Jimmy Carter, who’s brain has been impaired by the radium pellets embedded into his thick skull during his most recent bout with cancer has had a double effect on his ability to think like a normal human. The malady he suffers is compounded by the radiation bomb that penetrated his body while on a nuclear submarine. Although we thank him for his service and supported him as well (unfortunately – thought he would be a Southern conservative) his best days were during his peanut picking time down on the family farm with brother Billy who was owned by spirits of one kind or another .
But Carter has gone too far, alleging that Trump is an illegitimate President. Back a few years, as memory serves us correctly, it was Carter who supported the Mullahs in their overthrow of the Shah of Iran. Carter was weak when it came to negotiations with Iran, played like fiddle by by the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
President Trump fired back at former President Jimmy Carter’s suggestion that he’s illegitimate president, saying Carter is “the forgotten president” who’s not only “trashed” by his own party but also remembered only as being “terrible” for the country.
Trump addressed the comments made by Carter during a news conference Saturday following the G-20 summit in Japan, saying that although Carter is “a nice man, he was a terrible president,” before noting that “he’s a Democrat and it’s a typical talking point.”
He added that Carter is “loyal to the Democrats” but “as everybody now understands, I won not because of Russia, not because of anybody but myself.”
“He’s a nice man, he was a terrible president. He’s a Democrat and it’s a typical talking point.”— President Trump
Carter said Friday at a Virginia forum that “I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016.”
Incidentally, Jimmy Carter indicated the election in Venezuela was fair and proper leading to the election of Chavez; Contrary to all other organizations monitoring the election who believed it was a complete fraud. Carter is anti Israel to the last drop, a trait inherited by Obama.
Back in 1979 Jimmy Carter, then President, made the fateful decision throwing the Shah to the wolves. Since the, the wolves have devoured their prey in one country after another. Obama see the success of the Carter paradigm doubled down on it. Leaving Iraq which gave Iran free reign to conquer the Middle East. Now Obama is presenting the Mullahs with the Mother of all Weapons, the nuclear bomb.
Obama continues to wage a war on America, adhering to the Chinese method of torture-death by a thousand cuts – the anointed one is losing one country after another. The shot heard around the world was Obama’s gutless cut and run from Iraq; the vacuum provided the incentive for the ruthless Islamist entity, ISIS, to run rampant overt Syria, Iraq and who knows what else. The second failure was Obama’s lack of intestinal fortitude in standing up to Russian regarding the Crimean incident, bowing one more time to Czar Putin.
Continuing on his quest to American serfdom he is cajoling the Jew hating, American hating, Western Civilization mullahs in Iran; next stop is the imploding situation in Yemen, Nigeria. Nor is he taking a cue from King Abudullah of Jordan to bomb ISIS into smithereens. By not supporting a all out war on the Islamic cancer, which is tantamount to surrender, the Muslim in the White House is guilty of treason. The only true friends of Jordan in the Middle East now are Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE.
“Egypt’s President Abdel- Fattaha al-Sisi minced no words as he lectured the most prestigious Muslim clerics at the nation’s venerated seat of Theology, where he told them that without reforms akin to the western world’s Reformation and Enlightenment, Islam has no future: The president’s team however, still refuses to use the “I” word in identifying the ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, and al Qaeda “extremists” or “activists”, who continue their faith-based recruitment of young Muslims around the globe to their Islamist terror cults. Many of the president’s supporters are afraid that any such admission would feed another beast-Islamophobia.

1978. Failure to back Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, America’s friend in the Middle East, Carter pulled up stakes which allowed the self exiled Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to seize power. Prior to Khomeini’s return, mass protests erupted, many deaths resulted, shocking the country and damaged any attempt at reconciliation between the Shah and the opposition. Khomeini immediately declared that “4,000 innocent protesters weremassacred by Zionists“, and gave him a pretext to reject any further compromise with the government.Add in the taking of American hostages under the watch of Jimmy Carterallowed the Iranian Mullah power grab to cement the theocratic rule by the Supreme Ruler. Additionally, the American embassy was seized and 52 hostages taken which united the country. Not until Ronald Reagan rode into office did Khomeini take heed. After 444 days the hostages were released. From then on Iran became a soviet type state in the hands of the Revolutionary Guards.
Today we Barack Hussein Obama bowing to, subservient to, supporting, guiding, patronizing, cheering for and most of all lobbying for the Iranian theocracy. For the past two years the Iranians have played theNorth Korean card; negotiate in bad faith while developing the nuclear weapons you swear on Allah not to develop. Obama is another Jimmy Carter by allowing the Iranians to enter the nuclear club.
(click for speech)General Abdel-Fattah al – Sissi did not let the Muslim Brotherhood do to Egypt what the Khomeini’s did in Iran, he took the necessary action that brought Egypt back from the brink. No one in the civilized world, accept Obama, will not admit that Egypt is a lot better off under the General. But for Obama the Egyptian coup was heresy; his Muslim Brotherhood was dealt a striking blow. When Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Emirates stand together against Obama the freedom loving people of the world know that Obama stands on the wrong side of history.
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