Condoning violence starts at infancy, from abortion to murder. Elementary educations emphasizes the unequal justice applied to people of color, about the false witness, the lying prosecutor.

Secondary school (high school) reiterates the past history, the corruption of idols, Columbus, General Lee, even Jefferson. Highlighting the Founding Fathers who owned slaves. Emphasis is added to the plight of the “Negro” who was and still (Black since the 70’s)is being unfairly accused of crimes they didn’t commit.

White Privilege, Critical Race Theory becomes a course all by itself; taught by Woke teachers, emphasized by boards of education and librarians. All the way up to the Fetal Tissue that resides in the president’s head, we hear of Equity, not Equality.

Envy becomes the byword today; you got what we want and we will take it, knowing that sympathetic judges will look the other way. But today, police don’t bother looters, rapists, murderers, gang bangers or drug pushers; what is the use? They will be on the street tomorrow. Law and order breakdown becomes ubiquitous, anarchy prevails. All in all, the cause is WHITE SUPREMACY.