are in revolt mode trying to bring Trump down. Sorry to say it won’t happen.