Tag Archives: Merkel


UPDATE: Italian police take the Jihadist out in gun battle. Amri is suspected of ploughing a truck through a festive Berlin market on Monday, killing 12 people. In a video released on Friday after his death, he is seen pledging his allegiance to militant group Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.


Amri had arrived in Milan’s main railway station from France at 1.00 a.m. (2000 EDT) and then traveled to the working class suburb of Sesto San Giovanni, where two young policemen approached him because he looked suspicious idling on a street.

Milan police chief Antonio De Iesu told a news conference his men had no idea that they might be dealing with Amri.

“They had no perception that it could be him, otherwise they would have been much more cautious,” De Iesu said. “We had no intelligence that he could be in Milan.”

He failed to produce any identification so the police requested he empty his pockets and his small backpack. He pulled a loaded gun from his bag and shot at one of the men, lightly wounding him in the shoulder.

Amri then hid behind a nearby car but the other police officer managed to shoot him once or twice, killing him on the spot.

Germans under attack; yesterday a Muslim from Tunisia drove a Scandia delivery truck loaded with steel into a crowd during the Christmas shopping season. Twelve have died with dozens injured. When will the Muslim hate for Western culture end? The answer? When we submit to Allah. The Muslim Jihadist is  on the loose; armed and dangerous according to authorities. Angela Merkel’s hands are all over this blood bath. Image result for merkel with blood on her hands

The Tunisian man wanted for the Berlin lorry attack which killed 12 people and injured 49 had been under surveillance earlier this year, media reports say.

Anis Amri, 23, was reportedly monitored on suspicion of planning a robbery in order to pay for guns but surveillance was lifted for lack of evidence.

Before entering Germany, he served four years for arson in Italy and faced a jail sentence in absentia in Tunisia.

The failed asylum seeker is now the subject of a manhunt across Europe.

OBAMA fails to call it Islamic Terrorism. This will change on January 20, 2017A French version of the police notice issued for Anis Amri



Believe it or not world leaders are working behind the scenes to stop Trump in his tracks; it is obvious that they want to derail his run for the White House. He is a threat to the New World Order. In the United States we have seen the media excoriate him as his message begins to take hold.

First off Trump was thought to be an amusement, an unknown quantity, a joke, a laughing stock. He was underestimated, the voters were underestimated. As more people began to hear his message they flocked to it. This has caused great concern to the Hillary Clinton/Angela Merkel types, the United Nations, the politically correct and socialist elites who have taken upon themselves to rule over us; they are the masters we are the mastered.

Many of you may question the New World Order, but the fact is there is a world conspiracy. Open your eyes to the influx of immigrants, refugees and illegals across what was once defined borders, to countries that now welcome them with open arms. Their leaders don’t give a hoot what the mastered think. If this is not a conspiracy what is?

Illuminati” refers to various organizations which claim or are purported to have links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies, though these links are unsubstantiated. They are often alleged to conspire to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order.  SWATTEAM.

TRUMP’S THREAT IS REAL; World leaders from China, North Korea, Mexico are  gravely concerned; what will happen after Trump is sworn in. A threat to the livelihood of many masters will not be illusory, revolutions eventually erupt. Their minions will be out for blood finally understanding the parasitic elite have  caused them much misery. Expect unimpeded blood to flow in countries that have gone too far. China will most likely be the first to feel the pain, Mexico second.

A side note, Trump spoke about the 57 billion dollar deficit with Mexico and alluded to the (click here for any eye opener on the drug trade)drug trade which would increase the deficit a whole lot more. The fact is the Mexican cartel’s impact on the trade deficit with Mexico is so great that any estimate of it is dollar value is purely speculative.

a map



Liberals, progressives, socialists, there is no difference, they will never learn their lesson. Having seen one country implode after another they still don’t get it. Have their leader, Merkel, not seen the news? Has she not learned from history. Did she not study the Crusades. Has she read the Koran, studied the hadith? What has she done? Apparently not  a thing! Is she blind, does she see what havoc her actions have caused? 

A series of apparently co-ordinated sexual assaults and thefts in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve has inspired an outpouring of shock and anger.

Politicians scrambled to express their condemnation after it emerged that more than 100 women had complained of harassment and violence at the hands of gangs in the square outside Cologne’s main railway station.

But there has been widespread criticism of the slow response by city authorities, amid accusations of an initial cover-up and controversy over the mayor’s advice to young women following the attacks.

As reports of assaults continue to come in from Cologne and some other German cities, victims and onlookers have been asking how this could happen.

About 1,000 young men – many of North African or Arab appearance (notice the subtle description) – are believed to have arrived in large groups, seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women.

Officials have urged people not to link the violence to Germany’s influx of refugees.

The political correctness continues in light of the facts. When will they ever learn. Islam is not compatible with Western Civilization and Christian culture.