Trump Tweets Infowars Link of Dancing Muslims from 9/11; Liberals Go Into Meltdown

Written by Paul Joseph Watson
November 27, 2015 at 6:24 am| URL:

Major butt-hurt after Republican frontrunner links to article about Muslims celebrating 9/11


Liberals went into meltdown Wednesday night after Donald Trump tweetedan Infowars link to a story about how Muslims in New Jersey allegedly celebrated the 9/11 attacks.

After days of the mainstream media accusing Trump of lying about the assertion that he saw news reports about Middle Easterners celebrating the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the Republican presidential frontrunner cited a Washington Post story from September 18 which appeared to at least partially prove the claim.

But that didn’t satisfy the “fact checkers,” who continue to insist that Trump is being disingenuous. Fast forward to Wednesday night, when Trump tweeted out a link to an article posted on Infowars in which the writer, who drove through New Jersey on 9/11, asserts that she, “Witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said.”

Other people who were in New Jersey and New York on the day of the attacks also tweetedout their eyewitness reports of Muslims celebrating 9/11 under the hashtag #TrumpIsRight.

The mere spectacle of Trump tweeting a link to Infowars caused a sudden outbreak of cry-baby butt-hurt on behalf of liberals the likes of which the Internet has never seen.

Gawker devoted an entire article to the egregious act with the headline Trump Tweeted an Link and the Election Is Still 348 Days Away.

After we began trending, Twitter exploded with leftist rage at ‘The Donald’ daring to link to Infowars, with one cry-baby describing us as, “a site by paranoid idiots for paranoid idiots.”

Most of the attacks on Infowars also failed to recognize the fact that the article wasn’t even an Infowars story, it was a re-post of a BizPacReview piece by Carmine Sabia.

MORE evidence that New Jersey Muslims in fact, were dancing and celebrating on 9/11/01

MORE evidence that New Jersey Muslims in fact, were dancing and cel…

by BareNakedIslam

BareNakedIslam | November 27, 2015 at 9:00 pm URL:

The sharia-compliant media cover-up can’t cover up what many people in New York and New Jersey saw with their own eyes on 9/11. Don’t forget, there were no i-Phones back then and most of the cell phones did not have video cameras built in as they do now.

This is a copy of a Navy Vet Log from a DJ Lewis on Sept. 11, 2001″ “People Here Dancing on Rooftops – UNREAL!”



According to the experts the earth’s temperature is expected to rise by no more than .9 degrees by the end of the century. However, we get a charge out of the climate terrorists who expected it to rise by five degrees fahrenheit. It is apparent that their brains have been affected by bovine spongiform encephalopathy or better known as mad cow disease. 

We do admit to global warming, but only on a small scale, for example the temperature in Paris is expected to rise by one degree due to all of the hot air let off by the warmers; when the facts prove science we agree, on the other hand, when science is corrupted we must expose the truth.

The worst scientific scandal of our generation was the (READ THE ARTICLE HERE(CLIMATEGATE WHITEWASH.

There are three threads in particular in the leaked documents which have sent a shock wave through informed observers across the world. Perhaps the most obvious, as lucidly put together by Willis Eschenbach (see McIntyre’s blog Climate Audit and Anthony Watt’s blog Watts Up With That ), is the highly disturbing series of emails which show how Dr Jones and his colleagues have for years been discussing the devious tactics whereby they could avoid releasing their data to outsiders under freedom of information laws.

They have come up with every possible excuse for concealing the background data on which their findings and temperature records were based.

What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results.

The third shocking revelation of these documents is the ruthless way in which these academics have been determined to silence any expert questioning of the findings they have arrived at by such dubious methods – not just by refusing to disclose their basic data but by discrediting and freezing out any scientific journal which dares to publish their critics’ work. It seems they are prepared to stop at nothing to stifle scientific debate in this way, not least by ensuring that no dissenting research should find its way into the pages of IPCC reports.

Noted below Paris is hosting the conference on climate change. Expect the develop world to promote ways to decrease the carbon footprint while undeveloped nations add to theirs. India and China will continue to pour trillions of CO2 into the atmosphere at the expense of Europe and the United States. This is what the Greens want, more taxes, less growth and more control of their populations. Beware of their ultimate goal, population control.

2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference logo.jpg
Date 30 November 2015–
11 December 2015
Location Le Bourget in the suburb of Paris,France
Also known as COP 21/CMP 11
Participants UNFCCC member countries
Website Venue site

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 will be held in Le Bourget, from November 30 to December 11. It will be the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The conference objective is to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the nations of the world. Leadership of the negotiations is yet to be determined.

