Tag Archives: wisconsin


Don’t let the ink splatter get you down. No way in hell was Wisconsin ever going for Trump,  but the rag trade made everyone think that a Trump loss was a disaster. No such thing. A bunch of scallywags have ganged up on Trump and found the best way to be him is by coagulating around Ted Cruz; Republicans feel that they are better off with Cruz rather than see Trump as the last man standing.

So what do they do, put Ted Cruz up as a Trojan Horse.  America remembers Cruz fighting with fellow Senators, nobody would speak with him because of the 21 hour Obamacare filibuster.  Cruz scorched the earth and became radioactive, not one Republican would touch him with a ten foot pole. However, the enemy of my enemy in this circumstance can be my friend. Now that the Republican RINO’s have embraced Cruz we pose the question, why would they do that? Because these imbedded politicians want the Status Quo. Anything that will upset the applecart is detrimental to those currently holding office. And so that is the story in a nutshell.

What can we do about it? PLENTY! Thirty five to forty percent of the population are in the “WE WANT A REVOLUTION” NOW CAMP. They have seen politicians steal and lie for decades without any punishment. Politically correct politicians, better yet, lying politicians, heretics to the cause. Roused the crowds to get elected then forgot the people who put them into office. Tell you folks, REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION.”  trumptimetrumpbillboard3

 Don’t write Trump off just yet!