Friday, February 2
Groundhog Day 2018 in United States of America

But in the light of political alacrity coming from the Democrats we patiently wait for what the SHADOW knows.
The truth, an item missing from the Democrat lexicon. We would expect no less from a rodent.
THE MEMO WILL BE RELEASED TODAY. What better day to release a four page memo; the Democrats , obviously will see THEIR SHADOW. They will immediately do what is expected of a rodent, crawl back in the s-hole they came out of. The House memo is reported to outline surveillance abuses.
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a remarkably public clash of wills with the White House, the FBI declared Wednesday it has “grave concerns” about the accuracy of a classified memo on the Russia election investigation that President Donald Trump wants released.
The FBI’s short and sharp statement, its first on the issue, laid bare a Trump administration conflict that had previously played out mostly behind closed doors in meetings between top Justice Department and White House officials.
“As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,” the FBI said.
So the (click) FBI has grave concerns? What are the grave concerns? What is that the FBI is hiding? Release the MEMO. Come clean. Talk cover-up, talk Coup d’etat, talk picking a president. 

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