Click here for


Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS By Daniel Greenfield November 26, 2015 , 11:00 am Last year at a NATO summit, Obama explicitly disavowed the idea of containing ISIS. “You can’t contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory, causing that much havoc, displacing that many people, killing that many innocents, enslaving that many women,” he said.

Instead he argued, “The goal has to be to dismantle them.” Just before the Paris massacre, Obama shifted back to containment. “From the start, our goal has been first to contain them, and we have contained them,” he said. Pay no attention to what he said last year. There’s a new message now. Last year Obama was vowing to destroy ISIS. Now he had settled for containing them.

And he couldn’t even manage that. ISIS has expanded into Libya and Yemen. It struck deep into the heart of Europe as one of its refugee suicide bombers appeared to have targeted the President of France and the Foreign Minister of Germany. That’s the opposite of a terrorist organization that had been successfully contained.

Obama has been playing tactical word games over ISIS all along. He would “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS. Or perhaps dismantle the Islamic State. Or maybe just contain it. Containment is closest to the truth. Obama has no plan for defeating ISIS. Nor is he planning to get one any time soon. There will be talk of multilateral coalitions. Drone strikes will take out key figures. And then when this impressive war theater has died down, ISIS will suddenly pull off another attack.

And everyone will be baffled at how the “defeated” terrorist group is still on the march. The White House version of reality says that ISIS attacked Paris because it’s losing. Obama also claimed that Putin’s growing strength in Syria is a sign of weakness. Never mind that Putin has all but succeeded in getting countries that were determined to overthrow Assad to agree to let him stay.

Weakness is strength. Strength is weakness. Obama’s failed wars occupy a space of unreality that most Americans associate with Baghdad Bob bellowing that there are no American soldiers in Iraq. (There are, according to the White House, still no American ground forces in Iraq. Only American forces in firefights on the ground in Iraq.)

There’s nothing new about any of this. Obama doesn’t win wars. He lies about them. The botched campaign against ISIS is a replay of the disaster in Afghanistan complete with ridiculous rules of engagement, blatant administration lies and no plan for victory. But there can’t be a plan for victory because when Obama gets past the buzzwords, he begins talking about addressing root causes. And you don’t win wars by addressing root causes. That’s just a euphemism for appeasement. Addressing root causes means blaming Islamic terrorism on everything from colonialism to global warming.

It doesn’t mean defeating it, but finding new ways to blame it on the West. Obama and his political allies believe that crime can’t be fought with cops and wars can’t be won with soldiers. The only answer lies in addressing the root causes which, after all the prattling about climate change and colonialism, really come down to the Marxist explanation of inequality.

When reporters ask Obama how he plans to win the war, he smirks tiredly at them and launches into another condescending explanation about how the situation is far too complicated for anything as simple as bombs to work. Underneath that explanation is the belief that wars are unwinnable. Obama knows that Americans won’t accept “war just doesn’t work” as an answer to Islamic terrorism. So he demonstrates to them that wars don’t work by fighting wars that are meant to fail.

In Afghanistan, he bled American soldiers as hard as possible with vicious rules of engagement that favored the Taliban to destroy support for a war that most of the country had formerly backed. By blowing the war, Obama was not only sabotaging the specific implementation of a policy he opposed, but the general idea behind it. His failed wars are meant to teach Americans that war doesn’t work.


The unspoken idea that informs his strategy is that American power is the root cause of the problems in the region. Destroying ISIS would solve nothing. Containing American power is the real answer. Obama does not have a strategy for defeating ISIS. He has a strategy for defeating America.

Whatever rhetoric he tosses out, his actual strategy is to respond to public pressure by doing the least he can possibly do. He will carry out drone strikes, not because they’re effective, but because they inflict the fewest casualties on the enemy. He may try to contain the enemy, not because he cares about ISIS, but because he wants to prevent Americans from “overreacting” and demanding harsher measures against the Islamic State.

Instead of fighting to win wars, he seeks to deescalate them. If public pressure forces him to go beyond drones, he will authorize the fewest air strikes possible. If he is forced to send in ground troops, he will see to it that they have the least protection and the greatest vulnerability to ISIS attacks. Just like in Afghanistan. Obama would like ISIS to go away. Not because they engage in the ethnic cleansing, mass murder and mass rape of non-Muslims, but because they wake the sleeping giant of the United States.

