Governor Cuomo does one better by double foaming at the mouth when he says, “America was never Great.” Millions upon millions of people beg, steal and lie to come to our Country, but Cuomo does not think we are GREAT. Hey, Cuomo, get the hell out of here if you don’t like it; you are a violent animal who needs to be caged. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO A CARNIVOROUS DEMAGOGUE

“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great” 

Late Wednesday night, Trump weighed in on Twitter: ” ‘WE’RE NOT GONG TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, IT WAS NEVER THAT GREAT.’ Can you believe this is the Governor of the Highest Taxed State in the U.S., Andrew Cuomo, having a total meltdown!”


It doesn’t have to be said, but we will say it anyway. Chris Cuomo, a socialist, has defended the brazen attacks by ANTIFA on the police and Patriotic demonstrators because they are enemies of socialism and the liberal philosophy. So bottom line here, in Cuomo’s mind it is alright to target those who don’t subscribe to his beliefs with violence. 

CNN star Chris Cuomo accused of defending Antifa in monologue

CNN star Chris Cuomo is under fire for a monologue that some critics have interpreted as defending Antifa, after the militant group harassed police and members of the media during a chaotic weekend of protests against white supremacists.

On Monday’s edition of “Cuomo Prime Time,” the CNN host referred to “counterprotesters” and said the “vast majority of them were peaceful” with the exception of some members of Antifa who “covered their faces, confronted police and berated journalists.” Cuomo condemned their actions as “wrong,” but argued that “all punches are not equal” in a monologue that has angered critics of the CNN host.

“If you’re a punk who comes and starts trouble in a mask and hurt people, you’re not about any virtuous cause. You’re just somebody who’s going to be held to the standard of doing something wrong,” Cuomo said. “But when someone comes to call out bigots and it gets hot, even physical, are they equally wrong as the bigot they are fighting? I argue no.


Ex CIA chief John Brennan had his security clearance revoked by President Trump and with good reason. Brennan, Hillary Clinton’s inside man at the CIA, sought to bring down the Trump run for the White House. By devious means this criminal and liar to boot, sought to use fallacious intelligence to investigate the Trump campaign. Brennan is on record saying he did no know who paid for the Russian dossier commissioned by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Imagine the head of the CIA admitting to this? Either, as Ron Paul said, he is either a liar or incompetent.

The brouhaha took critical mass this week when the liberal progressive campaign went to bat for Brennan. Their argument is that Trump took away his 1st Amendment right; yes you got that right. What 1st amendment right are they talking about? BTW Brennan has been monetizing his inside knowledge, plus leaking spurious information to the liberal media.





Inspired by banished NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Baltimore middle schooler Mariana Taylor, 11, wanted to protest sexism and racism in America by taking a knee, an act that wasn’t well received by her teacher. In February, as Taylor began kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance, the instructor reprimanded her in front of the class, saying she was required to stand. The confrontation left Taylor in tears.

“Mariana became upset right then and there. She was allowed to leave the classroom upset, the teacher did not suggest any kind of support that she go to the guidance counselor. It wasn’t until her second teacher could not calm her down that she was supportive of Mariana,” Mariana’s mother, Joanne Taylor, told CBS Baltimore.

The incident caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in May and now, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who expressed support for the girl.

It takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice, especially when you’re 11! Keep up the good work Mariana.

Eleven year olds haven’t lived long enough to know what injustice is. The real reason she has this belief is because of the continued brainwashing by the Education Industry’s liberal progressive teachers who are teaching junk science and socialist philosophy. 


Incumbent Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer conceded to his opponent, CLICK HERE Secretary of State Kris Kobach, in the state’s Republican primary Tuesday night, one week after the extremely narrow vote.

The latest vote tally put Kobach, whom President Trump had endorsed, just 345 votes over Colyer out of more than 311,000 initially counted.

Kobach took to Twitter to thank the governor for his endorsement and his “gracious call” to concede.


The suspect in a car ramming outside Parliament that was being treated as a terror incident has been named as Salih Khater, according to British media reports Wednesday.

Khater, a 29-year-old British citizen, is originally from Sudan, the BBC reported. He was being questioned by authorities in south London on suspicion of preparing an act of terror.

