Tag Archives: thanksgiving



We here in the United States celebrate today and give thanks for our plenty, we also take time out to thank those who made this day in time possible. The first settlers brought with them the seed that warmly sprouted and eventually gave birth to the United States of America; land of the free and home of the brave. Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock

Yes there are those naysayers out there, there always will be, but if it wasn’t  for our for-bearers hundreds of millions worldwide would not see this day. While others live in squalor we live in plenty; a success story if there ever was one. America has opened its arms in time of need to the hungry who sought a better life, working hard to provide the opportunities for their offspring and today they take solace in their success.

Although others believe that we can do more to provide the basics to the less fortunate, we say to them, look to Africa, India and parts of Syria controlled by ISIS and they will come to understand that your basic is their oyster Rockefeller. They should be thankful for what they have and not taunt those who have sacrificed their lives to give them a better one.

We wish you good tidings during the holiday season.  God bless you and the United States of America


We here in the United States celebrate today and give thanks for our plenty, we also take time out to thank those who made this day in time possible. The first settlers brought with them the seed that warmly sprouted and eventually gave birth to the United States of America; land of the free and home of the brave. Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock

Yes there are those naysayers out there, there always will be, but if it wasn’t  for our forbearers hundreds of millions worldwide would not see this day. While others live in squalor we live in plenty; a success story if there ever was one. America has opened its arms in time of need to the hungry who sought a better life, working hard to provide the opportunities for their offspring and today they take solace in their success.

Those Muslims who flee their home country to seek a new life in a country that abides by the Judeo-Christian ethic don’t have the heart, the valor, the guts to sacrifice their lives and rid the world of killers they have born, but find it much easier to flee to our shores.

Our men have sacrificed their lives for us to have a better one; those who flee conflict do not have the backbone to stand up to murderers and Islamic terrorists. Neither do they want to assimilate into the greatest melting pot on the face of the earth. We say to them, “you must eat what you have sowed.” Stay where you are.

We wish you good tidings during the holiday season.  God bless you and the United States of America.

Click here to learn the story of SQUANTO

Indeed, when Squanto died from a mysterious disease in 1622, Bradford wrote that he wanted “the Governor to pray for him, that he might go to the Englishmen’s God in heaven.” And Squanto bequeathed his possessions to the Pilgrims “as remembrances of his love.”

These are historical facts. May we be forgiven for interpreting them as the answered prayers of a suffering people, and a warm touch at the cold dawn of our history of an Almighty Hand?

Mr. Metaxas is the author of “Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life” (Dutton Adult, 2014).


We here in the United States celebrate today and give thanks for our plenty, we also take time out to thank those who made this day in time possible. The first settlers brought with them the seed that warmly sprouted and eventually gave birth to the United States of America; land of the free and home of the brave. Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock

Yes there are those naysayers out there, there always will be, but if it wasn’t  for our forbearers hundreds of millions worldwide would not see this day. While others live in squalor we live in plenty; a success story if there ever was one. America has opened its arms in time of need to the hungry who sought a better life, working hard to provide the opportunities for their offspring and today they take solace in their success.

Although others believe that we can do more to provide the basics to the less fortunate, we say to them, look to Africa, India and parts of Syria controlled by ISIS and they will come to understand that your basic is their oyster Rockefeller. They should be thankful for what they have and not taunt those who have sacrificed their lives to give them a better one.

We wish you good tidings during the holiday season.  God bless you and the United States of America


Thirty years in the making, but finally the stampede has reached crisis proportions. If it keeps up, which we have no doubt it will, those that are left will be trampled to death. We are talking about the outflow of citizens from the northeast states including New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  What brings us to this conclusion is history.

To get the picture one only has to look at Italy and Spain, both countries are on the brink of splitsville. Spain’s Catalonia region and Italy’s north are talking secession. They see themselves as patsies to the country’s moochers who suck the life blood out of the industrious and wealthier regions. So the entrepreneurs, the motivated, the believers in freedom and self reliance have no choice but to leave the prison of liberalism where the bye word is “share the wealth.”

Three decades in the making have resulted in a loss of representation of 60 House members only to be picked up by the New South where workers matter more than couch potatoes. Yes many of those who are fleeing are former liberals hell bent on not seeing a socialist progressive again for the rest of their life.

No need to expand on the details of what makes a liberal, but America knows one when they see one.  Listening to their arguments can cause a severe migraine. Liberals, more often than not, modify the truth, lie to make their claim whatever the case may be. Liberals always find a cause that needs their help; that’s their problem; because helping a moocher has an opposite and equal effect which is to forc everyone else to pay.

Liberals will never admit the fallacy of their arguments (global warming). Liberals are class warfare piranhas; vultures of the worst human kind, ready at an instant to jump into a situation where they have no fight . Rabble-rousing flame throwers are they, violently ready at an instant to pluck the guilty from the jaws of justice. November 4 is a month away, hopefully our Thanksgiving prayers will be answered with a Democrat being served up like the traditional turkey, DOA.