And so his idea of war is fighting an informational conflict against Americans. When Muslim terrorists commit an atrocity so horrifying that public pressure forces him to respond, he lies to Americans. Each time his Baghdad Bob act is shattered by another Islamic terrorist attack, he piles on even more lies. Any strategy that Obama offers against ISIS will consist of more of the same lies and word games.

His apologists will now debate the meaning of “containment” and whether he succeeded in defining it so narrowly on his own terms that he can claim to have accomplished it. But it really doesn’t matter what his meaning of “containment” or “is” is. Failure by any other name smells just as terrible. Obama responded to ISIS by denying it’s a threat. Once that stopped being a viable strategy, he began to stall for time. And he’s still stalling for time, not to beat ISIS, but to wait until ISIS falls out of the headlines.

That has been his approach to all his scandals from ObamaCare to the IRS to the VA. Lie like crazy and wait for people to forget about it and turn their attention to something else.

This is a containment strategy, but not for ISIS. It’s a containment strategy for America. Obama isn’t trying to bottle up ISIS except as a means of bottling up America. He doesn’t see the Caliph of the Islamic State as the real threat, but the average American who watches the latest beheading on the news and wonders why his government doesn’t do something about it.

To the left it isn’t the Caliph of ISIS who starts the wars we ought to worry about, but Joe in Tennessee, Bill in California or Pete in Minnesota. That is why Obama sounds bored when talking about beating ISIS, but heats up when the conversation turns to fighting Republicans.

It’s why Hillary Clinton named Republicans, not ISIS, as her enemy. The left is not interested in making war on ISIS. It is too busy making war on America.


Tony Passaro
[email protected]
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Alliance of Americands Patriots
Campaign For Liberty
American for Prosperity
Maryland Fair Tax


 Armed Texas Patriots Surround this Mosque!

Written by Tim Brown
November 27, 2015 at 6:52 am URL:


Armed Texas patriots took to the streets to protest a local mosque in Irving, Texas and the resettling of Syrian refugees in the area.

Though the group was peaceful, Irving police was there in the crowd in large numbers and SWAT teams were placed on standby.

Fox News 4 reports:

A group calling itself the Bureau on American Islamic relations, or BAIR, gathered outside the Islamic Center of Irving.

One man who didn’t want his name used said, “It’s a boiling pot. The kettle…the top on this kettle is on really, really tight and it is going to blow.”

He also added, “I may look like their version of a racist but I’m not. I’m not even a racist here. I just don’t want them to push their beliefs down my throat.”

Designated terror group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) took the opportunity to attempt to present themselves as “peaceful,” even though they have been tied to funding Islamic terrorists such as Hamas for years.

“Americans are entitled to express their opinions for and against all matters of society,” the group said in a statement to FOX 4. “However, we urge demonstrators to not allowhate and fear to guide their actions, but rather balance knowledge and open hearts.”

I wish they would begin declaring that message to the Islamic terrorists they support rather than law abiding Americans!

Over the past year, Irving has been the center of where Islamists have been trying to raise the ante of societal jihad.

First consider that Muslims were outraged over the city backing a bill that would ban Islamic Sharia…, one of which had already been set up by fake Islamic attorneys, one of which we know supports Muslim Brotherhood terrorists. The city’s mayor, Beth Van Duynewouldn’t be bullied by the Muslims, but instead doubled downand encouraged Muslims to “respect, obey and embrace” the laws of Texas and the United States. That was back in March of this year.

In September, future jihadi Ahmed Mohamed decided to bring a clock, which he didn’t actually build, to school knowing that he would probably get into trouble. The clock looked like a briefcase bomb, but it was nothing but a scam to stir up sympathy for Muslims. While it garnered the attention of the Muslim-in-chief, it really backfired on Mohamed and he is now in Qatar (as if that is a surprise) and now suing the City of Irving for $15 million and demanding a public wri…! I’m doubting he will see a penny or a piece of paper!

Of course, there were many Islamic sympathizers and stealth jihadists who cowardly made threats, which came to nothing following the incident.

As I pointed out previously, this all comes right in the heart of Texas, along with Barack Obama’s former Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary leaving Washington and settling in Texas last year.

The good news is that this turnout shows that many Americans have not forgotten their freedoms and are exercising them. In like manner, as reported yesterday, the American militia has been put on alert concerning government tyranny in Oregon.

This should remind us of the rights we have as men to speak out, which are protected under the First Amendment and a public demonstration of the right to keep and bear armsto ensure those rights remain protected.

Courtesy of Freedom Outpost.


TEXAS: Anti-Islam group publishes names and home addresses of Muslims and Muslim sympathizers

Written by AmyElizabeth
November 27, 2015 at 6:48 pm URL:

The leader of a group of armed anti-Islam protesters in Texas listed the names and addresses of dozens of local Muslims and “Muslim sympathizers” on its Facebook page. Tensions in north Texas erupted after the Nov. 13 Paris attacks by the Islamic State (ISIS).


The people named on the list, which was posted by David Wright III — the leader of the protest designed to intimidate Muslims — were those who had asked the Irving City Council not to support the “American Laws for American Courts” bill, backed by Mayor Beth Van Duyne, because it would go against their religion.


The atmosphere at last week’s protest was “very threatening. They had AR-15 [rifles], they had their faces covered,” Alia Salem, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said, according to the Guardian.xgdiwwnmeu4rg8pmq8os

Salem also reportedly said that CAIR has “gotten a large increase in hate-crime reporting” since the Paris attacks that killed 130 people and injured hundreds others. She also reportedly said that at two events, she herself was verbally abused. Torn pages of the Quran were also thrown at a mosque in the Austin suburb of Pflugerville.


CAIR’s national headquarters in Washington issued a statement Tuesday saying it “has received more reports about acts of Islamophobic discrimination, intimidation, threats, and violence targeting American Muslims (or those perceived to be Muslim) and Islamic institutions in the past week and a half than during any other limited period of time since the 9/11 terror attacks.”48142846.cached

It attributed the increase to “the Paris attacks and to the mainstreaming of Islamophobia by political candidates and lawmakers in the run-up to the 2016 general election” as well as several politicians calling for the U.S. to stop accepting Syrian refugees, who are fleeing ISIS violence in the Middle East.


ISIS Releases Terrifying Statement – ‘We Will Attack Texas’

Written by clyde
November 25, 2015 at 5:51 pmURL:

ISIS has a thing for killing and enslaving Christians. When Pamela Geller held her Draw Mohammed Art Exhibit in Garland, Texas and was attacked, it came as no surprise that the Jihadists were connected to ISIS. As Obama keeps the borders open and flies in hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees the attacks on Christians will get more frequent and more deadly here in the United States. Garland was just the first. A lot more are coming. Pamela lives under the constant threat of death now. Obama is refusing to call the cleansing in the Middle East of Christians genocide. I wonder what he’ll call it here. Acceptable? ISIS is actively recruiting youth in northern Texas. I’m sure that’s not just for kicks. This is not going to end well.

From American News:

Following the attacks in Garland, TX, ISIS just released a statement that they intend to continue killing Christians in America, and that the next attack will “be harsher and worse.”

“We say to the defenders of the cross, the U.S., that future attacks are going to be harsher and worse…The Islamic State soldiers will inflict harm on you with the grace of Allah. The future is just around corner,” the terrorist group state on Al Bayan radio. reported that “the attack in Garland Texas was carried out by ISIS lone wolves.”
The two men involved, one of which was Elton Simpson, converted to Islam in 2010. He had links to ISIS, and was taking order from a terrorist in Minnesota, named Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan. He was know for his attempts to recruit other Americans to the cause.

More than a year ago, warned that ISIS was planning revenge attacks in the United States, and particularly in Texas. And now it has been revealed that Simpson was investigated in 2006, and ultimately let go.

“The possibility that the defendant did in fact intend to go to Somalia to engage in violent jihad exists, as the defendant never presented an alternative reason for going there,” the court wrote. “However, that is not the defendant’s burden and as stated, the Government has not established beyond a reasonable doubt that the Defendant had such intentions.”

This attack will likely not stand alone. According to the Texas law department, there have been several posts by jihadists expressing interest in the US-Mexican border and surrounding states, with “calls for border infiltration.”

What do you think? Is it time we started taking these attacks seriously?

GOP Presidential front runner Donald Trump has pointed out that the threat that ISIS poses is in how they use the Internet “far better than we do.” Breitbart News reported that Trump said we have to not only be a force on the Internet, but take it over to beat ISIS. He told Breitbart Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily Radio program, “at some point they’re not going to go over to fight for ISIS over there, they’re going to stay right here and fight for ISIS.” And that is exactly right. You now have ISIS in all 50 states. The FBI has over 1,000 current investigations into ISIS related activity here in the US. The refugees that are coming in surely have ISIS militants in their midst. This is a ticking time bomb about to go off in multiple cities across the nation. The Dallas FBI Chief said that other cities face similar threats. “The threat’s not going to go away. It will morph into different areas I’m sure, but we’re in for the battle of a lifetime really.” It’s definitely the battle of our lifetime, no doubt about it.

