The media avoided the ties between Joe Biden and Hunter’s laptop

Wonders never cease. First The New York Times. Then CNN. Now The Washington Post has caught up with the Hunter Biden laptop story — only 18 months after the New York Post broke the scandal, and too late for the 2020 election.

But now, after our story was censored by Big Tech and dismissed as “Russian disinformation” by Democratic prevaricator Adam Schiff, and 51 former spooks led by former CIA Director John Brennan, apparently it’s safe to admit the laptop is real and the e-mails we published can be easily authenticated.

Of course, they all avoid the inevitable conclusion to be drawn from evidence contained on the laptop that the president’s drug-addled son Hunter abandoned at a MacBook repair shop in Delaware in April 2019: that Joe Biden, when he was vice president, was aware of, and intimately involved in, a corrupt, multimillion-dollar, international influence-peddling scheme run by Hunter, and Joe’s brother Jim Biden, in the countries for which Joe was point man in the Obama administration, such as Russia, Ukraine and China.

Hunter’s laptop is a large piece of the jigsaw puzzle that leads to such a shocking conclusion.

But despite acknowledging that the material on the laptop showed that Hunter was “trading on his ­father’s name to make a lot of money,” as CNN White House correspondent John Harwood put it, both The Washington Post and CNN were at pains to absolve Joe Biden of any involvement in the scheme.

“There is zero evidence that Vice President Biden, or President Biden, has done anything wrong in connection with what Hunter Biden has done,” Harwood said.

he Washington Post declared it “did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with [Chinese energy company] CEFC, which took place after he had left the vice presidency and before he announced his intentions to run for the White House in 2020.”

A New York Times piece earlier this month that also belatedly acknowledged that the veracity of the laptop — in the 24th paragraph — did not explicitly exonerate the president but simply rehearsed the legal defenses that Hunter could mount if he is indicted by the Delaware grand jury investigating him over alleged tax evasion, money laundering and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

No doubt these august media organs who treated our story with sneering disregard for a year and a half have their reasons for jumping on board. For one thing, their original goal of removing Trump from office was achieved long ago, and Joe Biden is now so unpopular that his Praetorian Guard is melting away and reporting on his family is less hazardous to Beltway dinner-party invitations.

State-linked Chinese energy company paid $4.8 million to Hunter Bidenthe-times-logo

Hunter Biden received almost $5 million in just over a year from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist Party, according to documents released by Republican senators, as the investigation deepens into the business dealings of the president’s son.

The documents unveiled this week showed that, beginning in August 2017, Hunter Biden and his uncle received $4.8 million from CEFC China Energy, an oil and gas giant linked to the ruling Communist party and the People’s Liberation Army. The documents, first disclosed by the Republican senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, have fuelled allegations that the president’s son and others in the family were seeking to profit from Joe Biden’s political connections.