Trump Targets London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan. 

Mr. Khan assumed office only two years ago, replacing Boris Johnson, who went on to become Britain’s foreign secretary. London drew international attention this spring because of a spate of murders, mostly involving knives.

But the number of cases of “violence against the person,” which includes knife crime, has been growing steadily throughout this decade, and the general crime rate has been rising since a low point in 2014, according to London’s Metropolitan Police. All of this has occurred during an eight-year austerity drive by the national government that has squeezed budgets and reduced the number of police officers in London by 26 percent.


Primaries yesterday in the Nutmeg state are indicative of the underlying rumblings of the populace. The Republican candidate for governor was soundly beaten to a pulp; his third try was not a charm. His shoot down was partly caused by CCDL, the pro gun organization Congratulations to Bob Stefanowski and his running mate Joe Markley.Markley, a 61-year-old state senator from Southington, is anti-abortion and opposed to new gun control laws.

In a repudiation of the GOP’s nominating process for governor, outsider Bob Stefanowski became the first petition candidate in Connecticut history to win a major party’s nomination for statewide office Tuesday, besting the endorsed Republican, longtime Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton.

The former UBS Investment Bank chief financial officer skipped the state GOP convention in May and most of the party-organized debates earlier this year.

This team will go on to win in November against a true and tried Democrat, Ned Lamont, who by the way is from the same mold as the most hated governor in the United States, Dan Malloy. Malloy has brought the state to near bankruptcy – on purpose we must admit – and he has done a great job

One salient observation here is this, Democrat cities of Hartford, Waterbury and New Haven will have a wake-up call in November. The hand writing is on the wall – they will have to tow their own line. Once the Republicans take control of the House and Senate, handouts to these bastions of illegality and socialist leaches will fall quicker than the dizzy Hillary Clinton. There won’t be many smiley faces come next budget year. You can bet on that.

WE CAN’T WAIT FOR NOVEMBER –  “so let it be written – so let it be done


The march that defined the civil rights movement – from Selma to Montgomery. That was 53 years ago, yet today we find many relatives of those who fought the battle in the trenches demanding equality. Crazy as it seems, these multimillionaires are barking up the wrong tree. They should be addressing those who stole their inheritance; the Democrats!

By passing the Civil Rights legislation the Democrats were guaranteed the Black vote ad-infinitum. And so it has been. Electing Democrats who patronized them to a fault; claiming they were victims of right wingers, neo-fascists, and Black hating Republicans. Nothing in the Republican agenda would bear this out. In fact President Nixon’s history on Civil Rights bears this out.

In 1956, as vice president, Nixon went to Harlem to declare, “America can’t afford the cost of segregation.” The following year, Nixon got a personal letter from Dr. King thanking him for helping to persuade the Senate to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon supported the civil rights acts of 1964, 1965, and 1968.

n Nixon’s presidency, the civil rights enforcement budget rose 800 percent. Record numbers of blacks were appointed to federal office. An Office of Minority Business Enterprise was created. SBA loans to minorities soared 1,000 percent. Aid to black colleges doubled.

Nixon won the South not because he agreed with them on civil rights—he never did—but because he shared the patriotic values of the South and its antipathy to liberal hypocrisy. When Johnson left office, 10 percent of Southern schools were desegregated. When Nixon left, the figure was 70 percent.

Richard Nixon desegregated the Southern schools, something you won’t learn in today’s public schools. For history is a pack of lies agreed upon.

Today the left is screaming bloody murder, but will it be to no avail? Black unemployment is imploding, Black teens are working like never before. Blacks have entered the mainstream with higher wages, better jobs and opportunities. Yet there are pockets of despair. The inner city Black in many cases is still left behind. And why is this so? It seems on the outset that this is their own fault. Take Chicago for instance where a shooting gallery is a spectator sport.

But the real fault lies with the elected politicians who made a deal with the Devil. And who is that devil? We hazard to guess that the Devil is the Hispanic Community. Blacks joined with them in unison for their rights, but in this cabal the Blacks were outnumbered. So instead of getting justice in terms of better schools, housing, jobs and medical care, they had to now share it with a new constituency. The Black and Hispanic communities often overlap, therefore they are represented by the same demagogue. And through it all the Hood and Barrio representatives who are supposed to look out for both communities dissed the Blacks in favor of the Hispanic community because of its critical mass – “more voters for me, means I keep my job.”

