Ethanol subsidies are not to be touched. That is the old paradigm, but Ted Cruz says they must go.


As the Iowa primaries begin to put the focus on the front runners, the question arises, who are the pandering politicians who will continue the ruse on America.  See below for the ethanol scam perpetuated by lying bought off politicians who don’t give a good God Damn about you. They are bought, time is now to out them. By the way Ted Cruz against ethanol subsidies.

The corn ethanol industry has received more than its fair share of subsidies over the past 30 years. Through federal tax credits, loan guarantees, grants and other subsidies, billions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered on an industry that relentlessly seeks additional special interest carve-outs. A nearly identical tax credit to the one proposed by the president – the “Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit” – has been available to gasoline stations dispensing 85 percent ethanol.

It expired last year but has a history of being renewed in “tax extenders” packages. A federal Renewable Fuel Standard also mandates the use of 15 billion gallons of corn ethanol by 2015. While the biofuels industry as a whole was intended to help achieve American energy independence, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and spur rural economic development, the corn ethanol industry has fallen short of achieving these goals while spurring numerous unintended consequences and long-term liabilities that have resulted in more harm than good.

So it was great news that the (otherwise terrible) 2014 farm bill (officially the Agricultural Act of 2014) prevents the mature corn ethanol industry from receiving subsidies to purchase pumps dispensing higher blends of corn ethanol.

Now for the bad news. Less than a month after signing the farm bill into law, the president proposed new subsidies for ethanol blender pumps in his FY 2015 budget proposal. The overall budget was released last Tuesday, with detailed back up documents following in the last few days. Buried on page 158 of the “Analytical Perspectives” document, released Monday, is up to $200 million in new advanced energy manufacturing tax credits for the “construction of infrastructure that contributes to networks of refueling stations that serve alternative fuels,” or in other words, more subsidies for corn ethanol blender pumps and other alternative fuel infrastructure projects. Such is the power of the corn ethanol lobby.


Mark down May 29 as the date when the last tether connecting ethanol subsidies to reality came unhitched, and the fuel made from corn and tax dollars achieved a kind of postmodern perfection. On the same day the Obama Administration conceded that the U.S. auto fleet cannot practically consume enough ethanol to fulfill Congress’s quotas, it announced a new program so motorists can consume more ethanol.

In other words, the point of the subsidy is the subsidy, and therefore the U.S. must subsidize ethanol because the U.S. already subsidizes ethanol. Once in place, such self-referential mandates appear to be eternal.

The 2007 energy bill’s renewable fuel standard requires certain annual volumes of ethanol to be bootlegged into the U.S. gasoline supply, but for years the mandate has crashed into the “blend wall.” Ethanol is corrosive, and gallons of conventional gas with concentrations of the stuff higher than 10% damage the engines and fuel systems of most of the cars and trucks on the road today.

The problem is that Americans aren’t guzzling enough gallons to achieve Congress’s mandates at E-10—that is, 10% ethanol, 90% gas. Either we need to drive more in less fuel-efficient cars, consuming more overall. Or the concentration of ethanol in a given gallon needs to rise, risking accidents, breakdowns and valve, pump, cylinder and injector replacements rarely covered by consumer warranties. For model years 2001 through 2011, no car makers allow blends above E-10, and a little fewer than half say it is safe to fill up with E-15 for the last two model years.

To avoid filling this ethanol junkyard but also to avoid displeasing the corn lobby, the Environmental Protection Agency simply refused to finalize the quotas for 2014 and 2015. So the EPA has finally admitted in a regulation that “due to constraints in the fuel market to accommodate increasing volumes of ethanol, along with limits on the availability of non-ethanol renewable fuels,” the volume targets “cannot be achieved.”

The EPA thus proposed quotas that are 3.75 billion gallons below the statutory minimums for 2014, 2015 and 2016. Renewable Fuels



Their bounty was spent gobbling up companies across the global board. These included natural resources, manufacturing, biotech, electronic and software. They are today’s elephant in the economic room. China catches a cold, the world catches the flu.

While other countries economic woes are common place, the United States economy is humming along. This is an anomaly.  Questions arise on how our economy has shielded the blow of economic stagnation. It does not seem possible. True that interest rates are at all time lows, oil has imploded, but these circumstances exist in Europe too and their economy is in the tank. Something does not jive hear. Is our government covering something up? That is the question.


Hillary Clinton was unable to answer a simple question. She ducked, dodged, ducked again and demurred. The question posed by Chris Matthews to her was this, what is the difference between a Democrat and Socialist? Click here for interview. 

At first, the Democratic presidential front-runner seemed to suggest the question should be directed at her rival in the race, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist.

“You see, I’m asking you,” Matthews countered.

Clinton simply replied, “I’m not one.”

Beyond that, she declined to explain the differences between the two.


Liberals, progressives, socialists, there is no difference, they will never learn their lesson. Having seen one country implode after another they still don’t get it. Have their leader, Merkel, not seen the news? Has she not learned from history. Did she not study the Crusades. Has she read the Koran, studied the hadith? What has she done? Apparently not  a thing! Is she blind, does she see what havoc her actions have caused? 

A series of apparently co-ordinated sexual assaults and thefts in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve has inspired an outpouring of shock and anger.

Politicians scrambled to express their condemnation after it emerged that more than 100 women had complained of harassment and violence at the hands of gangs in the square outside Cologne’s main railway station.

But there has been widespread criticism of the slow response by city authorities, amid accusations of an initial cover-up and controversy over the mayor’s advice to young women following the attacks.

As reports of assaults continue to come in from Cologne and some other German cities, victims and onlookers have been asking how this could happen.

About 1,000 young men – many of North African or Arab appearance (notice the subtle description) – are believed to have arrived in large groups, seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women.

Officials have urged people not to link the violence to Germany’s influx of refugees.

The political correctness continues in light of the facts. When will they ever learn. Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization and Christian culture. 


Although the Chavista (may he rest in peace) is dead, he lives incarnate. His hand picked mule, Nicolas Maduro will not accept revolution’s  death. Therefore, he has brought in the enforcers, the Tonton Macoutes to do what the Chavista would do, RULE BY FORCE. An old saying in Russia goes like this, the election will be held tomorrow, the results will be known today.

Click here for the full article by the Financial Times. Venezuela, which holds the world’s largest oil reserves, has been hit by soaring violence, galloping inflation and food shortages under embattled president Nicolás Maduro, who leads the ruling socialist party (PSUV). Last month’s electoral defeat was the party’s worst for 17 years — or since Mr Maduro’s late predecessor Hugo Chávez launched his socialist revolution.

Maduro could not accept the election result, so he is taking steps that will insure him remaining in power. We call upon Jimmie Carter to go to Venezuela and personally certify the defeat of Maduro. But don’t expect it to happen, Carter is a Chavista. Right now we are in a waiting game; on Wednesday 112 members of the opposition MUD party will be sworn in defying the court order. This will set the stage for violence.


Official: ‘I Refuse’ to Condemn Islamic Terrorism”

Started by ilona trommler

December 29, 2015

Rana Elmir, an American Muslim and deputy director of the ACLU of Michigan, says that she “emphatically” refuses to condemn jihadist terrorists “just because I’m Muslim.”

In her provocative article in Monday’s Washington Post, Elmir claims that she is often asked to condemn Islamic terrorism, to which she replies: “I emphatically refuse.”

She then goes on to compare the systematic slaughters wrought under the name of Islamic terrorism with “the terror advanced by mostly white men at the alarming rate of one mass killing every two weeks in this country.”

Elmir draws a parallel between the Islamic State and “Dylann Storm Roof’s attack on parishioners of a historic black church in South Carolina, Robert Dear’s attack on a Planned Parenthood facility, the murder of 20 children at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” and “the slaughter of moviegoers in Colorado or Louisiana.”

“I will not be bullied into condemning terror perpetrated by psychopaths who misrepresent and distort Islam for their deranged purposes,” she wrote.

“Muslims across the globe are not threats. They are threatened,” she wrote.

Laura J Alcorn

America Conservative 2 Conservative



Faked Hate in Houston: The mosque fire was set by DEVOUT MUSLIM regular attendee

Started by ilona trommler December 31, 2015

OH…color me surprised.  This seems to be the tactic of the BLM and muslims to “create” a crime trying to justify their BS hatred and violence toward the rest of the world.


For the past few days we have been clubbed like baby seals about the “hate crime” mosque fire in Texas. Terror-tied groups howled like wolves, rubbing their hooves in glee that they could hang their false narrative of “anti-Muslim” hate crimes on the Houston mosque fire.

Not so fast, jihad Johnny.

As I predicted, the perp was …… a devout Muslim.

Houston: Man charged with setting mosque fire was devout Muslim regular attendee,  By Robert SpencerDecember 30, 2015 (thanks to David):

At the time the fire was set, it garnered much attention as a “hate crime”: “The Houston chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations called on authorities to investigate a possible bias motive in the case, citing what it called a ‘recent spike in hate incidents targeting mosques nationwide.’” But it turns out to have been yet another fake hate crime. Islamic supremacist groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they’re the currency they use to buy power and influence in our victimhood-oriented society, and to deflect attention away from jihad terror and onto Muslims as putative victims. Hamas-linked CAIR, designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, and other Muslims have onmany occasions not hesitated to stoop even to fabricating “hate crimes,” including attacks on mosques. Most notably, in February, a New Jersey Muslim was found guilty of murder that he tried to portr…, and in 2014 in California, a Muslim was found guilty of killing his wife, after first blaming he…

Gary Nathaniel Moore“Man charged with setting Houston mosque fire was a devout attendee,” by Carol Christian and Leah Binkowitz, Houston Chronicle, December 30, 2015 (thanks to Steve):

A Houston man has been arrested in connection with a suspected arson at a mosque on Christmas Day.

A spokeswoman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives confirmed that the man was arrested early Wednesday, sometime after midnight, and appeared in court 7 a.m. Wednesday.

The suspect, Gary Nathaniel Moore, 37, of Houston, appeared in court at 7 a.m., spokeswoman Nicole Strong said.

According to a charging instrument released by the Harris County District Clerk, Moore told investigators at the scene that he has attended the mosque for five years, coming five times per day to pray seven days per week.

Moore told investigators he had been at the mosque earlier on Dec. 25 to pray, and had left at about 2 p.m. to go home. Moore told investigators he was the last person to leave the mosque and saw no smoke or other signs of fire when he left. He had returned to the scene after hearing about the fire from a friend.

Though the suspect said he was a regular at the mosque, MJ Khan, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston, which operates the mosque, said he was unfamiliar with Moore.

Typical. These imams always say they know their parishioners intimately, but they never seem to know the jihadis that attend their mosque regularly.

“We are just looking into it ourselves,” he said Wednesday morning after learning of the arrest.

“We are really very surprised and saddened by this whole thing,” said Khan.

Using surveillance video from multiple businesses nearby, investigators were able to identify Moore, according to records. A search warrant of his home was conducted, in which investigators recovered a backpack and clothing that seemingly matched that which was seen in surveillance footage, as well as one half of a two-pack of charcoal lighter fluid bottles that seemed to match another lighter fluid bottle found inside the mosque….

Courtesy of Pamela Geller.…


Laura J Alcorn

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The Muslims of France took to the torch on New Years Eve celebrated by lighting the streets with burnt cars. This is nothing new, in 2013 the street jihadists lit 1200 on fire.   The interior minister said that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country.  Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse.  About seven police officers were attacked New Years eve night.Notice the Arabic Graffiti painted on one of the burned cars.

The American media has mostly not reported on these incidents, and when they do rarely mention their background or religion.