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Turkey’s Erdogan has a minor problem. A Turkish bomber released a missile whose target was to destroy a Russian bomber flying over Turkish airspace. A direct hit, the pilot and co-pilot ejected, one died as he entered enemy territory, the other made it safely to ground. Putin is not taking this lightly, he demands an apology from the unapologetic Islamist. More heat is expected soon from both sides as the war of words continues.

We recall Erdogan’s demands of Israel to apologize for shooting up the Turkish enterprise MV Mavi Marmara, killing nine as the flotilla tried to skirt and Israeli blockade and enter Gaza. This was a provocation. Netanyahu apologized on behalf of his nation; Erdoğan accepted the apology and both agreed to enter into further discussions. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Erdogan has said no, he will not apologize. We wait and see if the dog heels to Russia’s demands.

Currently many questions remain; for instance was the Russian jet flying over Turkey as Erdogan describes or was it in Syrian airspace? Russia, when can you trust the bear, says it was over Syria. Erdogan has upped the ante by telling Putin not to play with ‘FIRE.’ Those ware pretty big words for the diminutive Islamic dictator. Entering the 2nd week there still has not been a Turkish apology, but the rhetoric has subsided some what. However, Russia has cut various ties in addition to an embargo of Turkish goods. Our bet, being the paper dog Erdogan is kisses up to Putin sooner or later.

Map of Syria showing approximate location of Russian Su-24 crash site

Putin’s War Room.

Today at 10:42 AM


Sometimes what you wish for comes true; but the unexpected brings consequences that were not expected. California is feeling the brunt of a wicked cold front in the Sierras. Temperatures have plummeted to all time lows, eleven degrees below zero with killer winds to boot. Interesting to note that the “global change fanatics have not weighed in yet on the early winter storms.”

A series of winter storms have dumped large amounts of snow in the Sierra, with some places receiving more than 20 inches. The NWS said another storm could move in by Thursday. A freeze warning was in place in the Sacramento Valley for Sunday. Officials warned residents to protect outdoor plants and pipes.skimountain


Odds are stacked in favor of a wetter, stormier and snowier winter for the southern half of California. The Sierra in general should do much better than the last couple winters, with snowfall amounts normal to above normal. But again, that doesn’t mean northern California is in the same boat. My gut feeling is that most of the Tahoe resorts should get close to normal snowfall, which is still a huge improvement.Kirkwood and Mammoth will do quite well.

You’ve been hearing for months about the El Nino current in the Pacific Ocean. Scientists now say the ocean temperatures there are the warmest on record. One forecaster has even predicted a Godzilla El Nino, dumping large amounts of rain and snow. Well, in California’s Sierra Nevada range, it’s looking like the El Nino is materializing. The mountains are getting some badly-needed snow. In some places, snow pack is more than 300 percent higher than average.

Click here for

Click here for North America’s number One rated ski resort, Whistler Blackcomb


Heads – they win; tails – we lose


For over 20 years now, many conservatives have asserted that there is no difference between the two parties, that the Republicans and the Democrats are two sides of the same coin. Michael Reagan said one day on his radio show back in the mid-1990s that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is that it takes a Republican about three weeks longer to become a communist. The only thing that has changed since then is that they have added fascist and Islamic jihad apologist to the mix.


Those of us who have not suffered severe blows to the head recall that when Gore and Kerry ran for president, Democrats made a huge issue of the national debt. Obama stridently insisted that the debt under Bush was “unpatriotic”.  In 2001, the debt stood at a whopping $5,792,000,000(that’s five trillion, seven-hundred ninety-two billion) which amounted to 54.8% of our total gross domestic product (GDP) at the time. However, since then, the Democrats, with the willing help of the Republicans, have increased the debt to $18, 138,000,000 (that is eighteen-trillion, one-hundred thirty-eight billion), with an added ½-trillion just since the last Republican cave on the debt ceiling only a couple of months ago. This now is 101.7% of our total GDP. In other words, we now owe more than we produce. We seem to be competing with Greece and Spain. We are being driven toward economic collapse by the members of both parties in our own elected government.


Meanwhile, Obama and the congressional lackeys of the New World Order – this is the Big Money Donor class we hear about occasionally – have followed their instructions and cut spending for the military, forced homosexuals and “transgenders” on it, forced out hundreds of patriotic, non-leftist field-grade officers, and “laid off” tens of thousands of regular troops. What we are left with is a diminished defense capability that has many national security experts seriously concerned.


