A dancer well versed in the variety of dances, for instance the tango, the boogie-woogie, disco, breakdancing, salsa, lap dance (Slick Willy is very familiar with it), mambo, polka, shuffle, samba and the list goes on. Who would think that in this election season Hillary Clinton has invented the latest dance and it has gone viral, a new one to add to the list; THE SQUIRM.
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Again, and we repeat, how is a 74 year old socialist taking her to task? The answer lies in one word, LIAR.
Swamped with daily emails? Have you had it with them filling up your INBOX?. Who are those constantly sending them? The Political Hack, the leach. THE POLITICIAN, who else wants to separate you from your hard earned cash? Their message, there is a target on my back and to protect me from the killers I need money, your money. And they know you will give it to them because they prey on your weakness, that is feeling sorry for the good guy vs the bad guy. Hogwash! Oh, yeah, they know you are a sucker too.
Go to any street corner, put a target on your back and yell at the top of your lungs that they (they is not defined) are after you, for protection, yell out I need money to buy a weapon for self protection. Sit back and see how much money people will give you. Our bet, a big fat Zero, nada, nothing.
The point here is as simple as 1,2,3. These politicians can’t defend themselves against attack, but need other people to join in the fight. Americans work hard for their money, politicians don’t; and we are sick and tired of doling out our hard earned cash to those who will eventually double cross us. So next time a politician asks you for money, tell them to go get a real job.
In this unusual primary season we have yet to receive a request from Trump asking for a contribution to fund his campaign. That alone tells you more about him than anything else.
Hillary Clinton is being trashed by Vermont’s seventy four year old Green Mountain Boy. “Man o Man how can this be” she thinks, “I am Hillary the Great” heir to the throne. “Only little people don’t vote for me.” But that does not seem to be the case in this tumultuous primary season; what was expected to be a cake walk for Hillary has now turned into a minefield.
A war of words has erupted. The more the America people follow her on the campaign trail they begin to recognize the vituperative personality she has. They have seen her responsible for Benghazi, but then had the audacity to say that “no one was killed in Libya.” Short memory or self induced amnesia. And the Email server, “I did not violate any laws.” In the background we see the Syrian takeover by Vlad the Russky and of course the rise of ISIS on Hillary’s watch.
However, the entertainment became more heated this week when Bernie and oh do we say that Hillary is feeling the Bern, said that Hillary is “UNQUALIFIED” to be President. Words like that coming from an Old Codger threw her into a tizzy. “I’m so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me.” We are so sorry but in our zeal to inform, we forgot to tell you that only Hillary can lie.
Then Clinton said that the Vermont Socialist is a “relatively new Democrat” implying that she is a lifer. Sanders, however, piled it on. “Well, let me just say in response to Secretary Clinton: “I don’t believe that she is qualified if she is, through her super Pac, taking in tens of millions of dollars in special interest funds, ” “I don’t think you are qualified if you get $15 million from Wall Street through your super Pac.”
Don’t let the ink splatter get you down. No way in hell was Wisconsin ever going for Trump, but the rag trade made everyone think that a Trump loss was a disaster. No such thing. A bunch of scallywags have ganged up on Trump and found the best way to be him is by coagulating around Ted Cruz; Republicans feel that they are better off with Cruz rather than see Trump as the last man standing.
So what do they do, put Ted Cruz up as a Trojan Horse. America remembers Cruz fighting with fellow Senators, nobody would speak with him because of the 21 hour Obamacare filibuster. Cruz scorched the earth and became radioactive, not one Republican would touch him with a ten foot pole. However, the enemy of my enemy in this circumstance can be my friend. Now that the Republican RINO’s have embraced Cruz we pose the question, why would they do that? Because these imbedded politicians want the Status Quo. Anything that will upset the applecart is detrimental to those currently holding office. And so that is the story in a nutshell.
What can we do about it? PLENTY! Thirty five to forty percent of the population are in the “WE WANT A REVOLUTION” NOW CAMP. They have seen politicians steal and lie for decades without any punishment. Politically correct politicians, better yet, lying politicians, heretics to the cause. Roused the crowds to get elected then forgot the people who put them into office. Tell you folks, REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION.”