It’s too late now because the Hispanic outnumbers the Black by more than 50%. What turned out to be an advancement of common goals has effectually robbed the Blacks of their Legacy. They were sold down the drain. And this it a shame.



The Latino/Hispanic invasion continues without a word from major Black organisations. Where is the leadership, where is the Black Caucus, where is the NAACP? The influx of illegals from Latin America during the past three decades has marginalized the Black community. No longer are they a force to be reckoned with in the Democrat party, their power succeeded to the Latino/Hispanic cabal. All of this was done under the cover of racism. The Black leaders never realized or even if they did, none spoke out against this invasion. They were taken for granted that equal rights meant for all, even those with no gripe. According to latest estimates, there are 35,000,000 Hispanics residing in the USA, this includes Mexican, Cubans, Puerto Ricans and those from other countries; this is almost equivalent to 36,000,000 Blacks or those who are African American. The Blacks are now on the threshold of being marginalized.

Blacks have been clamoring for their rights ever since the founding, but the major thrust began after the Civil Rights bill of 1960 became law, this was subsequent to the Civil Rights Act of 1957 but preceded the 1964 and 1965 Acts. Since then Blacks have made great strides, however monies that were initially intended for them were side tracked to the Hispanic community. Bilingual education became paramount. Instead of the focus helping Black children in their childhood years funds became diverted. But now a new element has swallowed up more funds initially intended for Blacks. We are talking about bringing in refugees from foreign lands with a history of being anti-Christian and anti-Semitic. However, to ascertain the full impact one must look at the cost. And that cost to integrate these foreigners will run into the trillions.


(click)Preferences for such people are entirely legal. The federal government’s definition of “Hispanic” for both the census and affirmative action guidelines is, “a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Since preferences apply “regardless of race,” a person qualifies for affirmative action even if every one of his Latin American ancestors was a white slave owner. And slavery was much more brutal in Latin America than in British North America.

In the first two decades of affirmative action (the 1960s and 1970s) its rationale was to redress the effects of slavery and post-slavery anti-black discrimination. During this period, “black” and “minority” were used interchangeably, and arguments about affirmative action were about whether past anti-black discrimination justified present discrimination preferences

At the beginning of the 1960s, when white Americans tried to come to terms with the legacy of slavery, unelected government bureaucrats included Hispanics in the same “minority” category as blacks. Neither the public nor Congress discussed or even noticed this bizarre categorization because Hispanics were then such a small percentage of the population. Minority status, in turn, resulted in relabeling Hispanics as deserving non-whites and generating a myth that Hispanics had suffered the same type of discrimination as Blacks.

So where do we stand today. A reminder that Blacks deserve their due, the Hispanics do not. Blacks fought valiantly in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Not to say that natural born Hispanics did not, but they were not discriminated against, they were not prevented to vote, they were not enslaved.

Click here for “National Council of la Raza” Effectively this socialist organization’s philosophy is simple, “take from the rich give to the poor, demand placement for Latinos in jobs in the name of diversity when a more qualified person (white in most cases) has the better credentials and last but not least, fight for the right of illegal aliens to not only stay in the United States, but to give them free everything.

Click here for Jorge Ramos quipping that there is no invasion of the United States.

“There is no invasion. No one is invading the United States,” Mr. Ramos said. “Mexicans are not invading the United States. The undocumented population has remained stable at about 11 million for the last decade. So those are the positive things. The negative is that this is the ‘Trump effect.’ This is created because of the policies of fear, and xenophobia and cruelty.”

The Univision star sent a different message on Fox News just one day earlier. Mr. Ramos told told Tucker Carlson on March 8 that America, for all intents and purposes, belongs to anyone who crosses the border — legally or illegally.

So we call for the BLACK LEADERS to break away from the past PARADIGM and look to the future where your voice will be heard; if you don’t do it now, you will never have a voice again. Please shout as loud as you can, your future is at stake. Your community has gone in reverse, progress is at the very least a standstill.  The marauding bands of Hispanic/Latino leaders have usurped your hard work and no pun intended, “BLACKENED YOUR LEGACY.”