Now, on top of this, the above mentioned criminal cabal in Washington is in the process of finishing the forced inundation of America with criminal aliens, terrorists, and Muslims who will only obey Shariah law, not the Constitution. It will take very little to tip us into internal chaos, and thus, vulnerability to “intervention” from outside. Think it can’t happen? Think about this:


The chaos caused by communist rioters like Black Lives Matter and the “Occupy Movement”,      internal terrorist attacks, an out of control crime wave, and a skyrocketing murder rate becomes the rationale for Obama to declare martial law. The chaos and martial law cause the economy to collapse.      We default on our national debt payments. China, our largest real creditor decides in must “intervene” to protect its economic interests, i.e., its massive loans to us that the chaos keeps us from being able to repay, and invades us to “restore order”.

Who, pray tell, is going to stop them? Given what we’ve seen from the Washington Cabal, they will most likely order our military to aid and abet them in crushing us under the hob-nailed boot of totalitarian collectivism. And while many serving today would refuse, by then, it will be too little, too late. For you see, while Obama and his willing Democrat and Republican accomplices have been tearing down our military, China has been going full speed ahead at building up theirs (


There was a time when the Republicans were real patriots, willing to stand up and speak out, to take action to stop those who would destroy America and our way of life, men like Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Dwight Eisenhower, Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, and Joseph McCarthy. There are a few in Congress today, but only a few. Money appears to have nearly totally corrupted the system, leaving almost no one willing to live up to their oath of office to protect, defend, and obey the Constitution, the Constitution which requires them to provide for the defense of our country and her citizens.


If the Age of Miracles is indeed not over, and a major miracle happens that allows us to make it to November, 2016, without a descent into chaos, and the Washington Cabal doesn’t commit massive election fraud, it is a virtual certainty that either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz will win the presidency in a landslide. If we can also give them a genuinely conservative House and Senate by electing a majority of representatives like Trey Gowdy and a majority of Senators like Mike Lee, we just might be able to avoid going over the edge, and return America to her former greatness. If not, I feel really, REALLY sorry for our children and grandchildren.


Mainline Republicans are in an uproar. And why? Because Donald Trump is trampling the “bushes”. There will be no “smoked filled room” candidates this year.  What separates Donald from the pack is that he is not “politically correct.” This literally pisses the main stream Republicans off to no end.

So far Bush has not dropped out of the race; we can’t figure that one out because the radar gun doesn’t register his imploding campaign. Like the anointed Hillary, Bush was supposed to be a ‘shoe in.’ However, on the way to stardom, the “we the people” said, “we had enough of the pukes” who got us into the mess in the first place.

With the fanfare of SRO crowds Donald is taking it to them and bringing a message of bravado to patriotic Americans. We are talking about the Octagon here. Where the spilling of blood is a time honored tradition, but usually it is the opponents blood, not one of the family. With the likes of double talking Republicans, for instance all the Wannabees, the public has finally come to the conclusion that they are all buffoons and the ones that aren’t are chronological liars.

In order to halt the Trump campaign the Republican gang has decided to ambush “The Donald” by calling him a wacko. This, most likely will receive little traction with the voters.

Donald Trump took his build-a-wall approach to immigration one step further at the fourth major Republican debate in Milwaukee Tuesday night when he vowed that, if elected president, he’d deport 11 million undocumented immigrants.

That’s when Ohio Gov. John Kasich jumped in to rip Trump’s plan, saying, “It’s a silly argument. It’s not an adult argument. We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them back across the border.”

Trump responded by taking a shot at Kasich’s state’s economic recovery: “You’re lucky in Ohio that you struck oil.”


Obama has now thrown down the gauntlet, telling states that they must succumb to his plan of refugee resettlement.

The Obama administration warned states over the Syrian refugee crisis Wednesday, telling them in a letter they do not have legal authority to refuse the refugees, and states that do not comply may be subject to enforcement action.

The letter, from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), told state resettlement officials that they may not deny benefits and services to refugees based on their country of origin or religion.

“Accordingly, states may not categorically deny ORR-funded benefits and services to Syrian refugees,” the letter, dated Wednesday, says. “Any state with such a policy would not be in compliance with the State Plan requirements, applicable statutes, and their own assurances, and could be subject to enforcement action, including suspension and termination.”

The letter went on to say that the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on race and national origin in all programs that receive federal financial assistance.