The latest message from the Palestinian Authority. As published in the Jerusalem Post. 

 President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday accused Israel of continuing to “consolidate an Apartheid regime by accelerating policies that destroy the two-state solution.”

Abbas’s latest accusation came in a “Christmas Message” in which he repeated other charges against Israel, such as the construction of an “Annexation Wall” and the uprooting of “historic olive trees” near Bethlehem.

“Jesus is a symbol for all Palestinians,” Abbas said. “Palestine and its people take pride in being the birthplace of Christianity and having the oldest Christian community in the world.”

Palestinians in Bethlehem, he said, would celebrate Christmas this year “surrounded by 18 illegal settlements and an annexation wall, which are taking over their land.”

Abbas went on to say this Christmas comes during a particularly difficult period and that international intervention is “desperately needed to protect the Palestinians.”

He accused Israeli extremists of attacking mosques and churches, and said the “twin cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem have been separated for the first time in more than 2,000 years of Christianity.”

The PA president stressed that there can be no Palestinian state without Jerusalem as its capital.

He also reiterated his condemnation of terrorism by Islamic State and other groups, saying he supported action against them.

“We express our solidarity with the peoples who have been affected by their evil actions, and particularly with the millions of refugees who were forced to leave their homes in search of safety,” he said.


The latest Christian Church burning by Muslim extremists, September 2015

Obama’s “peace partner,” the Palestinian Authority, has been “curiously” silent over the major fire set yesterday at a Christian church in Bethlehem, the biblical birthplace of Jesus Christ. Curious? Hardly.

The destruction of churches is a rife in Muslim countries. It’s hardly exclusive to ISIS.

Gabriel Naddaf, spokesman for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, wrote on his Facebook: “I call to strongly condemn the burning of the holy Church ‘St. Charbel’ burned tonight in Bethlehem by Palestinian extremists. I condemn in the strongest terms the powerlessness of the Palestinian Authority in maintaining the holy places of Christians in Palestinian territories. I call PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas to handle the hazardous events seriously and with severity instead of preaching morality to Israel.”

But Abbas did no such thing. And the world is so cowed by these devout savages, they have come to silently accept this evil, and worse still, shill for it.

Benjamin Netanyahu posted in his Facebook page:

“I am proud that the Christian community in Israel has grown each year. Unfortunately, across the Middle East, that trend happens only in Israel. In many other parts of our region, the Christian community is persecuted and attacked. Even in the territories of the Palestinian Authority, including Bethlehem, the cradle of Christianity, the Christian community is shrinking every year.

“PA Strangely Silent after Muslims Set Bethlehem Church Afire,” By Yaacov Levi,  Israel National News, September 27, 2015
The Palestinian Authority has been curiously speechless after Muslims set a major fire at a Christian church in Bethlehem Saturday.

bethlehem church

The Palestinian Authority has been curiously silent over a major fire at a Christian church in Bethlehem.

In its sole statement, the PA said that the fire at the St. Charbal church in the city was caused by an “electrical malfunction” – a description that is at odds with an account by Israeli Christian Arab Father Gabriel Naddaf, who said that the church was burned down Saturday night by “Palestinian extremists.”

“I condemn with all my heart the laxness of the Palestinian Authority in protecting Christian holy places it controls. I also hope that all the Christian leaders who demonstrated when the Church of Bread and Fishes near Tiberias was burned down will also demonstrate against this terrible act,” Naddaf wrote on his Facebook page.

According to Christian community leaders in Bethlehem, the fire was started by extremist Islamists who for months have been threatening community members with harm. As a result of the fire, several rooms on the church’s second floor were completely destroyed. No one was killed or injured.

Sources quoted by Naddaf said that the fire was just another in a long series of attacks by Muslims against Christians in Bethlehem. “The PA tries to sweep these incidents under the rug but it never condemns these acts, which interfere with freedom of religion,” the sources said. Before PA chief Mahmoud Abbas “lectures Israel on its morality, he should look at his own responsibilities and deal with them appropriately,” Naddaf wrote.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu also discussed the fire on his Facebook page, saying that he was “very proud that the Christian community in Israel grows annually. Unfortunately Israel is the only place in the Middle East where this is happening. In most parts of the region, Christians are persecuted and attacked. In the PA as well, including in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christianity, the Christian community shrinks each year.