A future situation will bound to occur between South East Asian nations, the United States and their antagonist China.  As evidence of this we turn to the Hague decision in 2016. 

Click here to view the most recent warning by Chinese military personnel warning those who travel near the islands. These are verbal warnings, but future warning may be by missile or aircraft. This will cause a flash point between a belligerent nation and those who seek to travel freely based on international law.

Hague’s South China Sea Spratly Verdict All About Real Estate

The Hague has delivered a political hand-grenade with its surprisingly harsh and clear decision in the case of the Philippines vs. China over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

It’s all about real estate. And the natural resources under it.

To say it ain’t good news for Beijing is playing it down. China lost on every count in the Permanent Court of Arbitration, based on the Law of the Sea.

The Taiwan coast guard secure a C-130 military transport plane on the tarmac of Taiping island, also known as Itu Aba, in the Spratly archipelago. (Image: AP/Johnson Lai)

The Philippines has used the law to say that China has been illegally impinging on its economic rights by stopping fishermen and petroleum explorers from entering the area.

Yes, that’s true, and no, China can’t do that, the court said. Presumably the warships that have warded those efforts off will now have to let them through.

Most importantly, the court ruled that China’s claim to almost 90% of the South China Sea based on the Nine Dash Line is invalid. Any claim to the resources in that region was “extinguished” when the Law of the Sea came into effect in 1994, establishing clear rules for exclusive economic zones around islands, the court said.

The decision came down to an interesting real-estate definition. Are the Spratly Islands actually “islands,” which can support life or economic activity, or “rocks”?

That is important because islands get an exclusive economic zone around them for 200 nautical miles. Rocks get nothing. In a separate issue, features that are above water at high tide – yes, even rocks! – get a 12-mile maritime zone governing free passage.


Islands or rocks? That’s what the Philippines asked, and they got their answer on Tuesday. The Spratly Islands, confusingly, are rocks. They don’t support ongoing human life, the court decided. Over the course of history small groups of fishermen and some Japanese fishing and guano-mining businesses have tried to live there, and they have failed.

That means any of the Spratlys that are within 200 nautical miles of the Philippines belong, economically, to the Philippines, which are most definitely islands. Each Filipino island of course has its own exclusive economic zone.

This matters not so much because anyone wants to build houses in the Spratlys. This is not Monopoly. But China does want a monopoly on the resources under the islands … excuse me, rocks … because the oil and gas reserves in the South China Sea are worth around US$5 trillion.

The dilapidated Sierra Madre is being used by the Philippine Navy near Ayungin Shoal to secure a perimeter in the Spratly Islands. (Image: Ritchie B. Tongo/AP)

China has famously built seven Spratly reefs into man-made islands, three of them with airstrips. These stake its claim physically. China says they will be used for safety purposes as well as militarily. The Hague says all of that activity is illegal, and has aggravated the dispute. Also, it says Chinese fishermen have used that protection to harvest protected species such as turtles, corals and giant clams illegally.

Check out this fascinating interactive time lapse on exactly what China has been doing in the Spratlys, from The New York Times. The Sydney Morning Herald also has a great aerial demonstration of how all three runways have changed the reefs, describing the construction as the stuff of the “arch-villain’s hideouts.”

Even Taiwan has been deliberately maintaining a scientific and military base on one Spratly island – now a rock under the court’s definition – that has no fresh water. It calls it Taiping, while the Philippines calls it Itu Aba. Fresh water is one of the keys to being defined as an island.

Anyone who is lucky enough to own an island will know that harsh reality. If you don’t have a fresh-water source, you have to ship in water at great cost. You can actually pick up islands surprisingly cheaply, but it’s the huge cost of maintaining one that’s the problem.

China has been using the Nine Dash Line, based on a map first printed in 1947 under pre-Communist China, as justification for its claims. The map brushes the coasts of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, all of which have various overlapping claims to parts of the sea.

