Tag Archives: November election



Mr. S…  eating grin, New York’s Senator Schumer, came clean after the November 4th election or did he.  The Democrats took a  whupping across the board,  one for the ages, a clean sweep for the Republicans. But Mr. Up-Chuck was in no mood to accept responsibility for the loss,  he blamed the catastrophe on Obamacare.

Said, we should not have concentrated on it (Obamacare)going into the 2010 election cycle; the economy was going through turmoil and our constituents were in dire condition, the focus on Obamacare was wrong, we needed to focus on their plight, helping them to enter the main stream, but we didn’t and the results showed. We were given the exit.

Of course anyone with a half a brain realizes that Harry Reid’s kissing cousin is more of a blowhard than a truth teller. A life long politician with only one goal in mind, patronizing the left if it suits him or jumping ship when a tsunami is bearing down hard.

In the next election cycle, New Yorkers would be wise to take the Senator out to the back forty for the kind of Whupping that Mary Landrieu will receive on December 6. Adios Senator.


Every Democrat up for reelection is a two headed serpent, Double headed turquoise serpentAztecbritish museum.jpgone is theirs the other is Obama’s. Do not let them fool you, every one voted for Obamacare, everyone of them voted for either for Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi, everyone of them has condoned the illegal border jumpers who have invaded our country, everyone of them is responsible for the $13,000,000,000,000 in debt that Obama has rung up. Everyone of them is guilty of stifling the investigations into the most egregious of crimes , Benghazi, IRS and Fast and Furious. These two faced do gooders have not demanded the arrest of Eric Holder who is in contempt of Congress.

But all of a sudden five Senators up for reelection are against Obamacare, for the Keystone XL pipeline, are for secure borders. Do not let them fool you, if they are reelected  they will immediately do the bidding for Obama the second time around. Another words a vote for any Democrat is a vote for Obama.

They have requested that Obama stay out of Dodge during the election season. To them Obama is a negative; latest polling puts the opposition to him at a 16 year high.

This election is most important for a Supreme Court seat will most likely be vacated allowing POTUS to nominate a liberal ideologue. We cannot let this happen.  But for other reasons too; the growth of government and the entitlement state must be brought under control; not only for us but for future generations.

The Dirty Five are listed below

Mary Landrieu – Lousiana

Mark Pryor – Arkansas

Kay Hagan – North Carolina

Mark Begich – Alaska

Mark Udall – Colorado