“If the church was burned down by extremists, I would expect the PA to do everything possible to catch those responsible, as Israel has done when it comes to attacks on shrines of all religions,” Netanyahu added.

– See more at:


Just as he does every December, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, along with other PA officials, made the Christmastime claim that Jesus Christ was a Palestinian, rather than a Judean. What an insult to Christianity and Christian history to have this Jew Hater spew out this filth which denigrates Christianity and the Son of God. Abbas, a suicide bomber, has resorted to what can be called hallucinations of the mind.  So now we have it, according to Mazen, Jesus is a Palestinian Muslim.

The facts from the new testament, text defines Jesus as  a Jewish resident of Judea. The Roman Empire changed the name of “Judea” to “Palestine” one hundred years after Jesus’s death.

Palestinian Christians have suffered as dhimmis for centuries. An English traveler in the Holy Land in 1816, for example, remarked that Christians were not permitted to ride on horseback without express permission from the Muslim Pasha.5

Other European travelers to the Holy Land mentioned the practice whereby “a dhimmi must not come face to face with a Muslim in the street but pass him to the left, the impure side,” and described how Christians were humiliated and insulted in the streets of Jerusalem until the mid-1800s. The British consul in Jerusalem wrote that in the Holy Land, particularly in Jerusalem until 1839, Christians were pushed into the gutter by any Muslim who would swear: “turn to my left, thou dog.” They were forbidden to ride on a mount in town or to wear bright clothes.

From 1953 until 1967, Jordan undertook to Islamize the Christian quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem by laws forbidding Christians to buy land and houses….It ordered the compulsory closure of schools on Muslim holidays and authorized mosques to be built near churches, thus preventing any possibility of enlargement.

In Israel, too, Muslim fundamentalists seek to assert dominance over Christian Arabs. “Attacks against and condemnation of Christians are also often heard in mosques, in sermons and in publications of the Muslim Movement.”16 In Nazareth, a significant clash developed in recent years when Muslims sought to build a grand mosque next to the Basilica of the Annunciation, the dominant Christian landmark in the town

The PA, in fact, denies historic Jewish – and thus Christian – ties to Jerusalem. Walid M. Awad, Director of Foreign Publications in the Palestinian Ministry of Information, asserted: “The location of the [Jewish] Temple on the Temple Mount is in question….There are scholars who say that it might be in Jericho or somewhere else 4 kilometers outside of Jerusalem.” Asked “The New Testament talks of Jesus going to the Temple in Jerusalem. Are you suggesting that Jesus went to Jericho rather than Jerusalem?” he responded, “It depends on what temple you think he went to.”44 U.S. Ambassador Dennis Ross asserted: “The only new idea [Arafat] raised at Camp David was that the temple didn’t exist in Jerusalem.”

Continuing the Islamic tradition of Saladin – who constructed two mosques contiguous to and taller than the Church of the Holy Sepulcher – mosques have mushroomed adjacent to and usually taller than churches. Loudly amplified Muslim sermons have been aired during Christian services, including the Pope’s April 2000 address in Nazareth, which had to be halted until the Muslim call to prayer was concluded.

Christians should start demanding blood for blood when it comes to Muslim incitement. Prayers only go so far.



First of all Christmas or Merry Christmas is verboten, “Happy Holidays” is the politically correct term for the progressive elite, politically correct, anti America, lap dog one world order type, apologetic miscreant inhabitant of the Golden State.

California’s politicians are hell bent on reversing the history of the golden state. The Pols are on the verge of tapping the gold of its citizens; many of them are visibly upset, particularly the Democrats. As we approach election season once again their constituents don’t find themselves too happy about being gang raped – the thinking is that they will take out their anger on the incumbent, ala Eric Cantor.

What gets them upset is Cap ‘n Trade, California’s boogeyman. Democrats whose beliefs are set in stone, think Marxism – tax the productive and transfer the wealth to the parasitic moocher are in a very precarious position. An extra $25 per week for a movie mogul doesn’t register, but to a gardener $25 can make a huge difference in life style.

Is it possible that the Green Agenda will be frozen for the forseeable future? Once the bees nest is aroused many are bitten. And soon inflation will be raising its ugly head, with pay flat, many of the middle class will call for a revolt. We like that kind of scenario. As the old saying goes, how do you turn a liberal into a conservative? Mug ‘m.


Jerusalem, the “City of David” since time immemorial has been fought over, contested, destroyed, rebuilt, but still lives on, located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world.Today, Jerusalem survives because the Israeli’s see to it that all religions flourish. In fact there is no place in the Middle East where Christians feel more safe than in Israel. According to the Biblical tradition, King David conquered the city from the Jebusites and established it as the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel, and his son, King Solomon, commissioned the building of the First Temple.

Image result for jerusalem city

In 2011, Jerusalem had a population of 801,000, of which Jews comprised 497,000 (62%), Muslims 281,000 (35%), Christians 14,000 (around 2%) and 9,000 (1%) were not classified by religion.  According to the Prussian consul, the population in 1845 was 16,410, with 7,120 Jews, 5,000 Muslims, 3,390 Christians, 800 Turkish soldiers and 100 Europeans. In 1867 an American Missionary reports an estimated population of Jerusalem of ‘above’ 15,000, with 4,000 to 5,000 Jews and 6,000 Muslims. From 1922 to 1948 the total population of the city rose from 52,000 to 165,000, comprised two-thirds of Jews and one-third of Arabs (Muslims and Christians).

Image result for christian population of israel
According to recent figures released by Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, there are roughly 161,000 Christians living in Israel, equaling about 2 percent of the population and an up from 158,000 in 2012. Equate this number out of a total population eight million and 200,000 Christians living in Turkey with a population of 80,000,000. 
 Most Palestinian Christians nowadays see themselves as culturally and linguistically Arab Christians with ancestors dating back to the first followers of Christ. They claim descent from a mixture of Jews and Gentiles who converted to Christianity in the first few centuries AD.


Donald Trump is no pussy cat, he has catapulted into the Republican lead by trashing one opponent after another. To him “political correctness” is the enemy; no better exemplified by the Democrat liar running for president.  Hillary Clinton’s reaction to Trump is to pull out  Saul Alinsky’s play book as manifested in “Rules for Radicals.” The Clinton camp, desperate at this point, mired in one lie after another resorts to the tactics employed by Alinsky.

Divided into ten chapters, each chapter of Rules for Radicals provides a lesson on how a community organizer can accomplish the goal of successfully uniting people into an active organization with the power to effect change on a variety of issues. Sounds like Obama took the book to heart during his stay at Columbia.

Alinsky would find an external antagonist to turn into a common enemy for the community within which he was operating. Often, this enemy would be a local politician. that had some involvement with activity that was causing detriment to the community. His goal was to unite a group through conflict with an external antagonist. Once the enemy was established, the community would come together in opposition of it. This management of conflict heightened awareness within the community as to the similarities its members shared as well as what differentiated them from those outside of their organization. The use of conflict also allowed for the goal of the group to be clearly defined. With an established external antagonist, the community’s goal would be to defeat that enemy, whether it be a politician, policy, or opposing agency.

The rule Clinton and Obama have used over and over again with success is the following:

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. However, Clinton meets Trump and he ain’t no one to mess with. In Grand Rapids yesterday Trump answered Ms. Clinton with the full force of a CAT. 

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pounded on Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton Monday, calling her a “liar” over her claim that the ISIS terror group used videos of his comments about Muslims to recruit militants.

“She’s a liar!” Trump told more than 6,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also said Clinton was “crooked” and “not a president.”

Trump also resorted to crude language to discuss Clinton’s 2008 loss in the Iowa caucuses to Barack Obama, who went on to win the Democratic nomination and the White House.

“She was favored to win and she got schlonged, she lost,” said Trump, who also mocked Clinton for returning late to Saturday’s Democratic debate following a commercial break. “I thought she quit, I thought she gave up,” Trump joked.