I remember seeing a map of China, including of course Taiwan, with the Nine Dash Line for the first time when I went to cover the APEC summit in Shanghai in 2001 for CNN. I was shocked at how it seemed to me to ignore geography completely in what looked suspiciously like a land, or sea, grab. Critics have also contended that the Nine Dash Line is vague, and they suspect deliberately so. China says nautical maps generated by aeons of fishermen visiting the region show it has long occupied the area.

The Hague decision is “final and binding,” according to the court. But it is not binding, really, in that it is not enforceable. There’s no world body or even individual charged with enforcing it.

The main law force will be the weight of public opinion. All the politicians in the entire South China Sea dispute will be using the decision as ammunition against Beijing. The United States has sent warships through the area claimed by China just to show it can, and would no doubt respond, hopefully not using real ammunition. Australia has been considering such moves.

China will be under great pressure to cease construction, but it will be difficult to evict what are now apparently squatters from the Spratlys they now occupy. The court made it clear it wasn’t within its mandate to settle the territorial disputes, only to rule on the economic zones.

This file shot from a military plane showed China’s on-going reclamation of Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands, where it has now built an airstrip. (Image: Ritchie B. Tongo/AP)

China’s reaction has been measured. After The Hague’s decision, China put up a statement on the Web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While not specifically referring to the verdict, China reiterated its historical presence in the region, and referred to other bits and pieces of law to justify its claim.

It offered an open hand for the Southeast Asian nations to shake. It is willing to negotiate individually with the nations involved on the sovereignty issue.

Is it really about islands and who owns them? No. It’s about oil.

The most important part of the statement is that China is willing, while the legal disputes lumber on, to enter into provisional, practical deals involving joint development in the South China Sea, to “achieve win-win results and jointly maintain peace and stability.”

I doubt anyone is ever going to get free title to their own bit of the South China Sea. Meantime, let’s get on with business.

Alex Frew McMillan is a Hong Kong-based writer and free-lance reporter.


Corrupt in Every Sense of the Word

The Patriotic Millionaires
For years, now, many of us have pointed out that much of the radical leftist activity here and abroad has been instigated and funded by a secretive group of fascist Democrat millionaires. Of course, the left, as it always does when confronted with damning truth, had its rabid attack dogs in the Propaganda Ministry, aka the “mainstream” media, label us all as tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts. Now, according to an article in the Washington Free Beacon , a shadowy group that calls themselves the Patriotic Millionaires is moving from behind the scenes funding to out front activism.

Their agenda appears to be classic fascism – a partnership between an über-wealthy elite and government, with the masses (read: We, the People) providing the labor under a socialist system. In furtherance of this goal, one of their members, Scott Wallace, is running for Congress as a Democrat in a Republican district in Pennsylvania. As is often the case with Democrats, he has not resided in his district, but moved there from, of all places, South Africa where he managed the Wallace Global Foundation, a funding source for all sorts of odious leftist groups and projects. One of the groups his foundation funded, Zero Population Growth, advocates abortion and families be “taxed to the hilt” for “irresponsible breeding.” They blamed overpopulation on the “white middle-class” that “use up more than their share of resources and do more than their share of polluting”. South Africa, by the way, has just declared open season on white people and is moving to confiscate all the white owned farms. But I digress.

The Patriotic Millionaires are affiliated with the Agenda Project and the Democracy Alliance, both founded by raging, unapologetic fascist, George Soros. They want bigger government, higher taxes, and the proven disastrous guaranteed minimum wage – absurdly and euphemistically called the “universal living wage”. It would be interesting to see how much of their sub-rosa funding goes to groups like Antifa and BLM and openly communist unions like the SEIU.

Meanwhile, back in The Swamp, aka Washington D.C., the FBI Office of the Inspector General, released a report that describes what to a normal person appears to be incredibly corrupt and possibly criminal actions by an FBI Special Agent. If you or I or an average government employee had committed similar acts, we’d have been fired immediately and probably indicted on criminal charges. So far, from the DoJ and the FBI…crickets. I predict a wrist slap, but would love to be proved wrong. In any case, what we are seeing here is more of what is clearly a pattern of endemic fiscal and political corruption in an agency once known for being “untouchable”.

We seem to have reached a point in present day America where the Rule of Law can be ignored with impunity. Each day, those out to undermine and subvert the Constitution and our constitutional republican form of government commit new outrages that are not merely covered up by the Propaganda Ministry and politicians on both sides of the Aisle, but rationalized and “justified” and actively encouraged.

USAPATRIOT Act:  Domestic Terrorism

People like Scott Wallace, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Maxine Waters, etc., etc., ad nauseam are unquestionably violating the 1st Amendment civil rights of Americans. In addition, they are clearly part of a widespread conspiracy to do so, and thus should be charged under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Moreover, the groups they are aiding and abetting with money, propaganda, and manipulation of law enforcement without question fall under the USAPATRIOT Act definition of domestic terrorists:

A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ‘dangerous to human life’ that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to:

(i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

Thus, those providing the aid and comfort to these terrorists are also guilty of domestic terrorism.

The Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, needs to get out of the Swamp, do his job, and go after these people, or resign. If he won’t, then President Trump needs to fire him and replace him with a REAL Attorney General who will. Trey Gowdy would not be a bad replacement. However, I trust The Donald implicitly and am certain he has learned from his Sessions mistake, and that whomever he chooses, it will be a vast improvement.


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The Turkish lira is in a death spiral thanks to the diminutive wannabee Napoleon; small in stature and mind, this United States and Israel hater, has foamed at the mouth too many times. This has brought a crisis to the Turkish people who have seen their currency implode by 40% in the past few months, in fact by 20% last week. In the next year though the blood will start to flow as the economy, based on Euro and Dollar denominated debt, will implode faster than the tailspin of Greece during the financial crisis. As always the case the United States is the proverbial Bogeyman.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the US of trying to “bring Turkey to its knees through threats over a pastor“.

The US has demanded the release of Andrew Brunson and on Friday doubled tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.

The diplomatic spat sent the lira down 16% against the dollar on Friday.

Mr Erdogan also wrote in the New York Times that unless the US changed course, Turkey would look for new friends and allies.

Turkey has detained Mr Brunson for nearly two years, accusing him of links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party and the Gulenist movement, which Turkey blames for a failed coup in 2016.

But the pastor is only one of a number of issues dividing the two Nato allies, including policy on Syria and Mr Erdogan’s growing ties with Russia.

What are Mr Erdogan’s latest comments?

He was speaking at a rally in the Black Sea town of Unye.

He said: “It is wrong to dare bring Turkey to its knees through threats over a pastor. I am calling on those in America again. Shame on you, shame on you. You are exchanging your strategic partner in Nato for a priest. You can never bring this nation in line with the language of threats.

The foam coming from this Muslim Brotherhood dog is beyond the pale. 

In a veiled attack on the US he added: “Some countries have engaged in behaviour that protects coup plotters and knows no laws or justice.”

“Relations with countries who behave like this have reached a point beyond salvaging.”

Just think of him criticizing our President and Country – he knows of no laws nor justice by clamping down on media enterprises, judges and police officers, not counting the purge of army officers after the coup. No trials, just jail and death. 

President Donald Trump has doubled US tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminium, as the precipitous fall of the Turkish lira accelerates.

In a tweet, Mr Trump said the currency was weak against “our very strong dollar”, adding that “US relations with Turkey are not good at this time”.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech that the drop was part of a “campaign” led by foreign powers.

Turkey also warned it would retaliate against the US tariffs move.

“The United States should know that the only result that such sanctions and pressure will bring… will be harming our relationship as allies,” the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement.

The two Nato members are at odds on a range of issues – how to fight the Islamic State group, Ankara’s plans to buy Russian missile defence systems and how to punish the alleged plotters of a failed coup in Turkey in 2016.

Most recently, President Trump issued sanctions on top Turkish officials over the ongoing detention of a US pastor who is facing terror and espionage charges in Turkey.

The Europeans have it right, rejecting Turkey’s entrance into the European Union (EU). What sets Europe apart from Turkey is their Islamic identity while Europe on the whole is Christian.  And don’t forget that Turkey, mainly consisting of an Asian people, was an invading country under the Ottomans; Greece, Bosnia and Spain fell in their wake. That brings us to Turkey today. A NATO member under the iron hand of Islamist Erdogan who has no trouble stirring the pot of racism, constantly blaming others for his faults.