The Lying Clinton was forced to utter the word Islamic Terrorist but with a caveat. Let’s put this thing in perspective, violent Jihadists have taken over America forcing us, the Patriots, to accommodate their foreign ways – judges have given them succor. Separate areas to pray at work, allowing Muslim garb, catering to their halal food etc.
Time has come to out these judges and censure and then remove them from office. Trump’s first order of business should not be to send 11 million illegal Latin American catholics back to where they came from, but to round up all Muslim immigrants, most allowed in by some quirky regulation or executive order, put them on a boat and heading to Mecca. It is important to remember most of these violent Jihadist lied to get into the country in the first place by bluffing their way into the country.
Muslims and their gutter religion are foreign to our way of life, contrary to democracy. Oh yeah, they are nice to your face, but how do you know what they are praying for five times a day; guess what, to be granted the power from Allah to destroy the United States of America; this is their agenda. Some say this can be done, we will tell you what, they said the same about putting a man on the moon. Let it be said let it be done.