If you believe what Ms. Clintstonewall says then we have a bridge to sell you. Husband slick willy, a known perv, impeached, lied, had sex with that girl, sued by Paula Jones, had an affair with Jennifer Flowers, groped other women etc, but Hillary stuck by her man. Doesn’t that remind you of the Fire Chief living with a known arsonist (a son), one who torched a building a day, relishing in the inhalation of burning timbers and invigorated by the hypnotic flames, but failed in his duty to turn the arsonist in. And she is fighting for women.
Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed a felony. That is apparent from the facts and in the plain-language of the federal statute that prohibits “Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information”, 18 U.S. Code § 793(e) and (f). This offense carries a potential penalty of ten years imprisonment.
It’s called a prima facie case: clear on the basis of known facts.
It’s up to prosecutorial discretion by the US Attorney as to what charges may be filed and when. Nonetheless, Mrs. Clinton is clearly chargeable for violation of federal law. As of right now, the matter is under FBI investigation. This isn’t just about violation of Departmental policy.
Secretary Clinton was trained in handling of classified materials, and acknowledges that she understood them. By transmitting and receiving email correspondence that contained information gleaned from foreign government sources on an unauthorized, insecure system, she violated the law. This was not something she did unwittingly, and that the foreign government sourced material was not stamped classified is irrelevant.
Click here for more on the story from the DAILY KOS.
Mishandling Classified Information
Executive Order 13526 and 18 U.S.C Sec. 793(f) of the federal code make it unlawful to send of store classified information on personal email. Casey Harper at The Daily Caller delved into this angle:
“‘By using a private email system, Secretary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act and the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual regarding records management, and worse, could have left classified and top secret documents vulnerable to cyber attack,’ Cause of Action Executive Director Dan Epstein said in an email to reporters.
‘This is an egregious violation of the law, and if it were anyone else, they could be facing fines and criminal prosecution.’”
Harper goes on to point out that multiple violations of this law have been enforced recently, including in 1999, when former CIA Director John M. Deutch’s security clearance was suspended for using his personal email to send classified information.
Additionally, this past week, Gen. David Patraeus pleaded guilty for mishandling classified information by using a Gmail account instead of his official government email.
The truth is that Hillary Clintstonewall is fighting for Hillary Clintonstonewall. There is a reasonable doubt of her capabilities; a review of the Benghazi disaster where our Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed lend enough credence to question her judgement. In all respects she is not fit to serve in any government position. And after 20 years of the Clintons America knows what and who they are.
Until every single Muslim with a grudge renounces violence and Satin and at the same time embraces the moral equivalency of Christianity there will always be the “TICKING TIME BOMB.” No country, state or city is safe from the suicide bomber. Passed down from father to son, from mother to daughter, the psychology of the lone wolf cannot be altered; it is part of their DNA.
New American mosque opens every week and many preach jihad
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/04/over-2000-ticking-time-bombs-in-u-s/#XbQefOCrJBDpveDt.99
President Obama visits mosque in Maryland in January.
- In Germany, following a wave of Islamic immigration, one political party is considering a call for shutting down all of the country’s mosques in a desperate bid to prevent terrorist attacks, rape sprees and other acts of violence and Muslim domination.
- In the U.S., President Obama marked the new year by visiting a mosque and has invested a great deal of effort to downplay the connection between Islam and terrorism, while leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has proposed temporarily halting all Muslim immigration.
- A growing chorus of U.S. politicians, pundits and scholars are calling for closer monitoring of U.S. mosques, the number of which has grown exponentially since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people on U.S. soil.
Experts on Islamic terrorism are calling the estimated 2,500 to 3,100 mosques in America “ticking time bombs.”
Every state now has at least one. California and New York lead the way, each with more than 500 mosques, followed by Texas with just over 300.
As the number of mosques increase, so do acts of Islamic terror in the U.S.
FBI Director James Comey told Congress recently that his agency is stretched to the limit trying to keep up with nearly 1,000 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states, and that does not include probes tied to al-Qaida, al-Shabab or other Islamic groups.
While the FBI is able to foil the vast majority of Islamic terror plots, last year was particularly bloody with jihadist shootings in Chattanooga that killed five U.S. servicemen and another attack that took 14 lives at a Christmas party in San Bernardino.
Jihadist knife attacks at a restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, and on the campus of University of California at Merced have recently injured at least a dozen others, some critically.
And everyone is jittery after what happened in Brussels, Belgium, last month.
Of the thousands of mosques in America, nearly 80 percent of them have been opened since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2016/04/over-2000-ticking-time-bombs-in-u-s/#XbQefOCrJBDpveDt.99
Vlad Putin knows how to pull out, he did it in Afghanistan? No buyer’s remorse here! Did the Russians really pull out of Syria? Not according to the latest. Vlad is an expert at the shell game. He fabricated the pull out, to trick the participants which inevitably will come back to haunt them. He did an excellent job sucking Obama into signing on to his well thought out con; Obama fell into this sucker’s trap. Bashar al-Assad is still walking tall. However, his days maybe numbered. Members of the Alawite community are having reservations of the destruction leveled by conflicting forces.
The Alawites emerged in the 10th Century in neighbouring Iraq.
Little has been confirmed about their beliefs and practices since then because, according to the leaders, they had to be hidden to avoid persecution.
However, most sources say the name “Alawite” refers to their veneration of the first Shia imam, Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad.
Way over the Line
When are Americans, aka, We, the People, going to draw a red line in the sand for the Liar-in-Chief, the Fraud in the Rainbow House, the Lead-From-Behind taqiyyah Muslim and his apologists? How often are we going to sit quietly while he covers up for Muslim terrorists who savagely murder innocent Americans? How many more times must we allow him to imply that we are bigots for seeing Islam for what it is: a political/judicial system known as Shariah that uses “religion” to get submission by its followers, that is spread by barbaric violence and savage threats?R
We know full well that he despises conservative, white Americans, calling them bitter people who “cling” to their guns and Bibles. Bibles, by the way, that he never calls “Holy” as he always does the Koran. We also know that he has spent at least $2,000,000 dollars hiding his past – his identity, who he really is – from the American people. A huge part of that past is that he was, and still is, a wannabe Marxist revolutionary, albeit a knee-jerk one. His trip to Cuba, his most recent stop on the Grovel Before Our Enemies Tour, made it clear that in spite of trying to win over communists like Xi, Putin, and the Castro brothers, who actually know what brutal, totalitarian Marxism really is, he has neither impressed nor fooled anyone. The same goes for his groveling before the Iranians, the Saudis, and ISIS.
And to top this all off, the “Leader” of the Democrat Party had the temerity to claim that Donald Trump knows nothing about foreign policy.
The really sad thing is that both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are in their own ways just as bad, and just as dangerous. Which brings us, dear readers, to what may be the Final Fork in the Road.
America has, for a change, two candidates for the Republican nomination – Donald Trump and Ted Cruz – who are qualified and capable of turning the country around, and returning her to constitutional government and greatness. They are both qualified and capable of repairing the economic damage that Obama, the Democrats, and their RINO co-conspirators have done over the past 15 years. Neither is perfect, by any means, but both, for a real change, have the interests of We, the People, at heart.
“Great,” says you! “Perhaps not,” says I. “What could be possibly be wrong with this,” says you? “Subversion and treason in our own party,” says I.
Instead of rejoicing that nomination of either of the two candidates is likely to culminate in a landslide victory over either of the two communists running as Democrats, the Misleadership of the Republican Party, aka, the elitist, corrupt, RINO Establishment, is fighting the nomination of either harder than they have ever fought the Democrats. They are planning, almost openly, to rig the Republican Convention so that one of their RINO Guaranteed Losers is the nominee. Recall, these are the geniuses who forced Romney, McCain, Dole, Bush the First, and Ford on us. And these are the same geniuses who refused to fund Tea Party supported candidates for Congress, leading to the defeat of a lot of good, honest, patriotic conservatives. At some point, one must assume that this was the desired outcome all along.
Over the past 15 years, the Congress and what has passed for “president,” have repeatedly passed laws and instituted policies that have been loudly and clearly opposed by large majorities of our citizens. Obamacare and Executive Amnesty spring to mind, as well as thousands of job- and economy-killing regulations from unconstitutional agencies like the EPA. Republicans could have stopped all of this by a number of methods, but the Misleadership chose to dither and cave, dither and cave, dither and cave. Again, one must assume that caving was the desired outcome all along.
It is undeniable that the Republican Party has sold out, though probably years ago, to Big Money Fascism, just as the Democrat Party has, too. They are no longer afraid of We, the People not electing them, and thus, we are seeing a culmination of a long-term strategy to subvert the entire electoral system. Democrats, it is now clear, are not the only experts at election fraud.
We, as a nation, are faced with the all-too-real possibility of a rigged national election, and the disenfranchisement of a majority of our people. It’s obvious that it’s not just Hillary cheating Bernie out of the nomination. To be offered not Trump or Cruz by the Republicans, but some corrupt, bought-and-paid-for, neo-fascist, political hack is NOT acceptable. If that’s what they try to foist upon us, I, for one, will either write in a candidate, or not vote at all. If the country is to be destroyed, let’s get it over with quickly. The consequence of a Democrat communist or a RINO fascist is ultimately the same: destruction of free, capitalist, constitutional America and the onset of civil war. We are already seeing violence increasing from the left. We would do well to remember the words of Virgina patriot Patrick Henry:
“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace– but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!“
Hillary Clinton is up in arms, trying to shoot down the once fledging campaign of her geriatric opponent, our Man Bernie Sanders. It was not supposed to be this way, her final triumph leading to a coronation was supposed to be a cake-walk.
This Sanders guy is no huckster, but a shrewd campaigner with a hidden talent. He is able to needle the once invincible female dog to the point of her lashing out at not only him, but others who get in her face at rallies. This is the real face of Clinton, a pit bull attack artist. She sees a Right Wing Conspiracy behind every tree, when contested she calls those out as liars. Answers to questions about her server (you mean with a cloth) are always the same. “I didn’t break any laws.” To be frank here, America knows a liar when they see one.
According to Democrats close to Hillary and former President Bill Clinton, both are frustrated by Sanders’ ability to cast himself as above politics-as-usual even while firing off what they consider to be misleading attacks. The Clintons are even more annoyed that Sanders’ approach seems to be rallying — and keeping — young voters by his side.
As the primary season enters its final quarter all eyes will be on New York. It is not tough to forget the eight years she was Senator, a stepping stone she thought that would propel her onto the throne in 2008 except for Obama squashing her dreams like a swatted mosquito. Now the time has come for her to put up or shut up and it appears she is shutting up, not willing to debate BERNIE before the New York Primary on April 19.
New Yorkers are not in a receptive mood and failing to debate Sanders will negatively affect the Lying Clintonstonewall. A loss here will be the final blow to Clinton’s political ambitions; one more act to go before the final curtain. That one will be written by the FBI.
President Obama, there is no denying it, is the worst President who ever sat in the White House. Every calculated step he took was meant to take America down. Trying to make friends with the rogue Iranians, lip kissing the Castros, sucking up to Vlad Putin and hip hugging Hugo Chavez were overt indications of Obama’s plan to destroy America from the beginning.
Those are our mortal enemies, but what did Obama do or not do for our friends, Israel is constantly bombarded with Obama/Kerry face slaps, Egypt, what can we say, Obama is a Muslim Brother of the Hood and accordingly General Al-Sisi has no place as the savior of the Nile. We can imagine what ISIS would do to the Pyramids; p’fff gone in a suicide bombers second.
Here at home it is worse, the Ford Hood killer/murderer is still alive; hang the bastard, stone him to death Saudi Arabian style. Islamic violence is ingrained from birth, Islamic terrorism is a genetic defect which needs to be eliminated; like a cancer metastasising at will, the terrorist contemplates new methods by the day. They thought the Neo-Cons were bad, but Obama is much worse and Hillary, don’t even go there. A liar by day, a cheat by night. Running for President is an affront to America.
And just a day ago the White House scratched, deleted, redacted President Hollande describing the the ISIS led Jihadists who are wrecking havoc across Europe as “Islamic Terrorism.” The excuse, a “video malfunction.” America, these are liars who run our government, blatant two face liars. Do not think Clinton will be any different, she will continue with Obama’s agenda.
The White House website has censored a video of French Pres. Francois Hollande saying that “Islamist terrorism” is at the “roots of terrorism.”
The White House briefly pulled video of a press event on terrorism with Pres. Obama, and when it reappeared on the WhiteHouse.gov website and YouTube, the audio of Hollande’s translator goes silent, beginning with the words “Islamist terrorism,” then begins again at the end of his sentence.