Death of Nations
A friend of our just got back from Europe 2 weeks ago.  This is an excellent video he has been sharing with friends since the Paris attacks.  He sent it to many of the businesses he does business with in Europe since attacks, the media in Europe would never let the populist see this, many have been sharing yet some Europeans think it may be too late because the low birth rate has set up some European countries like Belgium and Sweden to a point of no return.  The French are fighting back yet they have a long row to hoe.
Islam in Europe
If you want to better understand why-how the libs have created this mess in the western world this video will better explain  This is almost 2.75 hrs. long yet it will give a better understanding of the problem and why the west needs new STRONG LEADERS or one by one these countries and eventually the U.S. will unwind into the abyss as these Uber liberal intellectual PC driven hapless leaders stand on their podiums and pontificate there is nothing to fear folks “we have everything under control”
If you choose to watch this long version note the words of the nice liberal man from Holland talking about the Van Gogh murder in his country.  He thought Van Gogh was a kook and the Muslims stuff was overblown, they could all just get along, boy was he wrong.  And near the end of the film the most difficult to watch for me is a person who help create so much horror for her country and herself now realizing she was terribly wrong.  This pathetic mis-guided Jewish woman living in Sweden working as a “militant immigration activist” for mainly Muslim men.  By the time people like here figure out they have been living and facilitating the huge liberal lie it’s too late, they have done too much damage to correct the situation.  Her work fit hand in hand to the Swedish model back in the 80’s as they said we will show the world how we will be the best nanny state in the world.   The French are pissed off and trying to turn the tide yet Europe is in deep trouble, Sweden and Belgium stick out for me as in dire straits, likely un-reversible because of their Euro PC, Socialistic system
The Fix is in;
Jeh Johnson is one of many leaders of Obama Admin are driving the U.S. over the cliff
40,000 Spouse Visa waivers can get into the U.S. while one nun is not allowed in to discuss Christen persecution???  Our Govt works with CARE, the MBH and many other radical organizations that if you knew what they stand for you would throw up while JJ and the department of state are behind keeping a nun out of the U.S. is an outrage.
We have all been sold out;
by our hapless leaders who are referred to as honorable men and woman and the media is perpetrating the scam.
o    What a job the western media has done hiding-spinning this while screwing the people they serve. The fix has been in for years, there will be a cost to pay for all of this, for some it will be their entire country will be swallowed up.  As for the President  I am out of words, there must be redeemable qualities yet I have no idea what they are.  It appears he lives in a land of delusion similar to what leaders in Western Europe. Thomas Sowell seems to have had our President Obama figured out:
He says “Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on other people – most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is talking about. Whether want he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant. A talented con man…does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing.”

Death of Nations

I just got back from Europe last 2 weeks ago.  This is an excellent video I have been sharing with friends since the Paris attacks.  I have sent it to many we do business with in Europe since attacks, the media in Europe would never let the populist see this, many have been sharing yet some Europeans think it may be too late because the low birth rate has set up some European countries like Belgium and Sweden to a point of no return.  The French are fighting back yet they have a long row to hoe.
Islam in Europe
If you want to better understand why-how the libs have created this mess in the western world this video will better explain  This is almost 2.75 hrs. long yet it will give a better understanding of the problem and why the west needs new STRONG LEADERS or one by one these countries and eventually the U.S. will unwind into the abyss as these Uber liberal intellectual PC driven hapless leaders stand on their podiums and pontificate there is nothing to fear folks “we have everything under control”
If you choose to watch this long version note the words of the nice liberal man from Holland talking about the Van Gogh murder in his country.  He thought Van Gogh was a kook and the Muslims stuff was overblown, they could all just get along, boy was he wrong.  And near the end of the film the most difficult to watch for me is a person who help create so much horror for her country and herself now realizing she was terribly wrong.  This pathetic mis-guided Jewish woman living in Sweden working as a “militant immigration activist” for mainly Muslim men.  By the time people like here figure out they have been living and facilitating the huge liberal lie it’s too late, they have done too much damage to correct the situation.  Her work fit hand in hand to the Swedish model back in the 80’s as they said we will show the world how we will be the best nanny state in the world.   The French are pissed off and trying to turn the tide yet Europe is in deep trouble, Sweden and Belgium stick out for me as in dire straits, likely un-reversible because of their Euro PC, Socialistic system
The Fix is in;
Jeh Johnson is one of many leaders of Obama Admin are driving the U.S. over the cliff
40,000 Spouse Visa waivers can get into the U.S. while one nun is not allowed in to discuss Christen persecution???  Our Govt works with CARE, the MBH and many other radical organizations that if you knew what they stand for you would throw up while JJ and the department of state are behind keeping a nun out of the U.S. is an outrage.
We have all been sold out;
by our hapless leaders who are referred to as honorable men and woman and the media is perpetrating the scam.
o    What a job the western media has done hiding-spinning this while screwing the people they serve. The fix has been in for years, there will be a cost to pay for all of this, for some it will be their entire country will be swallowed up.  As for the President  I am out of words, there must be redeemable qualities yet I have no idea what they are.  It appears he lives in a land of delusion similar to what leaders in Western Europe. 
Thomas Sowell seems to have had our President Obama figured out:
He says “Like other truly talented phonies, Barack Obama concentrates his skills on the effect of his words on other people – most of whom do not have the time to become knowledgeable about the things he is talking about. Whether want he says bears any relationship to the facts is politically irrelevant. A talented con man…does not waste his time trying to convince knowledgeable skeptics. His job is to keep the true believers believing.”


