Tag Archives: Real Clear Politics


General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Spread
RCP Average 8/11 – 9/3 45.8 43.4 Clinton +2.4
SurveyUSA 9/2 – 9/3 900 RV 3.3 40 45 Trump +5
PPP (D) 8/28 – 8/30 1254 RV 2.8 46 44 Clinton +2
Quinnipiac 8/20 – 8/25 1563 RV 2.5 45 41 Clinton +4
CNN/ORC 8/13 – 8/16 897 RV 3.5 51 45 Clinton +6
FOX News 8/11 – 8/13 1008 RV 3.0 47 42 Clinton +5

All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Polling Data

Donald Trump is on the verge of running the tables. A black swan event if there ever was one. Trump is leading in the polls by a substantial margin. If the vote was held today he would be our next President. Hillary Clinton’s reputation has finally caught up with her. Donald has risen to star status leaving the politically correct politicians in his wake. Americans are fed up with those politicians who put their careers ahead of the United States. We can’t wait to see the Democrats drowning in their own politically correct diatribe. Thank God for Donald Trump. The time has come to stop the infighting by Republicans and hop on the Trump Band Wagon. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN.