Tag Archives: Donald Trump


nytimesQuotes from two blazing elitists living in their own reality. Similar to a drug addict who inhabits a world of Utopian bliss, time warped by mind altering drugs and synapse overload.

Supreme Court Justice, Ruth (dark) Bader-Ginsberg, engaged her tongue without brain in gear. Then the latest from another libber, none other than Hillary, the liar, Clinton. For God’s sake, how many excuses does this lady have blaming everything under the sun for her defeat? Even Watson, IBM’s human computer, can’t count that high.

So, now it is the “FAKE” news stories that lead to her implosion, before it was Comey and before that it was here server. The only thing Fake about the election was her thought of ever mounting the throne.

But don’t ever forget the false narrative perpetrated on the American public by the New York Times and defended by their public editor. This is a must see VIDEO where the Times editor’s facial distortions will give Snapchat and Face Changer a run for their money.

The lame street press did everything in their power to putsch Hillary into the oval office. The only oval Hillary befriended on election eve as the results came pouring in (the writing was already on the wall before that) was in the porcelain goddess in the transgender bathroom.

The next morning she and Slick Willie make their appearance; looking like purple people eaters Hillary spews out a very gracious concession speech. How did she do that? We wonder if a junkie (maybe John Podesta he is into the occult, isn’t he?) supplied the uppers. For her metamorphosis  from the night before was something to behold. 

However, we have not seen the last of the “Jail the Bird” Clinton as she moves into the public advocate roll, a forum being changed by the new reality. Warning people to be on the lookout for fake news stories. Remember Bill de Blasio was the Public Advocate in the Big Apple before he moved up a notch to mayor. Is this the same road Hillary is taking?

Oh by the way we forgot to mention that there is talk that Hillary will try to become a three time loser by running again in 2020. We advise  her to see an optometrist first for her vision certainly is nowhere near 2020.


Don’t you love those Democrats? They named a candy bar after Reggie Jackson called the Reggie bar. The story went that the Baby Ruth Baby-Ruth-Wrapper-Small.jpgwas named after Babe Ruth, but that was dispelled. Anyway it still became legend. Now we have found a candy named after the Democrats, Cry Baby. Don’t you just love it. 

They just can’t get over the results of the election. The sour pusses were ubiquitous at Clinton campaign headquarters on Tuesday night as the results came rolling in. The word on the street was that campaign Honcho Grande, John Podesta went yellow pants. Hillary was nowhere to be seen, but a person familiar with the situation reported her being in a sour mood.

Clinton’s team is still clamoring for a recount in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin; slim chance to overturn all three. Then Hillary’s campaign is boasting on how they won the popular vote by 2 million. But to top that off they want the electoral college shut down saying it is a fraud like Trump University.

These Democrats, always conniving; next time they will demand the results before the election. A small minutiae has been left out of the equation. What could that be? Between 3 and 4 million illegal voters cast a vote. Not being there to confirm who they voted for we hazard a guess – Hillary Clinton of course.

Of course the BLAME GAME is in full swing. FBI director Comey gets the full brunt of Clinton’s wrath, he is to blame for the loss.

Clinton got beat fair and square from a much more savvy guy because American’s finally realized that she is a congenital liar and murderer at that. She only has herself to blame.teapartylogored Final word on Trump. He stepped up to the plate and went yard with the bases loaded.  Not like Casey (in this case Hillary Clinton), who struck out with the bases loaded.


Donald Trump tried to be nice to HRM, diplomatically describing her service to the nation as a good thing; these words were not a Trump fashion. Not even a month later we find Hillary trying to rewrite history. Of course this is not a game of folly, it is a game of blood. Clinton’s plan to ask for recounts in three states exemplifies the mindset of a sore loser. Of course she is in collusion with Dr. Jill Stein who is contesting the legitimacy of the election. We know who is behind this MINI putsch, GEORGE SOROS.

This brings us back to 1962, Nixon vs Kennedy, where Chicago kingpin, Richard Daly rigged the election, but Nixon, for the good of the country did not ask for a recount, for he knew this would divide the country. Hillary does care about uniting, her whole life has been about dividing.

A word of advice President Trump, bring her to justice. JAIL THE BIRD




Mitt Romney, quoting Trump, is a choke artist.  As governor of Massachusetts Romneycare was passed; it turned out to be the worst socialist scheme on record and became the blueprint for Obamacare. Romney has been lobbying for the top job in the Trump administration, Secretary of State. In no uncertain terms do the Trump voters approve of Romney serving in the Trump administration.

Up till now Trump has done a super job in recruiting experts in security, education, CIA and defense. They have the same mindset as does President elect Trump. Romney will cause infighting between the President and his crew; he is a bad choice. Not a good representative of America at this point in time.

Rudy Giuliani, a top notch guy and deserving of the post. He has a world of  experience fitting these trying times. A major influence on Trump, both New Yorkers who previously worked together, an integral part of the Trump campaign, a security expert, an American, Rudy is ready to serve America.

Kellyanne Conway weighed in today. Click here for her comments. A possible dark horse is Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat if you will.


The lying Clinton continues with the same behavior she has manifested during her years as Secretary of State. Now (click)she is joining Jill Stein in demanding a recount in several states. Be that as it may sometimes what you ask for may have unintended consequences. For instance, once the ballots are recounted we may find that millions of illegals, dead people, felons and minors also voted; if that is the case expect authorities to make arrests of Democrat registrars.

We would adventure that Hillary received 99.99% of their votes. So Hillary, the country waits for you to fall on your own knife. Slick Willie most likely would not shed a tear. hillarydog


Conflict of interest laws are so poorly written that it is impossible not to break them. One look at the Clintons corroborate this very fact. The Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, their personal speaking fees are best described as conflict of interest gone nuclear.” Have they been arrested? No! Have they admitted their crimes? No! Has the media demanded independent investigators to ferret out the double dealing committed? No! Why are they now bringing up Trump’s potential conflicts of interest? We know the answer already.

Donald Trump has numerous business interest around the world; ask yourself how in the hell would he avoid media scrutiny accusing him of conflict of interest – virtually impossible in today’s world. No one, not even God could avoid being biased.

Out advice to Trump; Let the kids run the show the best they can – seems they are up to it. Make them understand that they can’t expect any comments, inputs, advice or any other feedback from you.

President Trump you will be judged by the public not by the lame stream media. Tell the media to fuggetaboutit


No politician in recent memory has suffered a worse defeat than HRC. The odds-on favorite to occupy the throne was buzz whipped by Middle America. Her devastating defeat revealed the inner thinking of this reviled liar. She didn’t wait a day before blaming Comey for the loss. But Comey was in her corner from the beginning.  America waited patiently for his investigation to end; and then it did, Clinton’s campaign was euphoric, higher than Cheech and Chong. Her stock began to rise, but it wasn’t a parabolic one.

The Trump team was no rollover. They were still a threat casting aside allegations concerning grouping women, Trump University  fraud and the hiring of illegals. However, these were minor issues when compared to the lying Clinton. Her past, present and future were catching up with her.

A simmering investigation into the perv Weiner caused Comey to reassess the closing of the FBI investigation. Suddenly it was on again. This brought Clinton’s team to call for Comey’s head. But once again Comey said, we found nothing. Of course we knew this wasn’t true. Who knows who got to him this time. Was it Slick Willie?

The lame stream media was doing its best to isolate Clinton from the undercurrents that were developing. They tried their best to push Hillary for President as hard as they could. Publishing poll after poll showing the lying Clinton with a slim lead. The Trump team was not convinced, they believed their message was getting traction. And so it was according to the LA Times poll who had Trump in front. Other prognosticators saw the same.

The fallout, the lame stream media is no longer trusted, they were big losers. The Democrat party is despised by all. Josef Goebbels would be proud of the job these two organizations did in their push.

But in the end we are not surprised at Hillary’s reaction, blaming FBI Director Comey for her stunning defeat. Believe us when we tell you Hillary Clinton imploded on herself. Thank you lame stream media.capitolupsidedownTRUMP


The following blog was published in September 2016. We were right on; little did we know that the Trump phenomena was about to begin. But this cultural schism is now playing out in cities across the country. Anarchists, socialists, communists are trashing, burning and violating peoples rights under the guise that Trump did not win the popular vote. Let us remind these PROTESTORS, no doubt their brains are smaller than birds, that the problem does not lie with the electoral college, the problem lied with Hillary Clinton mugging Bernie Sanders in broad daylight. The Democrats fixed the system BETTING ON A ONE HORSE RACE. Oh and how they got Burned. 


The Ferguson, Missouri crowd rage, the Murietta protest against the illegal alien dump, Attorney General Holder playing the race card, President Obama’s pronouncement of  whitee’s guilt before a trial are just a few examples of the underlying cultural dichotomy simmering beneath the surface.  In the days, months and years ahead the probability of a major cultural class type of warfare is assured.  There is a common denominator here, not the least of which highlights the problem. Those who seek knowledge and learning, the law abiding citizens who built America who came from many countries are now in a fight for their common culture. Communities of moochers and ghettoized cities where its inhabitants are told that their plight in life is the fault of others breeds animosity to the boiling point.

The education gap continues to grow easily highlighting society’s fracture obviously the blame can be placed on the inbred liberalism of the education industry, the kind practiced by Democrats and many Republicans alike. For forty years trillions of dollars have gone down the education sewer pit without any tangible results.  Black and Hispanic students are much more likely than white students to fall behind in school and drop out, and much less likely to graduate from high school, acquire a college or advanced degree, or earn a middle-class living.  A growing problem if there ever was one.

A whole section of society bears the truth that a society without a common culture will soon collapse under its own weight. Weak leaders who fail to address the problem are the provocateurs of the coming cultural war where cities will be trashed at random. Once this nuclear reaction begins the only defense against the onslaught is individual armaments. Holding up in ones home while waiting for the police to arrive is only a hope and prayer.

ISIS easily provides a blue print. Only a few thousand believers in jihad marched through Syria and Iraq uncontested. In Ukraine, Russians had the Ukrainian army on the run with one shot of a Kalishnikov. It is often the case where the fire fighter lets the building burn because there is little chance of saving it. We are now at that point. ” Take America back” is a shibboleth of the Tea Party, but more important it is a target for the progressive divider – Democrat.

“Take America Back” to what they say, to Jim Crow is their answer.  This has a racial connotation, tainting the Tea Party as heathens when that is the farthest from the truth. We must overcome the naysayers to succeed. Our message needs to come across. Individual responsibility with limited government was the philosophy of our founding fathers; certain segments of our country despise that philosophy, they are to be our focal point. Their leaders must take responsibility for the uncivilized beings they harbor.

America can be great again if we as Americans bring together a coalition of like minded individuals from all nationalities to focus their efforts on why a cultural problem exists and what plan of action is needed to reverse the trend.  Without a plan we will disintegrate before the 21st century comes to a close. Just pay a visit to any major city and you will not only get a glimpse of the third world you will experience it first hand. Those who inhabit this space are easily recruited for the jihad with the sole purpose to destroy America;  for them killing is their means to an end of total domination.


Obama pushed the socialist agenda hard culminating in the approval of Obamacare. Note that the Democrats owned this having no Republicans voting for it. But all was not lost, Chief Justice Roberts gave thumbs up to its legality. We wonder if he did it surreptitiously, giving the Republicans an issue to run on?  Interpreting the law by saying the penalty for not signing up was a tax, therefore Obamacare became the new healthcare panacea.

This became a blessing because the Republicans now had an issue. And so the fait accompli  became the rallying cry. The Elephant party took over Congress.

Next came Donald Trump, a “joke” at first blush and a circus clown at that, no way was he going to trump the Bush, Christie, Rubio, Kasich, Cruz and all of the other also-rans. However, during the primaries things started to move in “The Donald’s direction.” Trump was no ordinary stumping politician. He shot himself several times; for instance the comment on blood flowing, calling Rubio, “little Rubio and Bush, “low energy.” Then he dueled with Cruz regarding wives. With all that being said Trump started to emerge from the “joke” to contender. He fought off those with more power and money, moving into the top tier.

On the other side Hillary, the odds on favorite fought desperately fighting off attacks from Bernie Sanders. At time Hillary was shaken to the very core. Sanders was gaining grassroots momentum, suddenly winning primaries. What was Hillary to do? Her brain trust had the answer, do what comes natural,LIE. lies She took their advice, lying about her record, lying about Benghazi, lying about her emails.  But still the media gave her succor. Calling her the odds on favorite to defeat Trump and handily at that. Sanders was disposed of, not with ease, but with dispatch; an inside job in a rigged system. An inflection point in the name calling campaign of Hillary Clinton though, one she will never forget, is when Hillary called us DEPLORABLE.

Finally, the picture began to come into focus; the pollsters polled what they wanted to hear ignoring the rumbling down under. However, this was a good thing for the Republicans because the Democrat hierarchy and Hillary’s brain trust bit full line and sinker. They did not campaign in the states that they thought were a sure thing. Their campaign was in celebration mode, bottles of champagne in the clubhouse, on ice and waiting to be uncorked. The rigged system was working for them, with the press on board, CNN playing favorites and polls forecasting a Hillary victory. There was nothing to worry about.

On election night the NY Times initially had a Hillary win probability at 85%, the race for the White House was moving in the right direction. Shocked waves began to surface, a deep fissure indeed – once joyful Democrats started to see a turn of fortune. Expression became melancholy. And then the proverbialshot heard around the world was fired.”

The results from Pennsylvania came in. Hillary was badly beaten, this time by a loud mouth racist-sexist who never followed the politically correct line. GAME OVER

So we owe a debt of gratitude to Justice Roberts and the lame stream media. Justice Roberts for giving us an issue to run on and for the lame stream media convincing the Clinton campaign that she would be the next President of the United States. 

Of course the FBI helped, so did the email controversy and the Benghazi murders.trumptime


Those who followed the Bush administration’s recommendation of judges who needed Senate approval during Reid’s tenure in the Senate had little hope of them being confirmed. Harry saw to it. DOA!  Now that Trump has beaten back a $1.3 billion effort by the Clinton cabal,  a chance to alter the Supreme Court for decades to come has arrived. This does no sit well with Harry. Not offering Trump congratulations is one thing, but going after him like a pit bull is another.

The pugilistic Senate Democratic leader who is retiring this term issued a 473-word statement Friday railing against Trump’s election, saying it has “emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry” as the country is overcome by “tears” and “fear.”  

“White nationalists, Vladimir Putin and ISIS are celebrating Donald Trump’s victory, while innocent, law-abiding Americans are wracked with fear – especially African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, LGBT Americans and Asian Americans. Watching white nationalists celebrate while innocent Americans cry tears of fear does not feel like America,” the retiring Nevada senator said.

Because of his own ignorance he brought defeat upon himself. There was no middle ground for this Senatorial tyrant who happily carried the water for the socialist masses. Now that fire of freedom burns, Reid’s message of hate and ignorance is an affront to the American people who voted for Mr. Trump.