Hillary Clintstonewall’s lap dog, Cheryl Mills, was being interviewed by the FBI the other day; she didn’t like the questions asked by the agent because they were off limits, she temporarily got up and walked out. Now why would a government employee with nothing to hide do that? Why would anything be off limits? Well, the only thing that comes to mind is that she is guilty of sin. Answer the question, we don’d care if it is off limits. In the first place nothing should have been agreed upon in advance relating to what questions would be off limits.
First he had the criminal Lois Lerner who targeted the Tea Party who clammed up, then her boss, the head of the IRS who shut the door in Congress’s face, then Hillary Clintstonewall who continues to call the investigation a security affair. We don’t know about you, but to us, when the government is no longer responsible to the people it is time to revolt and overthrow it. And they wonder why Donald Trump is leading the pack as we march into November.