Some claim move represents a de facto “death sentence”

Fears for the safety of Tommy Robinson are mounting after it was revealed that he has been moved to a heavily Muslim-populated prison in the United Kingdom and has already been on the receiving end of death threats.
Robinson was jailed last month for a “breach of the peace” while live streaming a trial involving a Muslim rape gang outside Leeds Crown Court.
He was initially held in a low security prison with a low Muslim population.
However, today it was revealed by Robinson’s manager Caolan Robertson that the activist has now been moved to another prison that has a large Muslim prison population.
Robertson added that Robinson had been subjected to Muslim prisoners banging on cell walls and threatening to kill him since he arrived at the jail. He is now being held on the main wing of the jail amongst the general population which is “full of people who (don’t) like him,” according to Robertson.
Some are claiming that moving Robinson to a heavily Muslim-populated prison represents a de facto “death sentence”. Robinson himself asked for the release of the information because he fears for his own safety.
A fatwa was also reportedly issued against Tommy Robinson by an imam within 24 hours of him being transferred to the new prison.
Back in 2016, a man who was jailed for leaving bacon outside of a mosque in Bristol was found dead in jail halfway through his prison sentence. An investigation later claimed the man died of a drugs overdose.
“He’s a much higher target now,” Robertson told Infowars, adding that this was the “most devastating news possible” because lawyers had been confident of securing Robinson’s early release.
Former Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam confirmed the news, tweeting, “Tommy’s human rights are being violated as he was moved to a new UK prison last night, without warning or reason. He is now in a very heavily Muslim populated prison in the Midlands in England.”
He also said that the decision to move Robinson came directly from the UK Home Office.