Backlash in Virginia due to a teacher requiring students to cite”there is no God but allah” as part of a class lesson. School’s were closed early due to threats. Some of the tens of thousands of emails and Facebook posts “posed a risk of harm to school officials” and threatened protests, Superintendent Eric Bond said in a message to parents and employees Friday.But some in this deeply religious area in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains said the lesson angered them, especially because of what they said were efforts to marginalize Christianity in the schools.

The fact is that “ISLAM” is not a Religion it is a political agenda. When will our politicians realize this. The Koran is not a holy book, it is akin to Mao’s “Little Red Book“, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung bilingual.JPG it is a propaganda mechanism to get the people to heel to a autocratic God. Tyranny results in countries ruled by Islamists; Turkey is the latest example, of course Egypt has gone the other way when General al-Sisi over through the Muslim Brotherhood zealot Morsi. Islam must be seen for what it is, not a Religion of Peace, but a political system of submission.


There has been behind the scenes talk concerning Bernie Sanders ability to run as a Democrat. The Green Mountain Boy has been caucusing with the Democrats for years. An avowed socialist with little or no chance to win the nomination (the machinery has already fixed the nomination for Hillary) he can spoil Ms. Clinton’s dream of being president by taking up the Democrat’s offer and run as an Independent. This will siphon enough votes from the Democrats to give Trump the victory.

Donald Trump confirmed he will not run as a third party candidate; Bernie Sanders has not done so. If the Democrat National Committee (DNC) continues to treat Mr. Sanders as a second class citizen there is the strong possibility that he may throw sand into Hillary’s not so oiled machine by running as a third party candidate. The simple truth is that there is no love lost between him and Hillary, matter of fact, the reason he entered the race is that Sanders despises Hillary.

As we come closer to the New Hampshire day of reckoning the poll numbers suggest that the race is tightening, mostly around Ms. Clintstone’s neck. A good showing by Sanders in a neighboring state is not a given, but a good showing will propel his candidacy further along than most imagined.

Think about Hillary Clinton, a not so real role model, watching her husband have numerous affairs yet she promulgates women’s rights, 180 degrees from what she does. Any woman with a sense of self is not interested in hearing more of here say what I say, not what I do. That goes for her time at the State Department where she was a complete failure, but tells an exuberant tale of how she met all expectations.  Apparently she had a ride on the “mind eraser.”SFA-Mind Eraser 2.jpg And don’t forget her propensity to fall, the last time she suffered a concussion. Many pundits, including Carl Rove, believe here ability to function has been impaired.  Her record as Secretary of States is prima- facie evidence of psychological impairment.

Hillary Clinton’s new bogeyman is Donald Trump. Her explanation that Trump is the reason for the success of ISIS has been met with much disdain. Again, we reiterate that Clinton will go to no ends to lambaste her opponents, this is a de rigueur Democratic ploy to arouse the animal instincts of those who have imbibed the kool aid.

Go Bernie Go


Today at 10:18 AM


UPDATE: access regained

Bernie Sanders is going to the mat with Hillary Clinton and her lap dog Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. A civil war erupted within the Democratic Party on Friday after news that Bernie Sanders’ campaign took advantage of a technological glitch to access, search and save one of Hillary Clinton’s most valuable campaign assets — her voter files.

Clinton’s campaign had accused Sanders’ team of stealing millions of dollars worth of data, all to raise cash off a narrative that the establishment is against him.

“They stole data as a reason to raise money for their campaign,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told reporters Friday night after Sanders’ campaign sent supporters a fundraising email titled, “Urgent: DNC tipping the scales for Hillary Clinton.”

It’s increasingly clear that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, isn’t acting as a neutral party Chair, trying to insure a fair and democratic primary and building the Democratic Party in the states.

Read more: